where are all the $5 players?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TheLegend, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. TheLegend

    TheLegend Member

    I have witnessed an average of 600-800 players in the freeroll events over the past month.

    I have one question: Are all of these people cheap? Where is the $5 entry fee to play for a percentage of a $4000 prize pool?

    This is what we have all been wanting to do for years, I for one would put up my $100 if I knew that 300 players were playing also............

    Seems like we either do not have the players to support this concept or maybe robots are playing in the freerolls

    Instead of show me the money............show me the players!
  2. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Back at You

    I couldn't get a $5 tourney all day today at bet21. I tried all day to qualify for St. Kitts but you needed 30 players to start the tourney and we never had enough. I did get a $1 tourney with a first prize of about $21. Too bad I wasn't the one to win it. LOL
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    No one plays because the game does not work right yet!

    Why bet real money in a game that may or may not deal you the same number of hands as the other players at the table....?

    This problem has gotten a little better but it still happens enough to make the game unfair...Im a great player, but I cant overcome being left out of 1,2,3..maybe 4 hands...while others play all the hands.

    CS denies there is a problem...but I watch and play every day and I still see it.

    You can rush over to the $200 game right now...all the shots and Team UBT are there...someone must have put out the word and most likely fliped the bill for them to play...hey Russ...how about flipping me in for a free $200 game....lol

    Actually Bet 21 owes me about 200 dollars for misdealt games...I sent all the games numbers for their review...I asked them why for example in game xxx on hand xxx that the game wouldnt allow me to hit my hard 11...and insted left me to stand with 11...while the dealer hits his 5,5 and grabs a ten for 20...I dont mind losing, or bad luck or even bad cards....but I sure as heck mind no being in a fair game....its broken but they dont fix it nor do they work to assure a fix...

    So I wont be at the money games until they make this right...in fact every day Im gonna ramp up my war with them now...

    How much negative publicity is 200 bucks worth?...LOL

    Hey I tried to be a good customer..I am excited about this game...I hope a real web site gets it and fixes it so it is a fair game...this Bet21/UB site is interested in POKER...thats it.

    Seen them here at all? See them defending their side??? No and you wont either...because they know they are wrong and undefendable.

    Maybe they think I will go away..but I wont...I lose all the time...Im use to it...I expect it....but I never expect to be misdealt. I pay for and demand a fairly dealt game....its not happening here.

    Not yet anyway.
  4. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    If I had known...

    ...that they were guaranteeing a $4000 PF for a $5 entry,I would have jumped on it with both feet. The $5 games I saw were only paying about $40 for 1st place,and most of the time didnt have the entries. So,I've spent most my time there in the $1 and $5 SNG's. That was until this morning...As for the freerolls,there were almost 1000 in tonights 930pm start. And yes,98% of them wont bone out $5 to play.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    So far as I've seen. It's been timing. First two weeks at 3pm Eastern, the board was loaded, after the show. Made me feel like I knew somethin special.
    Last couple of weeks and especially last couple of days it's been a ghost town. Thrasht wasn't the only one tryin all day for a subqualifier. I finally gave up to and then see Mr. Ken Smith wins the 200-15 package. He probably would have won anyway, but it wasn't lookin like anyone was gonna play.

    Legend, you wanta spread the 5, there seems to be a core willing. Just keep checkin. As far as the tourney's at that, I have no clue. Free rolls still get big numbers. Maybe some will bite. Conversations I've seen from what appear to be poker players tryin it show a lack of understanding about the bill, so, if you know you can get your money out, there's still opportunity, just ask British Petro.
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Thrasht's $1 tourney

    Thrasht - I did win the tourney - $18.55 - :joker:
  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Two thumbs up for Bet21

    Tonite's $10 ($500) at 8 est, $20 ($1000) at 10 est and $5 ($500) at 11 est (guaranteed) EBJ tournaments are marketing steps in the right directions for the players. Now 30 players need to step forward and fill out the tournaments for a nice player overlay.:cool: :cool: :cool:
  8. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    To RKuczek

    Congrats on your win. You were playing really well when you eliminated me in the second round. (I believe it was the second round anyway) Nicely Done.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2006
  9. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    Tough for me to play on weeknights. But, I'll try for the 8 pst tomorrow.
  10. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    Tinker's additional queries to our "fearless leader"???

    I do not have an account at Bet 21 and as you know I cannot go to St. Kitts.

    However, I would like to play in these cash (guaranteed) tournaments. Thewrefore, how would you recommend I get cash into a Bet21 account?????
    Neteller has new conditions including, "THE RIGHT TO CEASE OR FREEZE YOUR ACCOUNT" if you are doing a transaction that violates US Laws. (I do not have the exact wording in front of me but it was scary enough for my old lawyer instincts to defer signing.)

    Also, I believe that the setup of UBT, Bet21 nad Ultimate Bet cater to thew wealthier players and most of your clientele do not have the bucks that the poker players have. I am probably the best example of the lack of disposable income affecting my ability to play in many of these UBT main events, without winning a seat online. If there had been no poker at Aruba, I would not have been able to take my one shot there. Even making the 6th place money, I still came home with less than I statrted.

    Now with the Federal Gov't stepping in, how can we safely play "cash games"????????????????

    Thanks, Petie
  11. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    I didn't eliminate you - the cards did - you got some sucky hands/results - but hey - I got me a couple of big macs out of it :laugh:
  12. tgun

    tgun Member


    I guess I should have paid attention to Rando regarding bet21. I won my way to the final last nite at the $5 St Kitts 8:30 game along with Acedonovan. But I could not get to the table. No error message, no way of knowing that I was having a problem. Kept going to homepage to see if clock was runing. It was so I didn't know that I was locked up. They did give me a "one time $5 refund". I'm done!

  13. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    How dare you say something bad about bet21, just say it was your computer or you will bring the wrath of Hollywood and Joep down upon you.
  14. tgun

    tgun Member


    Pokernut, I'm just telling it like it happened. It happens on GPC also but on GPC you can know what's going on by staying in the lobby chat and also get live assistance.

    When bet21 creates something similar to GPC's lobby chat I will return.

    Disconnects are the worst thing about internet blackjack.

  15. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    So that was you sitting to my right on the first table last night TGun? We all wondered who you were.

    Sorry to hear about your problems. You are right, normally if the clock is running it looks like everything is working fine. The only other trick I have found to be sure you are connected is to watch the tournament tables and make sure it is updating. If nothing happens it is a good sign you better get out and come back into Bet21 and see if that fixes the problem.
  16. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Bet 21 mishaps

    Sorry tgun/tkar about the problems last night. Despite your experience, actually Bet 21 has been running pretty well lately. I have been playing quite often (OK not as much as sidekick or a few others...LOL) and have experienced very few problems and none that weren't easily corrected by me.

    For everyone's information, don't forget to log Bet-21 off your desktop before taking your laptop somewhere to use Wi-Fi or using a different computer. I was seeing the table of a game but couldn't seem to get it started and noticed in the tournament lobby that everyone had started playing..logged out and logged back in and everything went fine (I missed two hands). I got home and found that I had actually been playing on my desktop and was just observing on my laptop.

    There is a learning curve to figure out how to work around the occasional glitches and I agree completely that a chat feature would go a long way to improve our comfort level. Don't give up on it totally though...winning the $5 games will be a great way for us to have a chance to show the "big sharks" what we can do!

    P.S. I made one of the biggest blunders you could make in a match last night - forgot where I was (ie. not at a sitngo) followed a player all in and then rememberd that it was 4 advance...I hope my fellow players appreciated that gift!...LOL
  17. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Hey Tgun/Tkar

    I fully understand your frustration. Storm was also entered in the 8:30 $5 tourney and also could not get to her seat. She sent a message to customer service but I doubt they do anything as she has already had her "one time $5 refund". I know of many players that are having similar problems so I know it has to be on bet21's end though they say differently. I still have some $$$ with bet21 and I'll keep my account open with the hopes that I see my $300 bonus money and can use it in the near future.
  18. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    1. Problems with internet gambling are numerous some are:
    2. Disconnects are a worse problem in BJ. Atleast in Poker most software will automatically attempt to reconnect and return you to the table. If you return in time, you will find yourself in the same seat with the other players waiting for you to continue.
    3. Most sites have very poor customer service. (I will not play on a site without LIVE phone support) Global Player is an exception as they have great online support.
    4. Trust, right hell most of us don't even trust B&M's.
    5. No gaming commission to turn to with a problem.
    6. Having to jump thru hoops to cash out, yet there are no problems or hoops to jump thru to deposit (yet).
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2006
  19. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Online Blunders

    I can top that. Early on in a round I stood on a hard 17—I thought. Turns out I was looking at the wrong hand!

    By the time I figured that out, I had pre-played my own hand and actually stood on 11. :eek:

    (Don’t know if being chained to the middle seat on Global in all those games had anything to do with that. :laugh: )

  20. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Not just me then

    Your post has made me feel better Jackaroo.

    I often make the mistake of thinking that I am the middle hand when playing on UB.

    Andy :)

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