where to do some kibitzing

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by WumpieJr, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    I'm new to this site and fairly new to BJ tournaments in general. I am wondering if there's a particular site (and perhaps particular use names) where you guys play. I think that I understand the general principles of the game, but I'm having a hard time putting them into practice in EBJ tournaments on bet21. I'm in the 1+.10 games to start out and I keep busting out in close squeezes (I take low, it goes high or vice versa) in 3rd or 4th. I'd say it was luck, but I often have a lower BR at that point so I know there's something I could be doing better. In any case, I'd be very interested to watch the play of some people at this site.
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    more money

    You need to play at higher stakes since $1 SNGs are too cheap to get many good players involved. Anything less than $20 SNGs are going to be pretty wild affairs and often the $20 ones are too.

    You will occasionally see the "pros" playing the higher value games, $50 upwards but they will occasionally slum it in the $30 games ;)

    My advice is to leave the bet21 software running and keep checking the high value games for whoever is playing.


  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    along the same lines, you can download a program called UltimateBuddy (from ultimatebuddy.com) that you can leave running on your desktop (much like your AOL instant messenger buddy list, for instance) that will send out an alert whenever the pros (or any other players you add to the list) log on to any UltimateBet sites (since Bet21 is a skin of UB, it works just the same). Not only does it tell you when they've logged on, but also exactly what table or waitlist they're at... i've jumped into many unexpected games just because i see other higher-stakes players are currently logged in...

  4. WumpieJr

    WumpieJr New Member

    Problem is I don't want to spend a bunch of money while I'm just learning what mistakes not to make. I'll definitely observe those games, but I'll need to practice a bit more before playing in them.

    Thanks for the tip, Dave. I'll definitely check that out.
  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    The play by plays on this site might also be a useful resource.
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    if you play well - you will eventually make money regardless of the buy-in - so if you feel comfortable playing in the $1 games - keep doing so - just expect a lot of wild variance - and look at your long term outcome - are you money ahead or behind after 25 tables/tourneys? - just try to play according to the basic principles that are discussed on this site and in Wong's book - and you should do ok - especially in the cheap games where so many people play so badly -

    you might want to just watch the big money games - $50 on up - and see how these guys play - just remember that not everyone playing for big money is a good player - and that would include at least a few whose names you might recognize -

    look for the well recognized tbj players - Ken Smith, Hollywood Dave, etc. -

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