Where R U Playing?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Sep 6, 2006.


What site do you play most often?

Poll closed Sep 16, 2006.
  1. Global

    5 vote(s)
  2. BJ21.com

    2 vote(s)
  3. UB - Ultimate Bet Elimination BJ

    11 vote(s)
  4. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    With the introduction of UB Elimination BJ I was wondering - where do most players play?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    All of the above

    Although at present I'm spending most of my time at UB because you can always get a game and it's more fun at the moment :D !



    Ps. Can you change the poll to allow multiple answers?
  3. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I had been disenchanted with Global for a while before Ultimate Bet came along, so I was thrilled to find another place to play. Not to mention I love the elimination format and the constant games.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I think its obvious

    that UB will win this poll maybe results even laughable. I might have voted for it as well but Im seen as a "absent" player there :mad: Also, I think, since Im playing very few if any free games of late, would have split my vote between Global and blackjack21.com but fact is Im having a hard time getting a game at Global. I hope to be playing at Globals Wednesday game today, if I can make it back from an early morning of work.

  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I'm NOT a computer geek so I can't do anything with the polls. Maybe you can go and vote again for another site.

    I'm just curious because I've personally used all 3 sites, 4 actually if you include AOL. My biggest problems with BJ21 AND Global is the lack of people available for games.

    Global has their Wednesday tourney but I can't participate due to the time constraints. In addition it takes over 3 hours.

    BJ21.com - Monday had 11 people - who ho! Try getting a sit-n-go table there - no way.

    UB has tourney's every 2 hours with constant sit-n-go's available.

    I mean when you want to play ......
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    When you want to play a standard tournament like you will find in casinos around USA, ...when you want to play....?

    To play an elimination game sure you will head to UB, but the standard game is still found at Global and blackjack21. Im not sure about this, but the old tournament game will still be offered by a great majority. UB has already established a reputation of attacking any games that are similar, remembering the WSOB law suit.

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    New markets


    The casino-based TBJ market is tiny compared to the potential on the internet. Depending on how rationalisation of the UK gambling market goes it's unlikely I'll be able to play TBJ in a casino more than a handfull of times in my life (I'm being realistic, as much as I'd like to be WSOB 2007 champion it ain't going to happen!) so what am I going to do? Play online, that's what, and at present UB got game! And this is just the beginning...

    This time next year the online TBJ playing community will be bigger than the meatspace community, mark my words


  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    When you want to play...? Sounds like a song on the radio :laugh:

    When it comes to the casino's around the country? Wake up and smell the coffee Barney!

    There aren't THAT MANY tourney's being offered. Right now it is more of a novelty than anything else. In some casino's it's being used as a "treat" for the big rollers and nothing more.

    As far as the casino rules - give me a break. Every tourney (land based) that I've been in has had different rules - 6 shoe, double deck, 8 shoe. You yourself had single and double decks. There are accumulation vs. elimination. That's why I would definately support TX's "tour" if for nothing else than to get some standardization involved.

    Personally I think that is some of the appeal of poker. No matte what part of the country or casino you go into Texas Hold 'em is played the same. In the same casino I saw single deck 6:5 and single deck 3:2. On the 6:5 I could DD after spliting while on the 3:2 I couldn't DD after splitting! Confused? At the time I was!
  9. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    Although I chose Global my current interest,like most of the posters on this board, is UB. Checking out the new gal on the block. I have to admit the almost constant availability of a game is the biggest draw.
  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Because I'm going to Aruba, I'm spending time focusing on the differences of elimination style at UB.

    Usually I spend time at Global, but I have to admit, the fact that there's always someone around and there's always scheduled tourneys every couple of hours makes UB pretty appealing.
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Live games yes, Online NO

    In the long run most will not make it playing online. I will almost guarantee computer and math wizards will get together in run and input data to break above the rest. In the end, it is my opinion, you must be able to play the live game. Will UB offer enough live games to make player of you? HMMM???? But, it will remain a game at the casinos. FGK, you are sounding like me during my invitee poll!

    ""There aren't THAT MANY tourney's being offered. Right now it is more of a novelty than anything else. In some casino's it's being used as a "treat" for the big rollers and nothing more. ""

    This is true, but in fact there are bunches of tournaments offered every day. I will be playing at two small tournaments thru next Monday and a nice event on the 16th live standard games. If UB brings demand the casinos will ramp the tournament schedules just like poker. But UB has the rights on the elimination, so standards will explode too. My prediction, if UB can draw in players the standard tournament will breakout. Tex, here I come.






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