WSOB Winners

Discussion in 'World Series of Blackjack' started by Dollar238, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. Dollar238

    Dollar238 New Member

    Does anyone know where I can see the results for the WSOB 2006?

  2. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member


    You will have to wait till GSN shows on their network around June I believe.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    GNS has all contestants sign a contract to protect the end results until after the show airs in mid-June.

    Sorry you'll have to wait like the rest of us to find out who wins.:rolleyes:
  4. Easy and legal way.

    Just find somebody who was in the studio audience. Audience members did not have to sign an agreement that Tex details above. :D
  5. Dollar238

    Dollar238 New Member

    Know the winner

    Yeah, I know the winner because it's my cousin (at least that's what he tells me), but I would like to brag and post it on my blog. Thought there would be an official site I could link it to.

    Guess I'll just wait.

    Thanks for the responses.
  6. Location

    Do you live in West Virginia? Where most residents are ones cousin, if not closer?
  7. Dollar238

    Dollar238 New Member

    Florida Native

    No, I am not one of the fortunate West Virginians.

    Always wondered how that worked.

    Is there an official World Series of Blackjack website; similar to this one for poker (
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2006
  8. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    In fact, if you go to it still says you can be a contestant on this years show!

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Dangerous Info

    Dollar 238 seems like you dont believe your cousin when they told you that they won this year WSOB. Now I will tell you this there are a couple of people on this board that could verify their win for you, but if we were to confirm it for you, the next thing you would know would be that Luca Brasi was ringing your door bell.You see having that info before the show airs could be dangerous to your health ;) .So you are not going to hear it from me !!.I want to keep Luca on my good side :cool:
  10. Dollar238

    Dollar238 New Member

    LOL. Nah, I believe him

    Just wanted to brag on my blog and reference a link in the post. Did not know this was something that was supposed to be hush, hush. My folks were the ones who told me about this, but they left out the part that nobody was supposed to know.

    Just glad I didn't post it on my blog. Wouldn't have been the end of the world considering I have about 10 readers, but I will conform to the rules and wait til June (don't want to be sleeping with the fishes).

    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just be careful...

    GSN personel read this site often and if they see your cousin is talking it could cost him his winnings.

    I am sure he is excited, but just tell him to cool it a bit. Winning $500,000 is great, but losing it back because he couldn't keep quiet (as per the contract) would SUCK! :eek:
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  12. Dollar238

    Dollar238 New Member

    Will do.

    Will do. Thanks.
  13. Contracts

    If ones cousin were playing in the event and were to have won the event, it would not be unusual for the winner to have family members in attendance and in the audience during the show(s). I didn't sign anything to be a member of the studio audience regarding confidentiality and I seriously doubt that others had to either.
  14. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member


    BP, are you saying that the audience didn't sign anything, so some people can talk about the result of the tuornament?
    You wouldn't like to spoil the suspence for the TV audience, would you?

    As to Dollar238, I found why he changed his opinion on talking about his uncle doing well in the turney. He was not afraid of Luca as his cousins Louise and Stephen would take care of it - but not anymore:,,1730396,00.html

    S. Yama
  15. I'm just trying to bring up the point that those that want to know, can find out.
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Cant Be True

    Yama : NY Cops are always getting the short end of the stick.
  17. noman

    noman Top Member


    way too much info. LOL

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