World Series OF Blackjack Television

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ANDY 956, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Ken or other tournament players. Can you use your connections and find out if the World Series Of Blackjack is going to be screened in Britain or Europe?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Checking with GSN

    Andy I sent your question to one of the directors of GSN. As soon as I get a response I will post it for you.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    GSN Response

    The folowing is from the director of GSN!

    I'm pretty sure Celebrity Blackjack is airing in the UK, but I don't think we've sold World Series of Blackjack internationally yet. Part of the issue would be the fact there are only 20 episodes and buyers usually want more. I'll find out if there has been an international sale. If there has, it'd likely be the first series. We'd wait for the 2005 edition to air here before allowing it to air anywhere else.

    O'my God! Hollywood maybe a international star....LOL
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2005
  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    World Series Of Blackjack

    Thanks TXtourplayer.
    Glad that someone is trying to help us poor guys on the other side of the pond.
    We have just started to get Celebrity Blackjack on the Travel Channel. I did contact them but they did not appear to know about W.S.B.
  5. gizzmo

    gizzmo New Member

    WSoB in UK

    Hi Andy,

    Just to let you know I contacted Challenge TV about WSoB over here....that was about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard a bean yet! They may be our best bet....they just aired Celebrity Blackjack 1 & 2 back to back on a nightly basis (sorry - it finished about a fortnight ago).

    I'll let you know if I hear anything....

  6. Katy

    Katy New Member

    Yea an right now they're airing World Series of Poker. Presumably then once that's done they'll air WsoB.
  7. gizzmo

    gizzmo New Member

    Celeb Blackjack

    Andy, if you need a Blackjack fix try Challenge TV - they have just started repeating celeb blackjack again......its on every night (times vary - 11.55pm to 12:40 am starting times). Seasons 1 & 2 back to back again.

  8. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    World Series Of Blackjack

    Thanks for your replies gizzmo and Katy.
    I have seen Celebrity Blackjack on Challenge Television over the last few nights. It's a bit of fun but I still can't understand why they would screen that over here as opposed to W.S.B. where there would be a lot more interest.
    Will Email Challenge and see if I get a reply.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    The Poker Channel

    I am still waiting for a reply from Challenge TV.
    I noticed that a new programme is about to be screened by Sky digital from 23rd March 2005 on channel 265. They are currently showing previews and although mainly dedicated to poker there are a few blackjack items in their listings.
    I have already Emailed them to see if they might be showing the World Series of Blackjack in the UK. (

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