Winstar "The Split" DVDs available

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by UncleAbe, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    Finally, my repeated requests to get a copy of last year's Winstar championship (The Split) were answered...
    I received a copy of the show including the finals (cost $280).
    Initially, the 28 finalists were to receive a free copy of the show, but was told that the free copy was only for the monthly tournament that an individual was in and that other episodes including the finals cost $20 each. Each monthly tournament is comprised of two DVDs - one tournament play and one reality show portion.
    I have now been told the free offer has expired all together?! All episodes are $20 each - there are 14 episodes - $280 total. Seems a bit steep, but they are good quality copies and I'm happy to have finally got them.
    I was given permission to post the contact info should anyone else care to order copies: "Robin Gormly"
    Sync Point
    1251 S. Sherman St. #106
    Richardson, TX 75081
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks for doing the legwork for this info, UncleAbe.

    Quite frankly, I am appalled at how this shook out. First, all 28 of us Finalists were promised copies of the whole series. Then, we weren't. Now we find out that we could have gotten free copies of our own shows, something that I didn't know and am betting nobody else did, but that "offer" has expired. What a crock. I'm thinking that very little of this is Winstar's fault, the blame lies squarely at the feet of the production company. Winstar probably made the promise to the 28 finalists before they knew of the abusive cost for the DVD sets. Can't blame them for backpedaling.

    $280? What does that production company think they have there - video maps to the Holy Grail? :laugh:
  3. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    Yes, finalists were told we would receive copies of the show. In my case, that promise was made by the producer, "King" of Media13 and not Winstar.
    At my first contact with Sync Point (Robin), I was told of the free episodes to the finalists. That was only a couple of weeks ago. That offer expired quite quickly without any warning or previous mention. I think they should have kept their promise - at least the episodes (2 DVDs) to each finalist. I'm assuming Sync Point and the production company are one in the same - or at least kissing cousins. Us three here in Washington are just going to share a set - heaven knows we'd never duplicate our own copies. If I can figure out a way to share what I received, but get in touch if you want and we'll see what we can do.

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