Who is going to be where this weekend?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by chipsmccoy, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Two nice tourneys 02-04 DEC - The Grand in Tunica and the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas. So, who is going to be where? I'll be in Las Vegas.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm headed to Tunica.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hello !!

    Hey a Blackjack Tournament that I can play in and they are going to deal all 52 cards out . How could I miss this one .It will be Las Vegas for me :rolleyes:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Save your money

    Joep save the entry fee, unless they pay the quarter finalist your just throwing away your money.

    Your luck hasn't been any good lately in Blackjack tournaments. Stick with the smaller poker tournaments you've been hitting them.

    Last year I picked you to win so I thought I would help you out and pick against you this year...LOL.

    Good Luck Joep, hope you call me and tell me my pick was wrong.
  5. Snapper

    Snapper New Member

    Rochester WA

    I'll be at the Lucky Eagle's WSOB qualifier since it fits into my schedule (quick trip), has a low entry fee & I can redeem airline miles and rent a car cheaply. Thanks Ken & members for the WSOB information (maybe some more events will be added).

    Best of luck to the BJT.com community.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Results Speak For Themselves

    Rick don't bite off more than you can chew.Dont let me have to ask for your results. Remember there always is a better bet,
    and " Results Speak For Themselves "
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What results?

    I am staying at home hosting about 20 parties over the next three weekends. The only results I will have is if the customers were happy after the parties.

    Joep I am not picking you because you say my picks always lose. Last year I picked you and you lost so I am trying to help you this year...LOL.
  8. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I'll be in Tunica

    I'll be at the Grand in Tunica. Go luck to all. May I just have more of it.
  9. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    Tomorrow I will be risking my scalp driving through Injun' Country to the Ute Mountain Casino-Hotel-Resort in Towaoc, Colorado to participate in the 2006 World Series of Blackjack Qualifier.
    I hope to see none of you all there. :)

    Good Luck to All, . . . elsewhere !
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Good luck Phlash! Be sure to let us know how that event goes.
  11. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    I'm playing the IP tourney...

    oh by the way... hi folx.

    David Matthews
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Mr M

    David M is playing the IP I guess I will have to shoot for 2nd place ;)
  13. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    :) I am playing Pearl River for GSN qualifying on Thurs 12/1, & then to Tunica on 12/2 to play the Grand $60,000 guranteed first place elimination tourney.:)
  14. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    Should be a fun competition. I've played it once and didn't make it past round 1, even after rebuying both times. Going to give it a go once again.
  15. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Two for one

    I will be at the Grand along with a lot of other players from here. I noticed that someone posted a concurrent event at Fitzgeralds, so I guess I will have to check that out and see if I can play both. It reminds me of the days when we used to run back and forth between the Hilton and Frontier.



    PS: Springbac, we need to get a report on how the event went in Philadelphia, MS after you win and qualify for their finals.
  16. Just adding a second request for that PRR report. I am especially curious what sort of entrant numbers they are drawing.
    Good Luck in both places.
  17. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    WSOBJ Qualifier at Pearl River Resort, Philadelphis, MS

    :) Golden Moon casino hosted the 2nd of five qualifying sessions last Thursday, Dec 1. They must be terribly disappointed with the registrations after paying GSN $50,000 for the priviledge. On Thanksgiving day qualifier, they had 17 enteries. On Dec 1 there were 23. The event had posted a limit of 60 enteries for each.
    Along with myself were Ken Smith, Marvin O, Danny (?) great player, & some other good ones. Walt h was there but chose not to play. Surprisingly none of the above won it.
    It was a well run, fair operation. The staff was extermely nice & got things worked out after determining how to handle the liminited number of enteries.
    The facility is very, very nice. The hotel accomodation was absolutely outstanding. The suite had a large living room, bar, 1/2 bath. The large bedroom was also very nice. The bath had double sinks, shower, hot tub, & private toilet area. To say the least, I was pleasantly surprised.
    For anyone interested in qualifying, I highly recommend a trip there for play. You can register ahead or wait until you get there. If you need any help ask for casino host Jack. He really set things up for me after the front desk told me that the accomodations I requesed were not available.
    Rules were S17, DAS, no surrender, insurance, 3:2 BJ.
    The only disadvantaqge is the location that is 35 miles from Meridian, MS, & not close to anything else. It can also be accessed from I-55 by going State route 35 through Kosiesco(?) to Carthage & then highway 16 to the casino. This by-passes Philadelphia.
    If anyone needs further info you can e mail me at marvinhopper@comcast.net
  18. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    As Springbac mentioned, I changed my tune about this event when I learned of the very low turnout. What was scheduled to be a terrible equity event turned out to be a big overlay for the past two weeks. I played Thursday as a result, on the way up to Tunica.

    I still don't care for the format. I made the finals and got absolutely nothing for my $200 entry fee. Oh well, I had a shot.

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