Why is UBT paying the UB expences?

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Site Admin

    Joined: 15 Jun 2005
    Posts: 30

    [​IMG]Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:17 pm Post subject: Aruba 1st UBT Tour Stop[​IMG] The first stop for the Ultimate Blackjack Tour will be in Aruba from Sept 23rd to Oct 1st 2006. UB has there yearly poker tournament there at the same time. The buy in will be $2500 plus $200 that covers UB expences. If you are interested please e mail ken@worldblackjackchampion.com and I will be able to tell you where you can send your money to register. See you in Aruba

    Kenny E.**************************************

    I am glad we got the dates posted, but I was wondering why we are paying the UB fees (Ulitimate Bet) shouldn't that be from the poker players? I don't understand why UBT players would be paying this fee?

    Joep said there are 200 players already for Aruba times $200 UB fees that would be $40,000 in fees.

    And Joep said there could possibly be 400 players times $200 UB fee would equal $80,000 in fees.

    Not being mean but $40,000 to $80,000 seems a little high for blackjack tournament fees, even in Aruba. If that's the case I'll get Swog and I to come down, bring my tables and deal ourselves for $30,000 and save you a whole lot of money...LOL

    I was told Team UBT is getting paid to play in these tournaments. The $200 UB fee isn't to cover their pay or expenses is it?

    Also when I called the Radisson in Aruba I was told they were sold out on September 23rd - 26th. Does the UBT have a block of rooms for the players?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2006
  2. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member


    Joe:...Rick read the same thing as I did...the charge for the UB tournament is $2500 + 200.00....I think that his statement should make it clear just what tournament they are charging the $200.00 for.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2006
  3. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    UBT confusing

    Very easy to get confused. UBT is associated with BJ Tournaments. Poker is WSOP or WPT. Is UBT or UB branching out into poker or should I say branching in ?:cool: :confused: :joker:
  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    I get it, maybe.....

    So, Kennye is soliciting entries for Ultimate Bet which is holding a poker tournament at the same time as UBT is holding it's BJ tournament. Still a little confusing , but makes sense to me now.
    Because of the closeness of names, UBT and UB, and the cross promoting of both tournaments, is there a link between the two companies? Are the 200 players already entered into the UBT (Blackjack) tournament as per your earlier post mostly poker players already committed to the UB (Poker) tournament ?
    By the way, I think it would make a lot of sense to draw from the large pool of well-heeled($) poker players to fill out the required 400 players for the UBT Aruba $1 Million Blackjack tournament.;) ;) ;)
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    OK, It's even more confusing now. Kenny E has changed his posting over at his site to this:

    Why he says UB expenses when talking about the UBT tournament, I don't know. Is there a connection between UB and UBT? I think so, but they are definitely different companies. Perhaps it is just a mistake, or perhaps UB is hosting the first UBT event, much like each tour-stop casino will host other UBT events. In those cases, I'm sure some of the entry-added money will go to the host.

    But, hey, Kenny E, think before you post. You gotta write for the great unwashed masses out here that don't have the inside scoop! Be as clear as possible. A post here to clarify would be a good idea.
  6. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Great post ! ! !

    WTG Kenneth !:) :) :) By the way, I did take a shower this morning !
  7. kennye

    kennye New Member

    Okay Kenny,

    As you know I don't post that often. UB runs a poker tournament down in Aruba yearly. The cost to enter is 5,000 or you can try to win a package on there site which includes air and hotel. They are also now hosting the UBT Aruba event. The cost is 2500 plus 200. The added expence will be for all dealers, tables, cards, other equipment plus shipping and lets not forget a big party.

    I hope this helps Ken

    Kenny E.
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It does help indeed. That clarifies the earlier confusion. Thanks kennye.
  9. noman

    noman Top Member


    Just a silly additional question. But does UB require $5,000 + 500 for dealers, cards, materials and big party?

    From my perspective the 10 percent fee is nothing out of the ordinary. However, in a nearly year-long anticipation of an open--open BJ tourney, with just enough periodic "carrotts" to whet everyone's appetitie, when it's coming to crunch time, "things they are a changin."

    I realize, having been in a position, or positions, where your marketing plans are always in flux, that you have to adapt, be flexible....But usually in the positions I describe, no public announcement is made and promoted until the details are firm and then it's only the fine tuning that has to be modified.

    Probably "black ball" myself, but, I don't think my perception of what was going to happen or supposed to happen is going to happen. It's looking more and more like just one more elitest endeavor.

    I say all this with chagrin, because I have been, at least here, one of the more vocal supporters of the event. And for anyone who doesn't know, I was fortunate enough to be invited to the initial trial and then subsequent taping of season one. Maybe that's why my enthusiasm. No, I didn't fare well. Won't see me, unless they overlay "Dead Money" on my forehead.

    And after this post, probably won't ever see me on UBT, though, yes it was a dream. But, what was promised ?, okay, discussed ,and promoted ain't gonna happen for the non-team member. All the tuna fish and twinkies in the world won't make it happen.

    And I must add: I have the upmost respect for all that I have encountered in the process so far. Just, yous guys, there are close to 5,000 members on this site iching for a fair opportunity to put up or shut up and not have to go through the casino rigamorle. They certainly don't want to go through someoneelse's rigamorle.

    Good Fortune to all.
  10. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Sadly, I have to agree with you. But before you completely give up on your twinkies and tuna, wait for the official announcements from UBT. They're supposed to be coming any day now and maybe it'll be a different story. You never know.
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Who Cares About 8%?

    You know, I really don't understand what everyone here is making such a "BIG DEAL" about an 8% entry fee.There have been numerous players that have said that they would welcome paying up to 10% to any casino if they didn't have to jump through all the required hoops, i.e., putting in play and sometimes risking being 86ed. Tex himself has been a proponent of this fee from the beginning of time, and now it seems he has a problem with it. What is it that he has a problem with?

    Right now at the WSOP they are withholding 8% from their $2,500 entry fee tournaments. In the main event, they are keeping 6% of $10,000, and on the smaller buy-ins, they are withholding up to a max of 15.4%.

    So, 8% is not anywhere near out of line. As a matter of fact, I believe it is more than fair considering the opportunities these tournaments present.

    Everyone here has been screaming for TV coverage just like poker is getting. You can see how all the poker players are now being sponsored before the tournament, and the players who do not have a sponsor are getting them before they sit down at the Final TV table.

    Who's to say that the same sponsorship deals will not be available to the blackjack players who make the Final TV tables. I'm willing to take that chance for 8% and have the opportunity to play in a tournament where the final table will be broadcast on Network TV, NOT cable. Keep in mind that even the WSOP with all of its fame is still on cable TV.

    These are going to be the best days of blackjack tournament play anyone has seen since the advent of IGP. We should get behind UBT and be happy there are players like us who want to see blackjack take its rightful place as the King of all casino games.

  12. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    UBT by UB

    So, what really is the deal here ? Fees paid by the players, TV network contract pays big bucks to UBT or UB and what about the casino's contribution to UBT/UB for hosting the event. And, we should not forget the side income to the casino from BJ players who might hit the tables. Rooms and meals for the players will be a much greater expense in Aruba than in Vegas. This will be a big expense ($5,000 to $6,000) trip.
    So the economics are complex and I think the players have a right and an obligation to ask questions without being chastised. UBT is not a "not for profit" organization.
    And what about the often promised satellites? This after all is the important part of this tournament and the key to it's success.
    Hopefully the forthcoming announcement will clarify these and other valid questions.:confused: :confused: :confused:
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Wake Up Tournament Players

    Back in October of 2005 out at Lake Las Vegas. UBT held 7 different tournaments with 63 players putting up ZERO .I repeat ZERO of their own money yet had the chance to win hundreds of thousands of dollars every tournaments and there were 7 of them . Not to mention the TV exposure that all will get from season 1.

    Not one of any of the 63 x 7 = 441 players back then had any concern with expenses .Some players played in multiple events but there were close to 375 individual players

    Now all of a sudden because 8% is being held for expenses this is a major stumbling block? UBT spent more money producing one show that the World Poker Tour spent on one entire season.Look where the WPT took poker. If UBT collected 8% for the next 20 years they still will not have recouped the money they spent putting this all together. Are they suppose to run a business and lose money. Come on guys wake up,do you expect everything to be free.This is the same attitude that ruined blackjack tournaments for all of us.If you let this opportunity slip by you will regret it for a long time.Its there for the taking.You just have to lose the mind set that everything is for FREE

    I guess I was really naive when I thought blackjack tournament players were really concerned about the future of this game and the lack of available tournaments for all to be able to play in . We are on the ground floor of a fast rising elevator with UBT.The choice is all yours get on the elevator now or be prepared to chase the elevator up to the top floor.

    When you say that your expenses in Aruba will be more than in Las Vegas keep in mind that you will be on a week long vacation on a Caribbean Island along with the chance to play in a blackjack tournament that will be televised on CBS with a prize pool that could be as large as 1 Million Dollars

    The same comp procedure that is available in Las Vegas is also available in Aruba . So if you play at a level that your rooms and meals are comped at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas, then you will receive the same amenities in Aruba .Which much nicer surroundings than Las Vegas.

    Have you ever tried to scuba dive or snorkel in Lake Mead .:laugh:
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Fees are fine with me, but...

    Joep is right, I have been preaching about paying fees for the blackjack tournaments for years and I truly believe we need to.

    When I suggested 10% fee I was referring to the more commonly $100 to $300 entry fee tournaments. I guess I wasn't clear on that point. :rolleyes:

    I also explained that the players didn't need banquets, parties, tournament gifts, comp-ed rooms, or food, etc... as long as the tournaments were open to all, (we don’t need the fluff, we just want to be able to play). ;)

    Once again I have no problem covering the casinos expenses such as dealers, rental of the tables, casino space, changing of chips, pit bosses, registration personnel, and all the other payroll the casino occurs during hosting a tournament, but I think $30 person is more than enough to cover these expenses.

    After last years discussions I think we all agreed that all the little gimmicks and twist were need for TV blackjack and that it was okay because they were really a game show with blackjack and not real blackjack tournaments. Well I've never heard of a game show contestant having to pay to be on a show?

    Now to be fair the LV Hilton during the Million Dollar tournaments took out money from each $1,000 entry, but that was to cover the free rooms. If we are getting are rooms comp-ed in Aruba I would be willing to pay up to $500 fees...LOL

    I don’t understand why UBT would be paying players to be on team UBT and then charge a fee to the players willing to pay $2,500 entry fees? What’s wrong with this picture? :eek:

    BJFAN4 mentioned above about the TV and casino revenue and even if we get sponsored I was told the sponsoring company would have to pay a fee for me to wear their logo during play on the UBT. Wouldn't all those fees pay for the tournament expense?

    I really hope nothing but the best for UBT success (and all blackjack shows, tours, and tournaments), with each success it will help blackjack tournaments grow, which is what we all want. ;)
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Do the Math


    When I suggested 10% fee I was referring to the more commonly $100 to $300 entry fee tournaments. I guess I wasn't clear on that point. :rolleyes:

    Rick 10 % of 300 is still more than 8% of 2,500 its all relative to the entry fee

    but I think $30 person is more than enough to cover these expenses.

    Rick so you believe you can run a week long tournament on a Caribbean Island and pay for dealers.floor supervisors their rooms and other tournament supplies and expenses for under 12,000 because 400 players x $30 =12,000.

    What is your fee on your tournaments that last 4 hours ?

    Well I've never heard of a game show contestant having to pay to be on a show?

    Rick the UBT is not a game show you need to lose that thought this is a world class blackjack tournament that will be televised. Just like the Main event at the WSOP. When you finally see the shows starting on Sept 16 2006 on CBS you will see what I mean.

    Is the Main event at the WSOP a game show ?

    Because they charge the players 6% of their entry fee which is $10,000

    So each player will pay $600 entry fee

    600x 8800 players = 5,280,000

    Do you think it cost the Rio / Harrahs over 5.2 Million to run the Main Event

    Keep in mind there are over 45 events before the Main event even happens and the entry fee in those tournaments is an even higher percentage

  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Even if I give you all you posted above, tell me why players who are willing to pay a $2,500 entry fee should also have to pay a $200 fee when UBT is paying TEAM UBT to play in these events?

    Maybe it is just me, but it looks like the paying players are having to offset TEAM UBT expenses.

    I can't justify paying a fee that puts in other players for free to play against me, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

    You say the event is going to last a full week? Are you talking about the UBT or the UB poker, or both?

    Is the UBT Aruba being filmed for CBS? If so I could see it taking a week for filming.
  17. kennye

    kennye New Member

    Joe P.

    There is alway's 1 or 2 that try to rock a ship. All of these posts are being printed off so when the time comes they can be dealt with.

    Joe I will see you in Aruba.

    People that complain should stay at home.

    By the way this is my last post on this subject. I have a tour to get ready.
  18. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Your way or the highway

    Wow! Somebody is a little full of himself! I react very poorly to threats or attempts to shut me up. Just because your book is being cleared out at $2 a copy is no reason to get all hot and bothered. :joker: :joker: :joker:
  19. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Careful BJFAN4, you might get in trouble with the blackjack headmaster, too!
  20. noman

    noman Top Member


    My Stars! this is an information sharing and learning site(plus other things)

    People ask questions to learn, mostly. Some just ask to ask.

    Shouldn't be anything wrong with asking questions when what people thought was going to happen or what the situation was stated, seeminly changes.

    "Just the facts, ma'am."

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