What's up with Winstar?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by UncleAbe, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    Has anybody heard if Winstar is going to host another big tournament this year? I was a finalist last year and was looking forward to giving it another go. I find it odd that they never updated their website - no video of the finals (wwcs.tv/videos) or even a mention of the winners. I've tried unsucessfully to get a copy of the show that was promised to the 28 of us last year. I have no contact info for the production company and requests to Winstar have gone unanswered. To that end, if anybody knows how to purchase or otherwise get copies of the entire show, let me know please. I have a friend who is sending me his recording of the July episode, but I'd love to have the whole thing.
  2. The Landlord

    The Landlord New Member

    Winstar update

    I just found out that Winstar is going to host a large bj tournament again this year. I was told that it would NOT be filmed like it was last year. I was also told that they just finished up finalizing the poker tournament and are currently finalizing the bj tournament. I was told that it would be very similar to last years tournament and that the finals would be in August again with a 500k to 1 million dollar first place prize.

    Is there anyone out there that frequents Winstar that has any additional information?

    BTW uncle abe, I never received my copy of the show either. Luckily, I have all of the episodes on VHS tape and am planning to have them converted to DVD. I may have a bunch of copies made for the 28 finalists and bring them to one of the tournaments this year. Let me know who would be interested and I will see what it is going to cost per copy to have them copied over from VHS to DVD.
  3. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Make us a copy

    BJ Beauty and I would like to get a set of the DVD's. Let us know the cost and we'll gladly reimburse you.'

    Looking forward to seeing you and Ms Landlord again this year.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2009
  4. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Make Us one too

    Leftnut and myself would love a copy just let us know the price. Or if you can make a copy of the VHS I have a dual VHS, DVD that I can record from the VHS to DVD and would be happy to make copies, for the cost of the DVD's.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No set word, yet

    There has been several rumors about another BIG poker and Blackjack tournament at Winstar again this year, as of yet nothing is set.

    I can confirm that "IF" they host another event that they will not be the "Split" again and they will not be filming (at least not as a reality show).

    I am hoping to get confirmation within the next 4 weeks about what they are going to do and when. With the Oklahoma casinos "Having" to give away players pool money, it seems like tournaments would be the best way to do so, but keep your fingers crossed that they don't decide to just do weekly and monthly give-a-ways.

    Another thing I was told is "NO FREE CHIPS", I was told they will sell all the chips at the casino so they don't have "Chip scalping" like last year, (they learned from their mistakes).

    Last years "Split" was a very nice event, I wish they would change a few rule's such as is 2 to 1 blackjack and no limit betting, but beggers can't be chooser's. I'm just hoping they offer another event and even more so I'll be in good enough shape to play.

    I'll post back when I hear more information.
  6. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    Absolutely I would be thrilled to get a copy of the show at any reasonable cost.

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