Whats harder?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    MIT Mike Aponte was on the Radio Show, Be in Action, with Joe Pane and Kenny Eineiger on February 15, 2007. He was discussing his past with the MIT Team, the upcoming movie 21, being backed off, and his upcoming seminar in Vegas. It was an entertaining interview.

    What I found interesting was a statement that MIT Mike made. It was something along these lines – ‘the more decisions that you have to make, the bigger advantage it gives to the skilled players.’ Now that isn’t a direct quote but it’s in the ballpark.

    Later Richard Taylor, the winner of the Oklahoma Blackjack Champion was interviewed. I didn’t pay very good attention to that section but I got the impression that Richard prefers poker to BJ. That got me thinking about decision making, BJ & Poker.

    I think we can agree that Poker Tourneys dwarf BJ tourneys in sheer numbers. But what about the amount of decisions that a player has to make in poker, versus BJ and how it relates to different tourney types. Which is more difficult – TBJT, EBJ, ABJ versus Texas Hold ‘em, Hi-Low, HORSE?

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