wtg Lou

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by tgun, Apr 27, 2008.

  1. tgun

    tgun Member

    Congrats to Lou (LHENERYC) in taking 3rd place today at Tunica Gold Strike. The rest of the stl mafia are very proud of Lou's accomplishment. 4 out of our group of 7 made the semi finals. 3 more made the 1/4 finals by winning in the rebuys.

    The payouts where terrible and the many dealer mistakes make this a tournament which most of us will never play in again. I understand why a lot of the smart money weren't there.

  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Congrats Lou Hope To See You In Oklahoma:d :d
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I couldn't agree more. Seems like all of their tournaments, not just Blackjack, are paid 1/2 in "one use" promo chips. That coupled with poorly trained dealers and general disorganization, make this a less than desirable event for anyone that has to travel enough to stay overnight.

    Congrats to LHENERYC!!! How did the "play once" promo chips work out?
  4. tgun

    tgun Member

    promo chips


    I'll let Lou answer your question? I will only say that he recieved 2 -
    $1,000 + 1 - $500 dollar chip which he took to the nearest bj table.

    I think Gold Strike had approximately 300 players at least 1/2 paid $250 for $37,500 + about $16,000 in rebuys for $ 53,000 but only paid out $17,500 in cash and $17,500 in promo chips. My estimates are not to far off. What a rip!

    We from stl crave the chance to play in big tournaments, that's why we can be suckered so easily. We thought that the extra collected monies would be added to the prize pool. Ha, ha! Never again for me.

  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    They evidently get enough action from the locals so they don't have to be concerned with attracting many out-of-towners.

    As for Lou, at least he made enough to cover travel and probably a hamburger to boot. :D

    With about 300 players and a prize pool worth about $37,000 (after discounting the value of "use once" prom chips), that makes each seat worth about $125. Entry fee was $250.
    Did the $250 entry fee include rooms?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  6. bronco60

    bronco60 Member

    I can't believe you guys even thought 5 seconds about playing in such a ripoff, and I hope you vocalized to everybody there just how bad it was. That's just totally absurd.

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