World champion is M.I.A.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by fgk42, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    On his website there is a huge banner – “Click here to play online against World Champion Ken Einiger in Elimination Blackjack Tournaments”

    When you click on the banner it takes you to Ok, no problem there but where is Kenny Einiger? I haven’t seen him playing very much online at all. I have seen other UBT Team members but Kenny E? He’s gone into hibernation it seems.

    On UB they have certain times when you can play against UB Team members in their satellites. In fact if you “knock out” UB Team members UB refunds your entry fee. It is designed to foster some good competition so that we “little people” can see how we match up against the “big dogs”

    Instead it seems like I’ve got to fly to St. Kitts, plunk down either 540 or 2500 in order to play the “World Champion Blackjack”. Am I missing something or is this false and misleading advertising? I know that Kenny E. has a radio show and that he is involved with UBT but it WOULD be nice for him to make an appearance so we can see that awesome skill that he writes about.

    By the way has anyone gotten their “new edition” book since logging onto and going thru Kenny’s site? I’m sure mine is “in the mail”

    Is it only me or does anyone else sense something rotten in Denmark?
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    ask joe

    we would know
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I WOULD ask Joep but he too is M.I.A.

    I mean how many times have you seen either Kenny E or Joep playing on

    I've played against Anthony Curtis, Ken Smith, PoKerHo, Michael C, Debo, Hollywood Dave, Annie Duke but the World Champion Blackjack Pro and his faithful trusted sidekick Joep? No where to be found.

    Quick send out the search parties, sound the alarms, man your stations ;)
  4. AZdrew

    AZdrew New Member

    no book from bet21

    I didnt get anything from bet21. I did get the same book they advertise from THIS site when I bought a hat. A nice lo-pro: perfect for driving with the top down.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    The caps did turn out nice, didn't they. :D
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Playing against Joep on UB/Bet21

    I have played a couple of cheapie SNGs ($5) against Joep on UB/Bet21 - very late at night - vampire shift - unfortunately he went out so fast both times I didn't have an opportunity to see much of his skillful play :laugh:

    try playing at 3:00 am - and watch carefully - as he can leave a table quick :D
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Lets Get It On

    You know its not easy pleasing all of the people all of the time ;)

    But I have been on an awful lot, so when some say that I'm nowhere to be found thats not true. You know I do have to go to sleep one in a while. I also have won more than my share of games at all levels from $5 on up

    At least my balance tells me that.

    As I have a little more than I started with and I played and lost $430 in 2 St Kitts Tournaments @215 each

    Now if any of you would like to schedule a match with me I will do my best to be there and to take your money. :rolleyes:

    So lets get it on


    Going out early with bad betting postion and an average chip stack in a elimination format might just be a skillful play, you just dont see it as that

    Or is this just another feeble attempt to push my buttons :joker:

    Which many have tried and none have succeeded

    Could you be the one ???????

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006
  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    actually - if I remember right - you didn't even make it to the first elimination hands :) - the drunk-all-in-guys hit early - and when you had to go all-in after a failed move - you crashed out - both times - probably the wimpy little minimum bets you were making the first few hands - but you can work on that early hand strategy :laugh:
  9. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Ya its strange ...really strange that you never see Ken E...I hear he is way up there at Bet21...;)

    Actually Fred, this seems to be the modis oprendi at Bet 21...they promise deposit bonus and free books but they just never seem to deliver...I didnt see the play against Ken E thing...but it is no surprize that its not happening...

    Right now it's what Oct 9....been reading on opening page about 100,000 dollar free roll in Oct....I suppose that's gonna go down like the Aruba free roll...they are keeping it secret...right until the last minute and then 35 people will happen to catch it and play....

    Why they feel the need to run this like a used car lot ...I just dont know..

    Yes they gave away some free rolls and have a few games going...Great job really!!! But you cant promise things, and then forget about those promises and not expect to hear about it.

    Actually the free roll for Aruba never happened...for me anyway...I signed up several times to be did many others ....yet most did not know about this event...Not even Joe or Dave ...else Im sure they would have notified us thru BJT ...

    UB/Bet 21 are suppose to be owned by the same company...but who really knows.

    It just seems like they are both being staffed by former used car salesmen making promises and roaming the lots in bright yellow sport jackets.

    If your gonna advertize a promise ...either live up to it or at very least explain why it has to be broken and when it will be made up...

    As for joe...Ive seen him a few times....not every day as he use to frequent Global....but I have seen him.

    Ken E was signed up for the first 200 St kitts game but I believe he was a no show....didnt ever see him at any other time.

    Maybe the play against Ken thing is to start at a later date...I think Curtis has something special at his site too against Anthony or something for a trip to details there either ...just a promise....Step Right UP..

    3 rings for Oh well at least we still have the clown show here to entertain us ocasionally.:joker:

    Hopefully just growing pains that will be ironed out...SOON!
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Thank you for your prompt reply regarding your colleague and World Champion Blackjack player and friend Kenny E. With the recent swirl of events, i.e., passage of the internet gambling bill I can understand the people over at are concerned and rightfully so. My question to you is this what role does Kenny E play with

    I noticed that one of the creative forces behind UBT, Russ Hamilton has been present for the 200.00 St. Kitts satellite package. In fact Russ was the most recent winner. How can Russ find the time? I guess all those television appearances and seminars takes up how many hours in the day? :confused:

    As far at the legislation, which will not be officially signed until Friday the 13th (how appropriate :rolleyes: ) it should have no effect on In their list of sites planning a response to the law reported that they would be doing business as usual.

    The actual playing of the game will not be illegal – only the funding of the accounts. Since most of the places are offshore they should just snub their noses at the US laws. The question is how to get our money into, and more importantly out, of the accounts – Money Orders. Go to Amscott and get a FREE money order, snail mail it to NetTeller or directly to and continue playing. All that is involved is pre-planning.

    But I digress……

    I’ve seen you lurking in the shadows Joep, just bring your friend Kenny out to play. How about this, since you threw out the challenge, see you Wednesday night, October 11, 2006 on at the $100 table at say 9:00 EST or to make it easy for you 6:00 Las Vegas time.

    In fact we can make it a party. If anyone else wants to play put your .02 here and maybe we can do a multi-table 100.00 instead of a simple 7 player SNG. So how about it Joep according to your post you can use my money – are you up to the challenge?
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Its A Date

    You are on.........Wednesday 1800 Hrs Pacific Time

    Lets see who will show up for the 100 "GRUDGE MATCH"

    I'm sure there will be many lurkers, but can we get 5 other players besides you and I ?

    You know I have been accused of being Douce Kitty & Stubbs so maybe I will sign on as them also and it will be us 3 against you :laugh: . Stubbs will take the high Kitty will take the low and I :joker: will look for the middle.

  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm there. Who else wants some?
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Can anybody lend me a century?


  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Private Game

    If we can get some sort of commtment from 4 other players besides Kenny Smith, Fgk42 and myself we should wait until 9 PM Eastern time to sign up for the game because if you sign up to early other people will jump on to the game.

    Now if you don't mind others players not from BJT there there is no issue.But I assume you wanted it just for members here.

  15. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    I'll join the party

    Count me in on the Wed night game - will sign on just before the game.
  16. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    post script

    My username on Bet21 is Force3. Drbass is the name on Global. Wanted players to know when I sign on.
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, we've got four committments - we need 3 more for the Wednesday night 9 pm EST $100 table.

    Hey Joep should we save a seat for Kenny E?
  18. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Wed Night $100 Game

    I'll sign up. Put me down as a player
  19. BJhoneybee

    BJhoneybee New Member

    Diversity in the Wed $100 game

    I'll join the game this evening - just to add a bit of diversity.

    By my count that should make 6 players - need one more.

  20. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    The Good, The Bad, and The Not So Ugly

    The Good- Congrats to Dr. Bass for winning the "grudge match"

    The Bad- Congrats to Hemi_pwr for taking Dr. Bass and beating me out of a side bet for $500

    The Not So Ugly- No connection problems that I could see

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