Winstar tournament

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by the farmer, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. the farmer

    the farmer New Member

    Ken can you tell me my last oppertunity to try & quillify? The farmer
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I believe the final qualifier is August 2nd, which means you need to earn your 20 hours in the 2 weeks prior to that. The dates are listed in the Event Calendar.
  3. the farmer

    the farmer New Member


    Thanks Ken,the farmer
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Best of luck and skill to you, Farmer, and to your lovely wife, too! :)
  5. the farmer

    the farmer New Member

    thanking you !

    Thanks very much,,,,,,,,,,,,, the farmer
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not much info today

    The only member I heard advanced to the August finals today was John Leland, congratulations John. I'm sorry if I left someone out, but John was the only one I was told made it.

    I didn't want to list all the members playing, just in case what happened happened, lots of bad cards for the members and timely BJ's for the other players. Hopefully the members we get in next qualifier, good luck anyway.
  7. mociferous

    mociferous Member

    Go, John

    Congrats on making the finals, John! Mo:p
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Winstar 3 advance isn't a cake walk!

    Wow I'm surprized we only have 6 members qualified out of the 72 players for the August finals. I'm not trying to start a new thread about Luck vs. Skill, but you have to admit (at least those who have played Winstar this year or last) that luck has played a much larger roll then skill so far in qualifying for their final tournaments.

    Three advancing from each table of six sure sounds good until your one of the bottom three players. In part it is due to the limited number of hands (18), and other rules which include: no max limit and no surrender which takes away a huge big part of a players skill.

    So far here is a list of members qualified for next months main event.

    First qualifier:

    1) Dr. Bass
    2) Themom82
    3) TXtourplayer

    Second qualifier"

    4) Hopinglarry
    5) Matador

    Third qualifier:

    6) John Leland

    Everybody advancing to the August finals receives $500. Although unlike last year players advancing from one round to the next don't get paid any additional until the final table.

    Again if I missed listing any members who advanced to the August finals please forgive me, these are the only 6 members I am aware of.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  9. the farmer

    the farmer New Member

    Way to go

    Hey! Way to go Txtourplayer
    Way to gi John----------the farmer
  10. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    BJTs Percentage of Advancement

    I do know that the Winstar tournament has a lot of luck involved in it, like any other BJ Tournament. I believe the last hand is a bit of a crap shoot. I also believe that the more "skillfull" players set themselves up for the crap shoot by only having to have a "6" vrs "hard 6".

    25% of the field advances to the 8/16 finals. So far 6 BJTs have advanced. So if it was pure luck, then 24 first rounds should have been played by BJTs to get the equivalent 25%. If we knew the total first rounds played by BJTs we would have an idea, how they are faring in the format.

    I don't know how many first rounds have been played, but you, DRbass and themon82 only played once. I played once. The Matador played twice. I don't know about John Lelend. I know Easttxpro, Swog, Bozo101 and BJBeauty have played at least once. This is 11 first rounds I am aware of. As long as there have not been more than 12 other initial rounds, then the BJTs are beating the pure blind luck odds.

  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not all luck, but luck sure helps

    Hopinglarry I believe there has been around 30 first rounds played over the first three qualifiers for this years "Split" tournament at Winstar by members, possibly a few more. This total includes several members playing multiple times and not 30 members.

    I can accept 25% of players to advance to the August finals, but as it stands now we will need 18 members of the next 24 qualifiers to hit the 25% mark for the finals.

    I agree about the last hand crap shoot, with that "All in" no limit it's anybodies game. Hopefully the dealer will be hot and the ploppies go out early with big bets. If not you gotta just hang around and give yourself that last hand chance. Funny how many players hit blackjack on the last hand all in to advance, (well not that funny you can ask S. Yama, Ace Machine, Swog, and I about getting cut on a last hand 2 for 1 BJ).

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