WSOB website up

Discussion in 'World Series of Blackjack' started by KenSmith, May 19, 2006.

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  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    GSN has posted a website with information about the upcoming World Series of Blackjack III, which premieres June 5th at 10 PM Eastern.

    Here's a link to the website, where you can find player profiles of all the competitors:
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    fricken two people from AOL didn't even show while I'm out here busting my butt with video and kissing ass emails etc..

  3. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Busting Your Butt

    Mr.Kick keep this in mind, busting your butt will get you a lot more respect than kissing ass.

    Kissing ass might get the door open for you but you will have the respect of no one once you get inside of the door.

    We all know that the selection process was not done fairly.

    There were a number of skilled and accomplished players that were left out.

    The end result will be that the show credibility suffers more than the players. Especially if it claims that the top 40 tournament players played for the title. If it's presented as a game show then they have the right to select whomever they chose .Time will tell

    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  4. Rando

    Rando New Member


    How exactly would you determine the top 40 players? With your superior skill you should have easily been able to enter and win a seat at one of the casinos that held events that awarded a spot. In fact the whole field should have easily been filled only by the whats your real wasnt fair????Or they just didnt give every single seat to the ego inflated overated hacks who are maybe on the backside of their 15 minutes of fame????

    You want every event to be limited to the current very small group of overrated stars who in reality would have a hard time winning a seat by working their way through a 168 seat field..???

    Should every show be comprized of Ken E, Hollywood Dave, Joep????? How boring is that gonna get...?????

    I agree that to get the fire going you have to have a hot show and showmanship.....but honestly its not all that extra exciting watching Sanford Wong or you play.....I see they put a few women in the UBT that seemesd to need only one huge set of qualifications.....but I dont hear you complaining about that.....maybe they should make it a Hooters BJ tour???

    How did the poker stars become stars??? Moneymaker, Fosselman....who the heck were they 10 days before they won????

    Same deal!

    Get a big stakes game....give me a free seat in a very small field and I'll be a star soon too......
  5. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Ranking System = Respect

    going into the WSOB this year, kissing ass was a better advantage play over getting respect.

    of course, we should always value respect, hence, we will have a ranking system by next year

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, for most of the field, getting into WSOB this year was a matter of winning a qualifier. For those 26 players, they didn't have to do anything but win, and that's great in my opinion. You can't get any more fair than that.

    For the 14 invited players, I don't see any ass-kissers in the bunch. Since I'm among them, I should probably take your comment as a personal affront.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I agree Ken

    An open tournament where everyone can qualify for a seat for the bigger event is by far the fairest way to host a tournament.

    This actually hurt my chances to be on the WSOB this year though. A couple of players, who won WSOB qualifiers, wore cowboy hats. I was disappointed not getting an invite, but I also understood from a business stand point that 3-4 cowboy hats out of 40 players would have been a little to much for TV.

    I can't get up set at GSN because I didn't qualify at one of the qualifiers they had around the country.

    Actually I did win one of the weekly qualifying events and had a shot to win a seat at the Friday’s finals of the Cherokee casino in Tulsa, but it wasn't meant to be.

    As far as the UBT, again I was given a chance but unfortunately I couldn't catch the cards or breaks when I needed them.

    This coming year UBT has post that they will host online satellites for the players to win seats at the Aruba tournament, I'm not sure about invited players for that event. But I would think to be fair that all the players must win their seat or pay the $2,500 entry fee.

    I’m hoping to hit one of the UBT online satellite events, I hope we get the players support for the online events, I am not crazy about paying the UBT $2,500 entry fee.

    I have heard that 100% of the seats for next years WSOB will have to be won in qualifiers, no invited players at all!

    Until we can get an official ranking for the players I understand why uninvited players feel left out. Now if we had a ranking in place, then I think the top 3 to 6 players (for that year) should get an invite for their tournament accomplishments.

    However ranking would have to be graded from open tournaments to all players and these tournaments would need to be played around the country so every tournament player would have to do some traveling.

    If were going to get a working system lets get one that is fair to all the players. Have affordable entry fees, $300 to even $500 would be an acceptable entry with guaranteed two re-buys per player so you don't travel for a one shot event and good rules set by a players committee.

    Then we can use a point system to rank the players and see who are the best each year. Who does deserve to be called the best tournament players in the world?

    But this is just my opinion, what do ya'll think?

    And I can say I have never seen Ken kissing ass, although I do have a picture of him kissing a guy on the BJ cruise last year...LOL
  8. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Our 15 Minutes is Not Up Yet

    Mr Rando

    This may be a post that the original Joep should respond to but I will try my best to entertain you and many of you non valid points

    First off I have no complaints about the selection process for season one of the UBT. The field was comprised of all of the top tournament players both in blackjack and poker. The show is being billed as a tournament that featured most of the players that the casinos and other players feared playing against the most. So I guess in the casinos eyes and the producers of the UBT and a lot of the public we are not yet done with our inflated ego's or 15 minutes of fame . Looks like CBS thought it was pretty good entertainment unlike you who believes a show with Kenny E, Hollywood ,and myself would be boring. My money is on the executives at CBS to really know what good TV looks like. They have put their stamp of approval on it with a two year deal on Saturday at 2 pm eastern during college football .I rest my case on this subject.

    Unless you want to reveal to us that you are really a top TV executive and you really know whats good for TV, and CBS does not.

    Another of your questionable points was that the whole field should have been comprised of the top 40 players.

    Well guess what if you are going to bill it as such than you should have it as that. That was my point GSN had the right to invite whomever than wanted to the show but when they invited players that were playing in their first few tournaments ever they should not be able to bill it as the top 40 players in the world.

    If you were on this show this year and won would you really consider yourself the World Blackjack Champion ? I will go out on the limb and answer it for you " Not A Chance"

    Now if you had played in either of the first two years you would have every right to that title.

    All of the blackjack tournament players are thankful to GSN and Kevin Belinkoff for creating this show and bringing tournament TV to all .

    Because of this even without a major TV deal a lot of us blackjack players were pretty well known and enjoyed our 15 minutes of fame .At least you knew who we were ;) .Thanks for tuning in to GSN.

    With this new CBS deal we have a new clock that will give us the opportunity to further our 15 minutes and have the whole world watching.

    As in all competitions the top teams or players don't always win that's why they hold these events. So your point of we would have trouble traversing through a field of 168 is just not valid .

    The major point that you are missing is that its a TV show and its to entertain the audience.

    My point is that with players like Kenny E ,Hollywood and myself we not only are entertaining but we will give you for the most part solid blackjack tournament play.

    Remember if blackjack had the TV exposure that poker has names like the many skilled players that post here would be world known.

    But starting Sep 16 at 2 PM eastern on CBS that will all change

    My closing point to you is to keep on reading all the valuable info that you can learn from the top players that post here and tune in to CBS on Sept 16
    and you can enjoy our continued 15 minutes of fame right along with us.

    Last edited: May 22, 2006
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Kudos JoeP2 for a reasoned response that makes valid points. If anyone still had doubts about the kinder, gentler JoeP, I think this is strong evidence that he's alive and well.

    My own opinion on this matter definitely falls between the two extremes, but it is no doubt a topic that inspires strong opinions, and rightly so. We've been down this discussion road before, so I'm not sure there's much new to be learned.

    Whatever the future brings, I hope it includes lots of "15 minutes" for many of the members here, both well-known names and newcomers.
  10. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    I also competed in the WSOBJ as an invited guest. I was glad to be a part of it, and I think I earned my way onto the show. I am also like Ken in that I feel I'm between the extremes on this one.

  11. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    No offense to anyone who did participate. In fact, I still have no clue who made gthe field.

    Let me kiss my ass out of this thread and take my foot out of my mouth.

  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Checkout the site

    Kick, I just saw the players the other day that played this years WSOB. They are all pictured on the WSOB web site.
  13. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    WSOB Qualifier versus Invitational Qualifier

    Another thorn in my side about WSOB/GSN, some of their Qualifiers were only invitational to High Rollers.

  14. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Gen. Patton

    13 hours after bidding farewell, he returns. :rolleyes:
  15. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Gotta work...

    Hey, had to get my 13 hours of work in

  16. Rando

    Rando New Member

    "Mr Rando"

    I actually still work for a living so feel free to drop the Mr...

    "This may be a post that the original Joep should respond to but I will try my best to entertain you and many of you non valid points"

    Please feel free to list my non valid points...I didnt really understand which points you feel are invalid.

    "First off I have no complaints about the selection process for season one of the UBT. The field was comprised of all of the top tournament players both in blackjack and poker. The show is being billed as a tournament that featured most of the players that the casinos and other players feared playing against the most. So I guess in the casinos eyes and the producers of the UBT and a lot of the public we are not yet done with our inflated ego's or 15 minutes of fame . Looks like CBS thought it was pretty good entertainment unlike you who believes a show with Kenny E, Hollywood ,and myself would be boring."

    I dont imagine you would complain about the selection valid point is that it remains undetermined who the top BJ players are since there is rarely a true compitition. Rather a small compitition between a smaller invited group who UBT, CBS and GSN....etc...seem to fet out sometimes simply because they host a radio show or write a self promoting book. And by the way.....CBS has produced many remind me of the player whos shouting YES!!! when dealt a 20 to the dealers 5 up ....only to watch in PANE..;-) as she turns the 10 and then the 6....

    I am in no way stateing that you or KenE or Hollywood are hacks...dont be so sensistive...

    "My money is on the executives at CBS to really know what good TV looks like."

    This is a hoot are some good CBS TV decisions....MY Mother the CAR, Me and The Chimp, Supertrain....:)

    "They have put their stamp of approval on it with a two year deal on Saturday at 2 pm eastern during college football .I rest my case on this subject."

    Weak case really since many shows are canceled after a few weeks....I do hope this show is not canceled though....Im just saying that your example proves nothing to me.

    "Unless you want to reveal to us that you are really a top TV executive and you really know whats good for TV, and CBS does not."

    Its the advertisers who will decide the fate of this show....Im saying watching the same 10 guys will get a limited way it already has.

    "Another of your questionable points was that the whole field should have been comprised of the top 40 players.Well guess what if you are going to bill it as such than you should have it as that. That was my point GSN had the right to invite whomever than wanted to the show but when they invited players that were playing in their first few tournaments ever they should not be able to bill it as the top 40 players in the world."

    Here is your biggest mistake.....they didnt invite these people you distain ...these people entered a legitimate game....they played and won a spot didnt play and win a spot.....maybe you did 3 years ago.....but so what exactly does that have to do with 2006 WSOBJ?[/B]

    "If you were on this show this year and won would you really consider yourself the World Blackjack Champion ? I will go out on the limb and answer it for you " Not A Chance""

    Actually dont go out on a limb because... I fail to see why it would be any different then Ken E doing exactly that and then writing a book about it. :)

    "Now if you had played in either of the first two years you would have every right to that title."

    If I was invited into that very small field the last two years it would not have been all that hard to win the last two years...relativly speaking...

    "As in all competitions the top teams or players don't always win that's why they hold these events. So your point of we would have trouble traversing through a field of 168 is just not valid ."

    I dont say you would have trouble getting thru the 168....Im saying you want to skip that completely and you somehow feel entitled to that and you somehow think it does not diminish your status as the real winner....the champion...actually what you are promoting is no different than studio wrestling ....a fake championship .... a show where promotion is more important than real competition. What are you afraid of ????

    "The major point that you are missing is that its a TV show and its to entertain the audience."

    I dont miss that point....I watch poker all the time....I even watch the All Stars Show ocasionally.....but I would never watch the ALL Star Show over and over....thats what you want....I dont blame you.....but its a quite narrow view....and it will be boring....

    "My point is that with players like Kenny E ,Hollywood and myself we not only are entertaining but we will give you for the most part solid blackjack tournament play."

    Yes...I dont disagree ...but you will eventually get boring without any real competition ....just a bunch of the same guys playing with themselves...:) over and over and over....

    "Remember if blackjack had the TV exposure that poker has names like the many skilled players that post here would be world known."

    Yes, well I fully agree and I hope and dream and would do anything to make that happen....but I dont see that happening simply because a network hosts a "studio wrestling" style BJ show. Study poker and copy poker....why reinvent the wheel.....BJ is a far more popular game and it could be made exciting.....but so far it has announcer talks about bet stats, and how important one discusses button placement and how important betting last can be.....frankly....I love BJ and tournaments but watching without discussion of bet amounts and how that could affect the outcome makes watching an often boring proposition.

    "But starting Sep 16 at 2 PM eastern on CBS that will all change"

    I hope so!!!

    My closing point to you is to keep on reading all the valuable info that you can learn from the top players that post here and tune in to CBS on Sept 16
    and you can enjoy our continued 15 minutes of fame right along with us.

    Why bother when I can watch the same ten guys on GSN or King of Vegas?;-)

    Finally dont feel the need to glad handle me....I dont fear old or new JoeP here or at the tables :)
  17. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    oh crap...

    here we go...
  18. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Interesting post

    Rando. If you were the television executive in charge of a Blackjack Tournament Show, Which players would you put on and what would be your selection process.
  19. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Proven Winners

    Andy that's a real good question for Mr Rando .

    It looks like it's not as simple as it looks to put together a TV tournament that would be well played and entertaining for all viewers not just blackjack players. Or else he would have answered already. See the problem he has now is that a lot of the players that he has trashed here are the players that he would need to make his tournament show all that it should be.

    Now if you want to hold tournaments in remote locations to fill your TV show ,then you are just gambling that you will have a well played tournament and entertaining show.

    Just like in Hollywood they give the main actor roles to proven accomplished thespians that earn their roles based upon their past performances.

    85 % of the players in season's 1 and 2 of the World Series Of Blackjack on GSN were and still to this day proven winners and accomplished blackjack players that Mr Rando might be better off watching and learning from .Instead of using his one hand for typing these non fruitful statements

    The same can be said for season 1 of The Ultimate Blackjack Tour ( UBT ) almost every player selected from the blackjack side of the ledger was as Anthony Curtis said when all of us got together for a dry run tournament with this format 2 months before the actual taping of the show his quote was " This is greatest blackjack tournament ever held" .It seems that Anthony Curtis knows who all the top blackjack tournament players are, what planet is Mr Rando from that he is unaware of who they are ?.

    Mr Rando if you are not familiar with who Anthony Curtis is ask around you will find him to be one of the most respected and knowledgeable people in the gaming world.

    So if you need any help in putting together the list that Andy asked you for Tivo the first 2 seasons of the WSOB and make sure to watch Season 1 of the UBT on CBS starting Sept 16 at 2 PM eastern .This is where all your players will come from.

    This group that you talk down about is not in the least an exclusive club that is closed to all as a matter of fact you would be more than welcome to join the group, and be considered for a shot on TV to show your hard earned skills off. The only requirement to join this club is to go out a win a couple of major tournaments in fields of over 400 players. See not all tournaments have fields of 40, just the ones that you earn you way into with your own proven tournament accomplishments So if i were you I would stop wasting your time trying to bring people down and instead study and read all that's written here and other places about optimum tournament play. You never know you might just be at a table with Hollywood,Kenny E,Anthony Curtis,David Matthews,Kenny Smith and myself and since you fear no one we will let you bet first on the last hand .You know to kind of level the playing field out for us HACKS. ;)

    Last edited: May 24, 2006
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    That's why they play the games...

    If we just looked at names on paper their are several names I would pick as my first choices to win or advance in a blackjack tournament, but like in all games that is why we play them out, you never know how they may end up.

    I have offered to let anyone pick 30 players out of a blackjack tournament with 130 plus players and I would bet I win, over 75% of the time if not more. Anyone can win a blackjack tournament, and a lot easier than a poker tournament. :cool:

    A true qualifier to see who makes the shows seems only fair, that is how it is done in poker (except for the all star shows). When the same poker pro's make several finals it is because they won their way through the field, not because they were selected for the final table.

    Why don’t we have a 200 + players qualifying tournament and take the quarter or semifinalist from that event as the contestants for the show? This should make everyone happy, the better players should be able to advance two to three rounds.
    The less seasoned players would be getting a fair chance to make it on the show as well. ;)

    I cannot think of a fairer way than that. So be it if it is not one the more well-known blackjack players (which by the way none of us are exactly household names…LOL). If I had to guess the M.I.T. team is the most famous blackjack players in the world and I would say only 1 of every 10 people I asked have ever heard of them, not even a player, but the entire team and they won MILLIONS! :rolleyes:

    If blackjack players want the same type of respect the poker players get, than we need to follow their footsteps and earn it.

    Lets start with paying a fee (like I have preached about for years) than maybe if we show the casinos we are willing to cover their expense they well start opening up tournaments for everyone again.

    Lets play for lower grand prizes and spread the prize money throughout the semifinalist and maybe quarterfinals in the bigger events. Seems to me if we have more players winning we would be getting more players coming back and new ones starting to play tournaments.

    I don't fault anyone for playing in a selected tournament, if I was selected tomorrow I would play, but to be fair a player should have to win his or her way on a show. If we don't make it so be it, we'll just have to try again the following year.

    Now on the other side of the coin, their are several "TOP" players that still have never been asked to be on a show or been cut from a TV blackjack event because they weren't flashy enough for the camera. Unless they won their way on the show.

    I hate to say names, but I will, NO ONE HERE can tell me S.Yama and Walt H. are not good enough players that they shouldn't have been selected for several shows and they both damn well have the track records to prove it.

    Most any show, GSN's WSOB or UBT are going to have some selected players for some reason, GSN gives the host property seats for their high rollers as part of their deal. As a matter of fact twice the properties invited players have won the show two out of the three shows, (I believe this is correct don’t hold me to it).

    I am sure that UBT will have a similar type situation at properties that host their events (this is only speculation on my part for UBT events), but my point being is I would be surprised if any of the TV backjack shows will ever be 100% where the contestants have to win their way on the show.

    And last, it is up to the TV networks and production crews how they are going to decide the contestants for their shows and no matter what we say or discuss here. Bottom line is it is their show and they are going to run them the way they want, like it or not! :eek:
    Last edited: May 24, 2006
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