Why not add an avatar to your account?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You have probably noticed that some users have a nice little square picture beside their posts, and also beside their event updates and attendance notices.

    How can you do that?

    You need to add an "avatar" to your account. It's a little tricky, but you only have to do it once.

    The first step is having a photo or image that you want to use on your computer.
    Ideally, it should be square, although I think other formats will be cropped as needed.

    If you click on your username in the upper right of this screen, on the settings screen you can click on the current avatar to change it.

    You can choose to either upload the file here only as a custom avatar, or you can use a global service called Gravatar.com.

    Personally, I use Gravatar, because the image automatically shows up on many sites across the Internet. If you want to do that, visit http://Gravatar.com first, and then come back to BJT and click on your username to set your avatar.

    If you run into trouble and need help, just ask.
  2. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    I added an avatar and it was simple. It is my 3 month old granddaughter. My first grandchild and my favorite picture so far.
    KenSmith likes this.

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