When to surrender and when to double ?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by PlayHunter, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. PlayHunter

    PlayHunter Active Member

    We are BR1 with 2401 chips, first to act on the last hand. minimum/maximum bet 100/1000 and surrender allowed. BR2 has 2000 chips.

    BR1 bet 800, and BR2 responded with a bet of 797.

    1. When we are correct to surrender in order to take the low ?

    2. When we are correct to double in order cover our opponent doubling down for the high ?

    PS: I know that some of these scenarios will be easy visible at first seen, but I am sure that some other are not easy to spot at all.
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    Too many variables remain in this hypothetical question to answer plus a third question must be ask; when is it correct to not double or surrender as BR1 (you) have both the high and low prior to the cards being dealt?

    Are the cards dealt face up or down, what are your 1st two cards, what are your opponents 1st two cards (if known) what is the dealer's up card, how tournament experienced is your opponent etc.?

    An example; Last year at Treasure Island, Las Vegas I was BR2 last hand of the semi finals (one advance) acting first with $3,450, BR1 had $3,600, we both made max $1,000 bets. Cards dealt face up BR1 10-9, BR2 (me) A-8, this was a very easy decision to double for $1,000.
  3. PlayHunter

    PlayHunter Active Member

    Yes, it is hypothetical, and I am sure it is very complex. I am looking for a chart (or maybe two - one for when to surrender and one for when to double) for when we are acting first on the last hand according to the correlation of each possible totals between my first two cards, my opponent first two cards, and dealer up card. As for your question about when to simply Stand, it will be each time we dont have to double or surrender, I think. And also assume opponent perfect play.

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