Winning Often

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by zenthran, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. zenthran

    zenthran New Member

    My next question revolves around can one win consistantly without counting cards, pretty obvious question and I'm sure the opinions will flow:) Thanks again guys btw my names Daniel.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In tournaments? Absolutely.
    At live games? Generally no.
  3. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Just "Talk to 'Em and Work 'Em"


    Just count to 21 and pray that you don't go over, and that everyone else at your table does... LOL

    Skipper :whip: :whip:
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Forget the cards...

    ...learn how to count the chips, especially your opponents :D


  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    some players say they count in tourneys - but I don't think it really gives much of an edge, if any - you can win without counting - certainly - as Ken says - main thing is to not play as badly as your opponents
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Hello, Daniel -
    "Counting" is nearly worthless in tournament BJ. Can't remember where I saw the article - maybe it was All-In - where somebody interviewed a few notorious counters who unanimously stated that counting cards won't help you in TBJ. Spending your time learning betting strategy related to your opponent's chip stacks will serve you much, much better when the heat is on.

    Keep asking your TBJ questions! This is probably the best place on the planet for that. I got an unbelievable amount of help and advice here when I was the rawest (and dumbest!) of rookies last winter, and it certainly came in handy when the cameras started rolling. I will be forever grateful.

    Remember, the only truly stupid question is the one that is never asked. :p
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Can one win consistently at TBJ without counting cards?

    I asked this very same question when I first started playing tournament blackjack (TBJ). It’s a good question because in the long run playing against the house only the card counters have the advantage (neglecting other AP methods).

    With TBJ card counting, in my opinion, is something I don’t profess to do. I would echo the sentiments of Reachy and say that if one needs to practice counting start with chip stacks because in all reality betting is much more important that counting cards.

    There are several reasons but foremost is the limited number of hands that you are playing. Most LIVE tournaments only go 20-25 hands. If you are using a shoe, as most tournaments do, sitting at a table with 6 other players you will get an opportunity to go through the shoe once. Now if you are a budding card counter waiting for that opportunity to go all-in with a total count of +6 you may not see that happen. If in fact you’re playing elimination blackjack (EBJ). You could be gone by hand 8 and still not see a positive TC or RC. Meanwhile your opponents, who haven’t been counting, have gotten lucky and you’re behind by ½ max bet (MB) or worse.

    It has been my experience that most (95%) of players will tell you that card counting doesn’t really help you in TBJ. There are those 5% of players (I’m not in this camp) who feel that the extra 1% that they gain in counting helps them.

    Another reason NOT to focus on counting is this: If you are learning TBJ online then counting doesn’t apply as the “computer” deals from an infinite deck and shuffles after each hand. While there have been some interesting discussions about true random dealing (that’s a whole different thread) counting online makes no sense.
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Counting In Tournaments

    I agree with those that say counting doesn't help much in tournaments, but if you are a devout counter you still do it (any little edge is advantageous). Naturally, you throw the count out the window the last few hands because at that point it is of no value.
    You won't win "consistently" in open play either, but you will have a positive net over the long run if you are an accurate counter and play correctly.

    Billy C
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Counting In Tournaments

    This is one topic in which the top players are divided.

    Card counting systems are designed primarily to alert you to those situations when blackjacks are expected to appear frequently enough to give the players the mathematical advantage. This prompts you to change your bet accordingly. They also have a secondary benefit of informing you when to make certain changes to basic strategy.

    However, in tournaments your betting and playing decisions are influenced by your situation versus your opponents. What may be a strong bet or play when counting against the casino will likely be weak in the tournament.

    Can card counting help you in tournaments at all? Certainly. But for the vast majority of players the small benefit you gain from counting isn't worth it because your time and mental efforts are more efficiently spent observing your opponents and analyzing the tournament situation.

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