Word to the wise...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    From this point on I suggest that any and all "DEAL'S" be kept off this and or any other public posting sites.

    Word I am hearing is the casinos DO NOT like "DEAL'S" and is one of the biggest reason's for them cutting our tournaments.

    Why? Apparently because they feel it causes or may cause collusion between partners and or teams an don't want any part of that in their tournaments.

    I was told they don't and won't even allow chopping the pot for the final table. Is this at all casino's, NO! However it is better to play it safe and play by there rules, after all it is their tournament and they have the final say.
  2. askdick

    askdick Member

    No Choping??? No partnerships???

    So where did this bit of advice come from? I do not believe it is valid at all.

    They encourage you to chop in most poker events and at some BJ tournaments. It is very easy to colude in poker but not easy in BJ.

    I will continue to have my partner as long as she is willing and able. This is just 1 man's opinion, but it makes cents. (Yes...the pun was intended and well thought out)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2009
  3. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    There is some validity to Rick's comment
    I clearly remember remarks by casino personnel and local players at a couple of his tournies that we were a bunch of "pros" coming to screw some locals out of tournament money. Deals of any kind among players would reenforce that feeling.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    So because you don't believe my post is valid you're willing to keep posting about an issue that may effect members on this site and other tournament players? If the suits that read this site feel there maybe collusion in their tournament they would rather stop hosting them then to come under scrutiny.

    You want to know where this came from, actually from a floor supervisor who discussed this matter with me in detail last week. I was told because he doesn't want the blackjack tournaments canceled due to his bosses reading about deals on line. Before you ask, NO! I'm not going to post his name on line either for trying to help us out.

    Now if you and your partner wish to continue to have a deal in these events, by all means do so, I never said you shouldn't. All I said was we need to STOP posting about them on line or discussing them publicly at the casinos.

    I do agree that several poker tournaments chop the final table and some blackjack tournaments as well. I offer the final table a chop on the TBJPA events I host, but that isn't the issue. The issue is, we don't need to be posting about it on line where it could come back and bite us on the butt by effecting a casino decision on weather or not to host an event.

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