Wong's "Casino Tournament Strategy"

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Jinx230, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Jinx230

    Jinx230 New Member


    I'm new to blackjack tournaments - I know Wong's book was written a while ago - which of his formats is the one that is actually being used in today's Bj tournaments:

    -Competing against all tables
    -Table winner format
    -Match Play

    Are all the tournaments structured the same way, or is there one format being used?
  2. The most common form of tournament play is the table winner advances to next round format. However, not all tournaments use that format and you can see other formats occasionally. Sometimes you even see combinations of formats. There is a hybrid tournament in Tunica next month that uses an accumulation (your total chip count against everyone else's chip count) format to determine the semi-finalists and then switches to a table winner format from then on. Still, that is somewhat of a rarity and most of the tournaments you enter will be a table winner format.
    Good Luck.

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