Winstar up date for 2nd qualifier

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As of Wednesday morning only 58 of the 90 allowed have their 20 hours so far, after 9 days and only 4 more to go (time ends at midnight Saturday).

    This is looking even better for the last two qualifiers since 24 less players (winners from this week) will be allowed to play again until the finals.

    By next week there may not be full tables to start with, what a deal for the players.

    I really hope the remain three do fill up though so Winstar will continue to offer these great events for us.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    69 and counting

    As of Thursday morning I heard Winstar has 69 players with 20 hours this week. Looking more and more like they will have a full 90 players with 20 hours by tomorrow at midnight, plus their 6 wild cards.

    *Important note: As I mentioned before, MAKE SURE your time is being credited to your account. I have said this several times so no one loses time. I have heard from 12 players this week alone that have told me they were shorted time.

    Your the one needing 20 hours so if you get up from the table for whatever reason make SURE that you are still clocked in or that they clock you back in so you don't miss out on time played.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good luck to members

    Members playing in this weeks Winstar qualifier I know of:

    1) Swog
    2) Eastexaspro
    3) Bozo101
    4) Matador
    5) Hopping Larry

    Good luck Sunday to all the above members and any members playing I am not aware of.
  4. Kyle P

    Kyle P New Member

    I think I will try qualifying for the next one. When is the next tournament? And when does qualifying start and end?
  5. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member


    Time starts at 8 AM on 7/6 and ends at midnight on 7/18 for the 7/19 Bi-weekly tournament.

    And Rick it is hopinglarry.

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Two of the five members playing Winstar advanced to the August finals.

    Hopinglarry and Matador, congradulations to both players.
  7. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    Winstar Attendence

    I was at the 7/5 bi-weekly tournament. They called 6 wildcard names at 10:30. Then they called more wildcards names after 12:30 (when registration ended). So they had more than 90 people with 20 hours in. Later they made announcements several times asking people to check with the Bejing players club, to see if they had 20 qualifying hours over the prior 2 weeks.

    When the tournament started at 2 PM, there were some tables with only 5 people. I don't know how many. So they did not have the full 96 people show up. This is consistent with Rick's report of the 1st qualifier on 6/21. I would imagine that it would be similar for the 7/19 qualifier.

    48 people have now qualified for the 8/16 final. I would imagine almost all of them could be considered locals (DFW area). Everyone I sat at a table with was from a suburb of DFW.

  8. Mick

    Mick New Member

    Third Qualifier

    Does anyone know how many have qualified for 7/19 tournament?
    When playing to obtain the required 20 hours, what is the frequency and duration of breaks allowed?
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Fifty-five and counting

    I had a call at 10:30 tonight (Sunday 7/13) from a player telling me he was number 55 in this up coming qualifier.

    If you read my earlier posts you would know you can take all the breaks you want, but EVERY TIME you leave the table for any reason you'll be clocked out. I also stated that to avoid any loss of time you make sure the floor has you clocked in each time you come back to the table (you may even want to check while you're playing to make sure they have you clocked in).

    As Hopinglarry posted above, not to many seasoned players have qualified for the August finals. All that I am aware of is 5 members and about 4 other local tournament players out of the 48 qualified for the August finals so far.

    Please note that cards are dealt from auto shuffle machines on all the tournament tables. Fair for all, I just know some players hate playing against the machines and didn't want anyone surprised at the tournament.
  10. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    The lure of 3 advance

    Appears from Rick's post that they will have more than 90 qualifiers for the 7/19 bi-weekly. They made the 50's, 3 days sooner than the 7/5 qualifier.

    I look at the 3 advance and think I can use a conservative strategy and be almost assured of advancing. However, a quote from Wong's book:

    "You might think that if six players at a table and three of them are going to advance to the next round, you should easily be one of the top three if you are a skillful blackjack player. Such is not the case. You have a slightly better chance than your opponents of being one of the top three, but you may not make it."

    My experience is that the last hand becomes a crap shoot. With "no max" and "2 for 1 blackjacks", you can't seem to accumulate enough money to lock people out. You just have to get lucky at the end.

  11. matador

    matador Member


    TLR came down Tuesday and finished up on Wednesday around 9pm, he was the first alternate. He was 91st, I think he will easily be drawn in Sunday. They ran quite a few TV commercials in the Dallas area and filled the tournament up.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Filling up

    Well that means 36 players made it in from Sunday at 10:30 P.M. until Wed. at 9:00 P.M. and I'd bet they have a lot more players with 20 hours in by now so I hope TLR does make in it in this weekend. That would suck to be the 91st player and not get to play.

    I know several players were thinking with 24 players qualifying each of the past two events and not getting to play anymore that the field would be lower for the last two qualifying events. Looks like that gamble may have back fired on them. Hopefully all the BJT members that get their 20 hours in will get to play both this Sunday and for the 4th and last qualifier in two weeks.

    I do suggest that anyone coming in to get their 20 hours try to do so by the end of the first week to assure you make the top 90 players. I believe this next event will draw the most players of any of the four qualifiers with the local TV advertising Matador mentioned above.
  13. TLR

    TLR New Member

    Yep I was not drawn in, so I hung around texas with Matador, and made it in tuesday night for the Aug 2nd tourny. I was number 5, and a guy was right behind me with #6, and more were playing for hours when I left.

    TLR :)

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