Wong: Two Advance

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by KIRK004, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. KIRK004

    KIRK004 New Member

    Can anyone explain in simple terms Wongs Table 3 Page 88 " Desirable Spots if Two Advance". I think I am confused does high mean the size of bet or the position you are trying to land in after betting, a couple of simple examples may help me.

    I am sorry if the question seems simple but I am still a Newbie

  2. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    High and low

    Kirk, you found the most important page in that book.
    High is "after" all hands win a single bet.
    Low is "after" all hands lose.
    Go back through the book again and look at Ken's BJ Tournament page @ Blackjackinfo.com
  3. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    THE high and THE low

    Kirk, Wong writing many moons ago, is using the term "high" in its normal adjectival meaning and in Table 3 it refers to your second alternative, "the position you are trying to land in after betting".

    As Swog alludes, in today's BJ Tournament lexicon the nouns "high" and "low" refer to specific betting situations as defined by Ken in his treatise Free Hit

    Last edited: Mar 6, 2006
  4. KIRK004

    KIRK004 New Member

    Thanks as ever

    Thanks for the prompt reply. Now it makes sence to me.

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