Winners, Whiners and Weiners...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by dreamer, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    For the information of all of the Members here, who sincerely want to benefit from all that Ken Smith is offering us from our use of his Website and this Forum, I wanted to go "On the record" with a Post that I made this morning on another Website.

    My purpose for sharing these thoughts with the Members of THIS Forum, is so that we can all take our responsibilities as contributors to this Forum as seriously as we should. In the past, I know that I could have responded differently to what I considered to be antagonistic posts submitted about me and others. I could have defended others whom I felt were being unfairly talked about, in a different manner other than by my name-calling etc. I for one, have learned my lesson from my past mistakes, as I was helped along last year by Ken, with a ban from this Forum for 3 days. LOL

    We all, starting with yours truely, need to look upon any submission we provide to the rest of the Members on this open Forum, as "One beggar giving food to another"! In my humble opinion, if we maintain this caring attitude in our dealings with each other and what we write about each other, then this Forum will thrive into the distant future...

    I thank each and every one of you for your contributions to this Forum, and look forward to your continued friendship. In addition; Ken, you are the best and we all thank you for your efforts on our behalf!

    Sincerely and Thoughtfully,

    Skip Samad


    Winners, Whiners and Weiners:

    I hope that all of you are having a "Great Day"!

    I've been a Member of this Forum since October of 2005, and have enjoyed many of the benefits that Anthony has offered this small community of ours since that time, through his Website. In all honesty, I can't say that about this Forum! In the past two years, I haven't really posted here that often, since I have used this Forum to observe and gain "valuable" information regarding anything having to do with Tournament Blackjack. The value is now non-existent!

    Currently, as I see it, there are less than a handful of regular contributors who display a sense decency and professionalism! This is sad to say the least. In addition, there have been recent postings by Joep, GeorgeHer, planetbj, Riverrat and ProfessorDonkelstein; that have just absolutely turned this Forum into nothing more than a "cesspool" of negativity, sarcasm, hatefulness and rudeness! These recent postings coming from individuals who have nothing good to say whatsoever about anything or anyone. They spew their venom as they continue to use FAKE NAMES and conveniently hide behind the figurative walls of the Internet. Most of us with any sense, know who you are and what your Agenda is! We also know that JP and HD have used other ficticious names here, in order to cowardly promote their sick and downright hateful "Rick Bashing" rhetoric! Again, we know who you are!

    This has all gotten very ugly, very fast! It's not something that I want to observe or take part in as far as responding to all the vitrol. These few idiots can't be reasoned with! In addition, their oversized egos have taken over, and their pea sized hearts have gotten even smaller as far as their total lack of common courtesy and decency, regarding how they relate and interact with those with whom they disagree.

    I will not continue for one minute longer to submit myself to any of this NONSENSE! Effectively immediately, I am eliminating this Website as one of my Favorites, removing it as a shortcut on my Desktop and will no longer be observing/posting here!! There are a few of you whom I will miss hearing from, and you know who you are. The others who frequent this Forum with no other purpose than to cause trouble and create ill-will, have fun as you dirty yourself in the cesspool which YOU have recently created.

    Life is too damn precious and valuable to waste it away on this foolish, worthless babble....

    To the very FEW posters who regularly strive to keep peace and contribute something of value here, "Make it a Great Day'!!

    To the "Trouble Makers" hiding behind your NEW FICTICIOUS names, enjoy the stench of the cesspool of hate and discord that YOU have created because of your envy and jealousy...

    To Anthony; my continued thanks for all that you strive to do for this Blackjack Community.

    Skip Samad
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    You're taking the high road Skip, the road of a winner! :)
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Attaboy Skip

    I don't always agree with everything Skip says - most of it, not quite all - but he hit it completely out of the park with this essay. It's gone right in the toilet over there in the last month. For example, I started a thread designed to provoke humorous responses, identical to the one here about my "name" getting Da Boot at Bet21. On this site, there were some pretty funny responses. On that site, all that appeared were some venomous and borderline threatening posts. My participation there has been severely curtailed.
  4. Sooeygun

    Sooeygun New Member

    I agree. The thread I started there poking fun at 'my first useless prize' went down the toilet pretty quickly and ended up being the usual name calling.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    It sure did. A couple of us tried to interject some humor, but the mud-slingers wouldn't be denied.

  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    What Site?

    Guess I'm out of the loop on this one. What website are you referring to?

    Biily C
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2007

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