What's after St. Kitts?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well it seems like the St. Kitts tourney’s are over with. Play-UBT and BET21 have both awarded their freeroll packages.

    Last night was, what I think, the final 200 tourney for a 6000 package to St. Kitts. My own participation was brief but hey someone had to contribute to the prize pool right?

    With St. Kitts only 2 weeks away it will be interesting to see the outcome of that tourney. I’m not talking about the winners at the final tables – I’m talking about the number of participants to actually attend.

    Aruba was sparse on ways to enter – their freeroll was held in the middle of the night with only 40-60 people fighting for the top 2 spots. Compare that to over 700 people in the Play-UBT freeroll and another 600 plus in the Bet 21 freeroll. Combine that with numerous packages (last the one last night) and you get maybe 20 people there on “won entry” deals.

    I believe that Aruba had 250 people in their main event. I also believe that 100 of those were poker players who had won their spots while down there. As a first time event there was one of two possibilities (1) Everyone wanted to be the first to be on board for the new thing in town – in which case the “novelty” has worn off or (2) Everyone was holding back and wanted to see if it would be worth it to go to the next event.

    St. Kitts should prove to be interesting. Unlike Aruba there will be no poker tourney to draw from potential participants. If the event were being held in the States they might have a last minute influx of people who watch the TV show and decide to try. Since this is out of the country passports and extensive travel is involved so last minute add-on’s will likely be slim to none. The question is how many people will travel to play EBJ? Any gueses?

    So where do the Ultimate Blackjack Tour stand?

    My personal opinion – thin ice. Sure the TV programs are good – just look at the ratings. Top notch all the way with no expenses spared. My congratulations to the people. But will TV translate into actual tour participation? How has the general public’s response been to UBT?

    In my personal survey of friends and family there is a long way to go. Episode three was a disappointment to many of those I spoke with. The disguises and showmanship was found to be comical by those not into BJ as a sport. Overall the reaction was positive but when I asked if they would be interested in playing at an event with me it was a positively universal no.

    Ok, now I know that you’re thinking it was because they didn’t want to spend 5 days with me (I saw THAT coming) but I pried deeper. Apparently the general consensus was that UBT was just too new and didn’t have any creditability. BJ Tournaments are just an unknown commodity to the general public. Heck they have enough trouble playing basic strategy let alone elimination BJ.

    So where does that leave UBT after St. Kitts? Is there life?
    Will there be another stop before April 2007?
    When is the first US stop?
    Why are they STILL advertising St. Kitts satellites when none are listed? What is this 100,000 freeroll I see advertised? How come they don’t push Team UBT more?

    There are just so many questions swirling and with the recent gambling legislation only time will tell. I hope that UBT will gain the success and notoriety that WPT has gained. It will take time and support – bold and innovative thinking and marketing.

    So are you ready for some Blackjack?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2006
  2. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Hey fgk, I'm certain you've probably already seen it in your travels, but a whole new set of St. Kitts $5 qualifiers for a freebie entry into the nighttime free trip-tourney were put up today...

    As for your questions on the future of UBT, I also would love to hear more details on plans. I also very much hope it all can be salvaged and continue on despite the legislative onslaught that threatens ad revenues and gen'l revenue of the companies involved in making this go!
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well low and behold and whole NEW round of St. Kitts qualifiers were posted yesterday.

    Just when my wife thought it was safe and I wouldn't keep playing a whole NEW set comes out.

    No, it's not more of St. Kitts that I want - I want to see UBT succeed.

    From what I see on PlayUBT.com they are having a TV taping in LA but not an event! Why? Can't they get someplace in LA to hold a 2500 UBT tourney? One of the poker clubs won't do it?

    Heck, rent out the Bicycle Club in LA and hire TX to haul his BJ tables from Texas and set up shop! In fact, why not just have it at a Hyatt or Hilton on one of the beaches in LA? Why does it have to be at a casino?

    Or in December the WPT will be at the Bellagio. Why can't UBT rent some space at Caesars or IP and hold an event there? The stage for the final table isn't THAT big.

    I know that answer to those questions is this - money. It costs money to host these events and the first few will be money losers. The question is how deep are the pockets at UBT?

    Hopefully the ratings on the CBS shows will be enough to get a better paying contact for the upcoming seasons. Hopefully we can get the general public more involved. Hopefully people will see the potential good and stop focusing on the nit pickng little as yet unresolved flaws that occur when you first open a new business.

    Until then - Hope springs eternal! There are more St. Kitts satellites - maybe there is more to come!
  4. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    Hyatt HB

    The Hyatt Waterfront in Huntington Bch would be perfect! Or maybe that golf course Trump is building on the coast in Rancho Palos Verdes-if it hasnt fallen into the ocean yet. As for holding tourneys outside of casinos...I wanted to try to put something like that together here in AZ,using hotel meeting facilities,reception halls,service organizations like VFW,and the like. I asked the state gaming board about it,and their response was:

    "Any tournament involving games of chance,where a buy-in is required,can only be legally held in a tribal casino".

    Out of the dozen or so in the state,only 3...Paradise,Apache Gold,and Mazatzal(pronounced something like "Mad-As-Hell"),have a regular tournament. As far as I can tell,Paradise(monthly)is the only one worth playing. Oh well!!! If I leave now,I can still make it to Laughlin for the 5pm at Avi.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2006
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    this weekend has been personally disappointing concerning the St Kitts qualifing tourneys

    This weekend there were nine (9) 5.00 qualifying St. Kitts tourneys that were cancelled due to lack of participation. Only 30 people were necessary.

    The 200 St. Kitts on Saturday was cancelled and as of this writing there are only 7 players signed up for the Sunday night 200.00

    What concerns me is the lack of support for these UBT stops.

    My personal observations:

    UBT on TV is GREAT. I may critique certain aspects but I think it beat TV poker hands down - bias admittedly

    UBT has a great product regardless of what others may claim (once again MY opinions)

    UBT has great potential in finally persuading the B & M's to hold more BJ tourney's - great for all involved.

    Support for UBT is severely lacking. Yes I've said it. The 8 pm EST 500 guarentee tourney has 65 people signed up at 10.00 per person. the odds of winning first place are 1/65 for $211.

    The odds for the St. Kitts qualifier 5.00 entry is 1/30 for $200 (entry fee)

    So why can't the $5 qualifiers get 30 people but the $500 guarentee gets 65?

    I'm confused - especially when calculating the EV.


    No one wants to go to St Kitts. Now THAT has me scared and yet excited. I mean what if only 100 people show up and they have 24 people making the final tables? I may have to change my plans after all...........
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Come On Down

    You should change your plans

    It would be nice if 24 players were making the final tables but it's only 12 players that will make the Final Table for the Main event.

    Reasons you should change your plans

    1) In addition to the main event there are 3 scheduled 500 tournaments where 100% of the entry fees will be returned. All entry fees are returned on the UBT Tour for all events.

    2) If you make the final table of the main event you will secure your seat on the UBT TV show on CBS.The potential for yourself with that appearance is unlimited

    3) There is going to be a 50,000 free-roll held by UBT for all the players that have supported them in the first few months. A nice way I believe in saying thank you. They may only be 40 -50 players in this event,look at the EV there.

    4) This is all done within 50 feet of the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean

    5) If that is not enough tournaments for you every day in addition to these main tournaments there will be 1-2-3 table satellites held

    6) Money,TV Tournament Shows, Over 100 Tournaments during the week,Beach,Pool,Jet Skiing

    7)And last but not least your chance to prove your skills against some of the most talented players ever to sit at a blackjack table

  7. elyssez

    elyssez Member


    Joep is right. You should go. I think anyone who's contemplating it should try to go.

    I know at first glance the upfront expense seems like alot. But think about it. If you play tournaments all the time, this really doesn't differ that much from other tournaments, expense-wise. And if you only play a few a year, then why not take that money and use it for this event, which is actually several rolled into one.

    I believe there's another far more damaging reason why people are hesitant to go. For the past few months, there has been a plethura of posts systematically criticizing every little thing about the UBT. Some accusations inferred, some direct. But always pushed to the limits enough to make people leary of getting involved, and being supportive.

    I know some people will say everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and I absolutely agree. But you sometimes have to question some peoples' motives behind their posts. The fact that Mr. Ken Smith had to place a ban on negative posting/fighting proves how horrible this (and other subjects) had gotten.

    I feel the UBT has so much potential; so many possibilites. It's what we as a community have been asking for. But it can't work without our support. It would be so sad to see this disappear all because inappropiate, irresponsible posts have chased players away.

    So yes, Fgk, I think you, and anyone else thinking about it, should go. As long as you have the means and the desire, why not experience something that's never existed in the world of blackjack before? And if your not interested, or disagree with your fellow players who are going......just wish them luck, and a safe trip. Then say no more.



    I'm sure the doubters will question whether or not I'm even going. So I will tell you up front. I had planned to go; booked my flight and hotel. But due to an unforseen legal matter, I have to be in San Diego at that time. Believe me, if I could, I'd be there with bells on!
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You make great points and my probability of going to St. Kitts is about 50:50 (which changed from less than 10% 2 weeks ago).

    Since you are the man in the know (just ask Joe) any idea about future UBT stops in the US, other than the one planned for the Palms?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  9. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Freds right...

    Every single sat. game yesterday was canceled.....I saw both he and I and a few others signed up for every single one...but the closest we got to a game was 28 people...

    I hear a lot of talk here but you have to plunk some money down on the table if you really want to vote.

    Talk can be very cheap...you must vote with your action or the game will no doubt go away.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    here is the problem with plopping down huge amounts of money for St Kitts. First, you know damn well it wont be easy to win. If you get skunked you are going to start piling up expenses for your UBT career. You would need to start adding up all the expenses so far, your first trip to Aruba including travel, food, hotel, gambling, and tournament cost. If you played in the $2700 game right away you have taken a hit from Aruba. Add up all the other tournaments and the regular costs. Now in prep for St Kitts you have already began and expense chain for any online tournament you have played. Now plop down another few grand, about 10? for St Kitts. Lets say you do get skunked at St Kitts. At this point you will ALMOST need to win one or at least place, considering taxes held from a UBT first place, to break even. It sounds like maybe you have deep pockets and everyone should risk what they can afford. But, the gambling monkey can blind your judgment forcing you to extend your risk beyond a reasonable means. Just be careful and think it out.

    Your cyber friend Barney.
  12. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I play in poker tourneys on UB and am wondering why UB/bet21 won't play any tourney unless 30 show up? There is no minimum number requirement even on garanteed tourneys such as the wpt and aussie millions with an $18,000 prize.
  13. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    The way I look at it is that a weeks vacation costs what it costs regardless of if there's a tourney or not.

    I can play in the sit and go's and satellites for a decent price and try to win my way into the main event. If I don't make it, I don't have to spend the $2700 if I feel I've spent enough already. I can just chill at the beach like I would do on any other vacation.

    That and I want to get Ken really drunk right before it's time to play (I'll take any edge I can get). :laugh:
  14. elyssez

    elyssez Member


    I believe I was the one who posted about tournament expenses, not Fgk. I also posted "if you have the means and the desire". But lets take a look at a couple of things you brought up.......

    You say it won't be easy to win. Well, isn't that true of ALL tournaments? While we all like to win, but part of the beauty of a tournament is the challenge. If your not willing to accept this term then why are you playing?

    You talk about expenses piling up, but that's true with any tournament. The larger the tourney, the larger the expense. So you should keep it within your own means. You also say that you almost need to win just to break even. depending on your spending habits, how is that different from any other tournament?

    Finally, you say,"Is sounds like maybe you have deep pockets and everyone should risk what they can afford". Again, I said if they have the means and the DESIRE, players should consider going. Whether or not a person has deep pockets, it should be their choice not yours. So if you disagree, again I will say.......wish them luck, and a safe trip. Then say no more.

  15. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    helicopter view

    I think Barney is just looking out for a friend here and we can't blame him for that. We can all see fgk talking himself into St Kitts (with a little help from others :D ) and of course this isn't a bad thing in itself. I would personally love to go and if I had the resources I would. Barney is just presenting another perspective to add some balance which I think is fair enough.


  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    There's no doubt that the St Kitts and Aruba tournaments require a large outlay of cash, and they're not for everybody. I think we can all agree that everyone should make this decision fully understanding that the most likely outcome is that you'll come home with a chunk less cash than you left with. That's true for everyone, no matter the skill level.

    Yes, St Kitts offers a fantastic opportunity, but if it's a budget-buster for you, you should probably wait for a cheaper opportunity later.
  17. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    UB/bet21 Minumum Numbers?

    Hey Joep
    I play in poker tourneys on UB and am wondering why UB/bet21 won't play their tourneys unless 30 show up? There is no minimum number requirement even on guaranteed tourneys such as the wpt and aussie millions with an $18,000 prize on UB poker and they are the same company so why different rules?

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