Whazzup with Bet21/UB?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by BJFAN4, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Checking over the guaranteed tournaments schedule for the week and it looks like a major downsizing of the tournament offerings.
    Hopefully, it's just a scheduling glitch.:joker: :joker: :joker:
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Over $50,000 Guaranteed Weekly EBJ!

    Funny thing is I can't find a 5000 guarantee for the week of February 26th.

    I hope this is accurate but what about the times?

    Then again if Bet21.com keeps this up why bother going to a UBT event after all? :joker:
  3. hoff21

    hoff21 New Member

    Apparently after Monday night there is no $2500 guarantee anymore? But there will be a 20 + 2 sat to the $25k. Oh boy! I can't play on Saturdays nights anyways.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    20+2 game might be a better value. I bet they have been reading my postings and will pay the entire final table. No charge ub no charge :D
  5. toonces

    toonces Member

    Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected. They were losing money on the big-time tournaments, but without guarantees, I don't know how many people the big tournaments will bring in.

    We will see...
  6. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Thoughts on the above...

    Hey--who wants to see overlay go away? Not me. But it has obviously been a slow (albeit slight) but sure money drain over there. I don't know if it is wise to give up the rake because the player counts have been hovering just under the profit mark, but time will tell if that was a wise move.

    But note that if the same number of players would show up for, say, the $50 game, the return to players should be almost the same. My eyeball estimate of the average player count for the last 100 $50 and $100 games would be around 43.

    If that player count could be maintained, at least the prize pool could stay around $2,150 for the $50 game, and $4,300 for the $100 game, which isn't bad. It's not positive overlay obviously, but at least it's close to winnings potential of the previous game.

    Also, to someone's comment about the new $20+2 entry $25K satellite, I played it tonight with only 14 players (that's good overlay if you value a $215 entry at $215) and finished 2nd. However, despite my usual runner-up chagrin, I was pleased to see that I did make $65, netting me $43 for my two-round, 52 minute "practice" game against some good players. Really not bad...
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I must misundrstand the word overlay....

    You take 14 players at $22 = $308 for one 215 value ??? plus second $65???

    Seems like a really bad bet to me....wheres the overlay?

    I played the same game tonight for 10 dollars with only 12 people...now there is overlay..

    I cant believe they got anyone to play that game...

    You cant leave rake from the profit calculations....Most games are making good money. Add to this that they offer no comps and no bonus

    They wanna save some money then stop giving away seats to cheap skates who wont play a dollars worth in a real money game.

    This company does many things backwards....taking away guarentee games and replacing them with nothing or far worse games while wasting money on free rolls that are not bringing in any money players is backwards...

    Get 21 had much better promotions and those games insured more real money players at the tables...

    I looked over the new schedule....

    Looks like we aint getting our promised bonus dollars any time soon...

    Pity really...
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Is the sky falling again?

    Whoa there Nellie,

    Last week Bet21.com promoted 35,000 in guarenteed tourneys.

    Now they're promoting 50,000 in guarenteed tourneys - click on the promotions page/link

    I even posted the daily tourneys that they say they're going to have.

    I'm just wondering WHEN that promotion starts?

    There are times when what you see and what happens don't jive over there. For example some of the payouts for tourneys was limited to the top 4 but when the actual tourney starts it pays out the top 6.

    I've seen more and more players over there lately. It is my PERSONAL observation that the BJT side is growing. I mean look they've announced their 3rd 25,000 tourney!

    Heck if they live up to their promises of DAILY 500, 1000, 2500 & 5,000 tourneys YAHOOO!

    I just wish they would e-mail us like UB.com does. Every week I get e-mails from UB.com plugging their poker, etc. From Bet21.com - silence. And here's the funny part - I RARELY log into UB.com because I prefer the color scheme at Bet21.com!
  9. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Crossing our fingers

    UB/Bet21 have reached a fork in the road. Hopefully the promo page schedule means bigger and better guaranteed tournaments for March.
    Today's schedule would mean something completely different.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  10. marichal

    marichal Member

    i hope you are correct fgk. i am just wondering if this new format, in taking away some of the guarenteed tourneys on bet21, is a sign of winding down before the dreaded 270 days is almost up (believe the first of july). sure looks like there are more new players on the bj side, which is great for we bj players. guess we will find out what is going to happen.
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Senor Marichal, I was wondering about the "winding down" as the true regulations of the internet ban near, As you said and its true July 1 reps the last day to form the regulative laws which should mark the end of funding online accounts. FWIW, here is where I confirmed the date with other interesting information

  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for that link - pretty interesting stuff:

    for example:

    First off look at the last line: Mere participation in online betting or wagering is not banned or criminalized by the Act.

    I know most of us ALREADY knew that but its worth repeating.

    Secondly look at items 1-5 - notice something interesting? Cash and money orders aren't mentioned - just credit cards, checks and EFT.

    Where there's a loophole - take advantage :cool:

    Finally the ban and crminal provisions become effective on when? Enactment. Just because a law is signed and on the books doesn't mean it is enacted - remember it can take a LONG time before that occurs. Until then.....bring on more of the 25,000 events!
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Money orders? I don't think so:

    Sec. 5363. Prohibition on acceptance of any financial instrument for unlawful Internet gambling

    • `No person engaged in the business of betting or wagering may knowingly accept, in connection with the participation of another person in unlawful Internet gambling--
      • `(1) credit, or the proceeds of credit, extended to or on behalf of such other person (including credit extended through the use of a credit card);
      • `(2) an electronic fund transfer, or funds transmitted by or through a money transmitting business, or the proceeds of an electronic fund transfer or money transmitting service, from or on behalf of such other person;
      • `(3) any check, draft, or similar instrument which is drawn by or on behalf of such other person and is drawn on or payable at or through any financial institution; or
      • `(4) the proceeds of any other form of financial transaction, as the Secretary and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System may jointly prescribe by regulation, which involves a financial institution as a payor or financial intermediary on behalf of or for the benefit of such other person.
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, looks like US money orders are blackballed by THAT definition

    And #4. probably covers cash as well :mad:

    However, what about foreign, i.e., Canadian money orders?

    The obvious ray of eternal sunshine is that like so many other bills/laws on the books that it won't be enforced - having said that with the arrest of the Neteller boys it seems like our Washington friends are more concerned with gaming than terrorists. :flame:
  16. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Sorry--you are correct--that is an error in my post. As you point out, only some of the $25K satellites represent an overlay opp, depending on their turnouts... I think the rest of my post still makes sense!
  17. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Im confused about these changes in the nightly games....I see the promo page that lists over 50,000 in guarentee games but I also see a change of nightly games...

    I sure hope we can keep our game.

    I certainly see more new names every week...It started as a trickle but Im noticing more and more strange and newer names at the different games...many are trying the lower value sit and goes...

    I hope UB/Bet21 takes a look at some promotion in this area..ala Golden Palace style promotional games...

    Personally Id liked the speed games....perhaps they could take a regular game and chop it in half and 1/4's maybe...(probably a programing naghtmare) but Im trying to throw out ideas to help them and us to keep our game.

    Hourly satt games for 5 and 10 dollars...sit and goes for a satt seat.

    Is sure like to know where that international group is for this game...they played Gold Palace all morning (EST) ...why havent they found this game???

    Maybe have the current shows translated and broadcast in Germany, Holland, ETC....How about Japan and China....these guys live to gamble....

    Just ideas....

    I know I have been a critic of the smaller issues of CS and delayed promises but in fact I am also one of this games biggest fans!!!

    The software is slowly but constantly improving...refinements are being made and its starting to work pretty good...I sure hope this doesnt close down after all the hard work and investment they made...

    This game has a place near a poker game....and poker players are adapting fairly fast....Its all very exciting and Im so peeved our elected officials have dared to invade the game.....

    We need to have our voice heard ....how can we do that in a effective manner? The poker game is huge and currently thats where the money is....I hope some donations are being made to the canidate sympathetic to our rights to play...somewhere are billions of dollars of online gaming money...this much green should be able to be harnessed into a mighty elective power.
  18. Archie

    Archie New Member

    European market...

    too small yet. All the best promotional games at Bet21 are scheduled nightime for the European market (GMT). Anybody wanting to play the 1000 or 2500 guaranted down there would have to be out of bed between 2 to 5 am.. Scheduling good games in daytime for them would probably not work business wise because the European market, as of now, has a too small pool of regular players (+ maybe a dozen from Canada).

    Example : The best EV game of the month on Get21 (Europe), is a 2500 Guaranteed costing 33 + 3.30 (first place 1000). They are getting about the same number of players (between 40 and 50) as Bet21. This game is played at 4:30 p.m. EST.(1 p.m Pacific), too early in North America unless you bring your laptop at work and hide it under your desk. By the way, this game is being played this afternoon (Feb. 28).

    Too bad about the situation hurting the online gaming industry in the US because Bet21 is (was) growing slowly but surely. EBJ is a great game with a high attraction factor for newbies and poker players alike.

    We should not despair, though, Bet21 is not dead yet. Members of this Board playing there could, for example, schedule for themselves a good tournament in one or the other daily open tournaments slots now appearing on Bet21. I believe the prize pool would then slowly grow near the EV we had for the 1000 or the 2500 Guaranteed.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2007

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