Where are the best blackjack games and tournaments i maryland area(del., pa., nj)?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Chairman, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    I live in maryland. My bankroll is modest, usually 2-300 on a day trip. I dont have the time to scout casinos and your website seems to focus on other parts of the country. The closest casino to my house has one of the best games Ive seen. Dealt from an 8 deck shoe(sometimes 6), split to unlimited number of hands(4 hands with aces), double after split, surrender, dealer stands on any 17 and cut off 2 decks. What is the house edge in this game(the generous splitting rules doesnt allow online tools to determine it)? Are there any games near me were I may enjoy a lower house edge? Websites for casinos dont release any useful info. I was playing and split eights for a total of eight hands with two double downs. Only one hand needed the dealer to bust which he did(UPCARD WAS A 5). I was at third base and had the whole end of the table covered with hands. I went back 2 months later and noticed the dealer looking at me like he recognized me(happens to me often, my parents named my first name the same as my last name). I said, "You remember me because of my unusual name it happens all he time". his reply," Your the guy with all the eights".
    Ive only played in a few tournaments but none of them recently. A big craps tournament in AC. I watched some players running away with the semifinal table. I patiently waited for them to commit suicide but they kept winning. Toward the end of the round I knew I had to catch up(they had almost a 10 to 1 lead) so I put everything on the inside numbers and was unhappy to see I was against good players who imitated my moves. They were trying to add to what they had in the rack but I parlayed the whole way. I needed to get payed when they didnt so I worked the come out, they didnt. When I was sure I had more chips on the table than they did in the racks I whispered to the dealer, "Im off". Next roll 7out semi over. I watched the two monster stacks at the other end of the table debating which of them had more in their rack turn ashen faced as all my chips were returned to me and they both realized I was going to the finals not 1 of them. At the count down at the final table I had a substantial chip lead. Only two players had much of a shot at catching me. The tourny ended on a 7out. Br2 layed the 10. I was doing the math in my head as to how much I needed to risk to beat him. I felt the pressure and made a mistake by matching his bet. A 10 wiped out our lay bets making br3 into br1 who then layed the 4. I wasnt sure if I had enough for 1st but I knew I could still take second(WORTH THOUSANDS) on a 7out so I layed the 8 with my remaining chips hoping for a 4 or a 7out. Next roll seven out. I took second but was sad to figure out later had i done the math on my lost lay bet I would have taken first by less than 100 in chips. That mistake cost me tens of thousands.
    I busted out in the semis in my blackjack tourney. I just didnt get the cards when i made my move. I watched as a player pushed me allin as we neared the money bubble in a texas holdem tourney after the flop. I had all but a lock on the hand. OH OH fourth street practically a guaranteed chopped pot. @$&*
    river miracle for my opponent. Thats poker the guy who keeps catching the cards usually wins. That sums up my tourney experience. I am very gifted in math and understand the games well. As employment future look questionable with the economic situation I realize my talents could prove quite lucrative in tournaments and maybe in the casino with a small enough house edge as Im an advantage player. Are there still beatable games out there?
    I appreciate any help in this quest, I noticed people on your site dont like to give too many details about their favorite spots; however, Im hoping the remote area Im asking about relative to what I perceive to be your stomping grounds will yield less cryptic responses. Thanks to all who answer my post.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  2. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    Answer to house advantage for these generous splitting rules

    The wizard of vegas has answered the house edge question for these splitting rules. It is about 0.263% as offered in this particular game. Now, does anyone know of casinos preferably in my area where I can enjoy a smaller house edge? Please specify the rules/# of decks etc. so I may recognize the game when I find it along with the casino or region the game may be found and the house edge for the game if you know it. HOPEFULLY THIS WILL ALLOW MY NEW BUDS THAT SHARE THIS SITE WITH ME TO BE AS HELPFUL AS THE WIZARD AND THOSE ON HIS SITE WHO ASSISTED ME IN MY QUEST. Sorry hit caplock instead of shift by accident but I will leave it this way because it seems somewhat appropriate. Thanks to those who try to assist me.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I hear the playing conditions are good in Pennsylvania. Hopefully someone can weigh in with tournament recommendations for the area.

    General blackjack questions will get many more responses at our sister site http://www.blackjackinfo.com
  4. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    Thanks the lack of any response was getting frustrating.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I was actually running some sims earlier to try to determine the value of unlimited splitting. Frankly, I'm glad you found the info elsewhere so I can stop fooling with it!
    The house edge you quoted is very close to what I had so far though.
  6. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    Thanks for the effort. Also for letting me know my questions werent ignored.

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