World Cup 2006

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ANDY 956, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    I thought that I would open up this thread to all the football/soccer fans on here.

    According to Kevin Blackwood (Who loves and knows his football) betting opportunities on the World Cup can be good in the U.S.A.

    Latest news Germany 4 Costa Rica 2
    Poland 0 Ecuador 2

    England play tomorrow against Paraguay and the U.S.A. start against the Czech Republic on Monday 12th June.

    Good luck everyone
    Ps Those damn Germans :flame:
  2. Deutschland!!!

    Great start for Germany and Klinnsman.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    World Cup:


    Your last comment just gauranteed the severing of your life line by HAL at Global Player.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congrat's to....

    Congratulations to both Germany and England for their first round wins in the World Cup.

    I'm sure all our Global-Player friends from both countries were happy with their wins.
  5. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member


    I watched the first German game. Three goals within the first 17 minutes, which was fun to watch. Final score 4-2, which is a record 6 goals in any opening round game in the history of the event.

    Today Trinidad and Tabago tied 0-0, and they are celebrating in the streets.

    I just don't get it.

    But a tie is better than a shootout, a stoned event. Why not just eliminate players one-by-one in OT? Or just start overtime 5 on 5? Or use the box lines for off-sides like any other game in the universe?

    I am sorry you are off-side being behind the last defender. Doesn't matter if you are 10 yards from the goal or 30 yards from the goal. Just give us a line for off-sides and Americans will get on the band wagon. Also, stop the clock for injury...unknown extra-time?
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    My Dear Noman,

    I think you could be right. The German staff at Global Casino will be having much more pleasure taking away my money than they normally do.

    It’s only England and German rivalry and after the World Cup is over we will be buddies again.

    Ps Can you believe this? Our government (talk about a Nanny state) issued a statement prior to the World Cup saying that we should be respectful to Germany and not mention the War (For f***s sake. I ask you ….lol).

    PPS Remember two great players from Germany who used to play on Global Casino? Both of them finally succumbed to poker and I miss them dearly.

    Where are you Selecti and Sunshine?

  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    World Cup:


    The side bars are almost as interesting as the matches..Not only did your government request not mentioning the war, but I see they prevented well over 200 known "thugs" from traveling out of country.

    Now here in the states taunting by the fans is as much a part of any rivalry, small or large, as the actual event. And it's not limited to the stereotypical
    big city contests. It extends all the way down to little league.

    Ironically, the one youth sport in America where it doesn't apply is soccer, cause most parents don't know what's going on, don't take it seriously and think it's a fun picnic day for the family. I'd have to include myself in that class. And for those of you in the know, you know that's my loss.

    But for those in the know, I say enjoy. I read and see THE WORLD and half the milky way are hyped.
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    The "joy" of football!

    You should try watching Test Match Cricket. The game lasts 5 days, play lasts pretty much all day with breaks for lunch and tea, and you can still draw at the end of it!!!!! Still can be very exciting as The Ashes Test series last summer (England vs Australia) clearly showed.

    If you look at the tabloid press over in the UK they start foaming at the mouth whenever we play Germany at football - all the old stereotypes start to get plastered over the front pages with clear references to WWII, Nazis, Dambusters, etc and to be honest it makes me ashamed to be English when I see that sort of thing. The germans have moved on, why can't we?

    As for the thugs, you probably know back in the 1980's there was a real problem with football hooliganism in the UK and Europe. So called "fans" would arrange with rival firms to have full scale riots loosely arranged around football matches that were savage, bloody and incredibly violent. People were sometimes killed albeit rarely. In fact English football clubs were banned from playing European football for many years after a massively tragic incident in Heysel in the European Cup final where 39 Italian football fans were killed in the stadium directly as a result of football related violence. Although the problem is now largely under control there are still many incidents occuring every weekend all over the country and in Europe and in fact it could be on the rise again. We need to makes sure that it doesn't.

    Anyway it's USA vs Czech Republic today which promises to be a good game. Incidentally did you know that the USA are ranked joint 5th in the FIFA rankings with Spain with only Brazil, Czech Rep. Holland and Mexico ahead of them? FIFA will be changing the ranking system after the WC as it probabaly doesn't truely reflect the relative stengths of the teams and depending on the outcome of the next 5 weeks would probably see the USA drop to somewhere between 10 and 15 which is still pretty good considering you are a "non-footballing" nation.

    Incidentally what's the betting like on the World Cup over the pond? Much volume? I suspect that there is some money to be made as the bookies might not be terribly clued up on form etc so might be some good odds around. Anybody recommend a good online bookie based in the US?


  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    I bet on USA to beat Italy.

    If USA had not got two players sent off it would have been money in the bank.

    USA Vs Ghana go to (for betting information).

  10. instagator

    instagator New Member

    USA Red Cards

    Those calls seemed very questionable.
    One of the game officials who carded the two USA players had been previosly been convicted of impropriety regarding the outcome of soccer matches. How do these guys get reinstated and allowed to work the Super Bowl of Soccer? Hope the officials change out of their uniforms before they go to the betting windows.

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