
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by BJMAILMAN, Apr 20, 2009.


    BJMAILMAN Member

    My wife made me proud again. After not playing a tournament for over a year. She played this Sunday at Comanche Nation's quarterly and made it to fourth place for $1500. She kept telling me before the tournament she was going to make it into the money. It made her really happy and another proud moment for me. Good luck to all of us players.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Excellent news

    Wow! Congratulations to your Mrs. and I hope this motivates her to avoid waiting another year! :D
  3. tgun

    tgun Member


    Congrats to Mrs. BJMAILMAN. That should keep her coming back for more. I think her confidence made it happen.

    Continued good luck to both of you.

  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Way to go Mrs. BJmailman, hopefully this will be the first of many finals this year.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Glad to hear it! Many more to come!

    BJMAILMAN Member


    My wife Erika says thank you to everybody. Back in 2007 she had quite a run of final tables and making it into the money. In 2008 she didn't play no tournaments. Now 2009, her first tournament and final table. Next month the Apache Ft Sill $100000 tournament. We have both qualified. She still wants to play the same table against some of you. Keep trying to get both of us to a final table.
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Love this kind of news! Bet she's bitten by the bug now, eh? My money's on her not waiting very long at all to play again... :D

    BJMAILMAN Member

    In the money

    My wife, Erika, did it again again. She made it to the money in the Apache tournament and today at the Comanche quarterly she missed the final table by the last hand. But still made the money. That's three in a row. In August we got another $100000 Apache tournament.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Get her to Winstar...

    BJmailman tell your wife congratulations for both tournaments. While she is on this hot streak you should have her play the Winstar tournament.

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