Windows Update

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by London Colin, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Final round of a final table. A message pops up to inform me that Microsoft Windows has nearly finished updating itself and will then automatically reboot. There's a reboot now and a reboot later button, but for some reason 'reboot later' is disabled.

    I considered trying to kill the process responsible for this, but didn't want to risk leaving the system in some half-updated state. So My PC duly rebooted and I didn't get to play my final hand.

    If you've got Windows configured to automatically update itself, it may be worth investigating ways of preventing this from happening at such inopportune moments!
  2. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Thats Weird

    I got the same message today while in ClubUBT. I had the option of delaying for four hours, which I did. I just thought I got the message because I was updating my Trend Micro. I was not thinking about a windows update. Strange that it happens to two people at about the same time.
  3. duro

    duro New Member

    bad timing

    thats just bad timing.....
    you should be able to click 'restart later' after you have installed the updates

    however i know the feeling..........

    ive been waiting for a final table to start.... as soon as it begins the internet goes down
    cant connect.... try and retry.. eventually when u make it back in u have been eliminated....... unreal

  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I received an update notification also. Guess it's going out to millions of customers at the same time. That's logical, I guess. You can get automatic updates without your computer re-booting at Microsoft's will. Do the following:

    1) Click on "Start"
    2) Select "Control Panel"
    3) Right click on "Automatic Updates" the select "open"
    4) There will appear a selection called "Download updates for me, but let me choose when to install them". Select that then close that window.

    What will happen is the updates will be received by your computer and when they are ready to be installed a message will appear in the lower right hand corner telling you that the updates are ready to be installed - but they will not be installed without your permision. You can then "X" out that message and nothing will happen. Now, when you elect to turn off your computer, the updates will be applied automatically just before your computer shuts down. The next time you turn your computer back on the updates will be hard at work making your life easier - which is Microsoft's intent - HA HA.
  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    As I said, I was presented with two choices, one of which was disabled! I'm wondering now if just closing the window (vix the 'X' in the top right corner) might have done the trick. As it was, I was helplessly watching a timer count down to the moment of doom.

    It's tempting fate to say this, but I've had remarkably few problems with internet connectivity during tournaments.

    Thanks. Under Windows XP (and presumably Vista) those instructions apply to the 'Classic View' of Control Panel. Automatic Updates is presumably buried somewhwere within the 'Catgeory View', but I gave up trying to find it.

    The annoying thing is, I distinctly remember making the above choice when I installed Windows, but evidently it either didn't get saved or had somehow reverted. I've now changed it back, hopefully for good this time.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Evidently you are in the "Category View" when the "Control Panel" window comes up. The "control Panel" window in the "Category View" allows you to switch to "Switch to Classic View". This selection is on the left side of the window toward the top. When you select "Switch to Classic View", many options will appear including "Automatic Updates".
  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    That is precisely what I did. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was only pointing it out in case others were not aware of the whole classic/category view thing.

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