Yes,you've guessed it.... 2nd question of the day!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Reachy, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Is a different strategy required when playing, for example, against 7 other players over 10 hands than when playing 4 others over 15? My feeling is that a different strategy is required and a more aggressive betting and playing strategy is the order of the day in the former case.

    I believe luck is much more of a factor with more players and fewer hands. In the first example you would be last to act only once in 75% of the games you played. Position is key. If you are first on the button, you and the person to your right are the only players to act last twice and the poor old player under the gun in hand one acts last on the 3rd hand only and is 1st to bet on the last hand! Clearly the worst place to be and requires an aggressive strategy to attempt to build a chip lead and hope that others fail in their bids to catch you. Also with so many players the odds of a big bet strategy working for somebody is higher if a number of players follow it. I think this creates fear on the table that at least one player will get a big lead and nobody wants to get left behind so they start to follow suit. Self fullfilling prophecy.

    The structure is better with a max of 5 players and a number of rounds at least 3 times the number of players. That way everybody gets a few turns at being last to bet and skillfull betting, play and money management will give you more of an edge.

    What do you think? Am I talking a load of rubbish?



    Ps. Yes I am comparing Global with Blackjack21 but that's not to say I don't enjoy playing at BJ21 because I do. I just think that playing there it's more about luck than at Global.

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