Which Session to Play in MDBJ3?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Jackaroo, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    For accumulation-type tournaments Wong suggests trying to play the final session in order to monitor the others to get an idea of what chip total would be needed to advance.

    But what about elimination style formats? The Hilton million has 4 sessions in Round I. In minis I have played, the regulars always play in the first session in order to get rebuys; but here there are no rebuys.

    I'm signed up to play the last qualifier this week and am wondering if there are there any strategy considerations for choosing a particular session or is it purely personal preference?

  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member


    Since this is a table-winner format (i think 2 advance), it shouldn't matter what session you pick. But if you're on east-coast time you may want to play earlier since you'll be up earlier anyway. Lord knows i don't get up early enough to play before 11 am, so i always shoot for the afternoon slots!

    -holly d.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2005
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    April shouldn't matter

    With only 120 players for most of the events the later rounds were better. Sometimes only having 2-3 players per table.

    This month I believe they will have closer to 200 (160 as of Friday I heard) so it shouldn't matter when you play, they should all have 4-5 players per table.

    Just go with your personal preference and good luck, I'll be there trying to get in myself.
  4. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    OK, I'll settle for the first-tourney newbie table

    Thanks for the input Hollywood and TX. Both points are something I hadn't thought of.

    Dave, you can go to sleep anytime we should happen to be on the same table. :laugh: And Rick, my personal preference is if I have to see you at the table, it's only when I turn my head to the right. ;)


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