You Build It They Wil Come

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Tonights radio show will be a repeat tonight as Kenny, Anthony Curtis,Mike Castellano,and myself are in Portland beta testing the softwear for UBT and it's new website.The softwear is outstanding and everything we have been asking for is finally here.
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    I'm heading to Portlan now to hunt you guys down and play
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Help Us

    As I sit here in Portland working with Anthony,Kenny & Michael we have all come to the conclusion that to help in making this tournament softwear the best ever we should have the players themselves suggest what they want to see and what they dont want to see in the UBT Tournament softwear.I will tell you this that so far it has everything that everyone has been asking for but you just never know what we might have overlooked.So feel free to suggest to all of us your ideas and opinions .All we be considered your input will make this the most exciting blackjack softwear ever

    In the event you do not want to post you ideas on a public board feel free to private message me
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2006
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Ubt Suggestion

    Here is my wish list for UBT Online for 2006 or 2007
    1. Show actual chips per each player w/out displaying the actual chip count number (i.e. Global-Player). Make the players count the chips.
    2. Allow UBT to allow players to create their own on-the-fly tourneys where we could have a 10,15,20 Sit-Go Tourney.
    3. Weekly Tourney Winners just like Global-Player but based on Win%.

    1. For secret bet and action bet, have an icon on the TV per each player just like Millionaire (Call a friend, Poll the Audience, etc.).

  5. Craig Aasen

    Craig Aasen New Member

    I have a few wish list items as well...

    I would like the ability to re-play hands to see the outcome of different bets
    This would be very handy on the last hands of close games

    A "easy" way to set up a simulation and determine different outcomes

    and, I also agree the seeing other players chips without the totals would be a valuable traing aid.

    Craig A.
  6. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    UBT TV Suggestion

    Another for Television. This is from TV poker. You know how there are percentages showing each player's chances of winning the hand? How about a similar thing on the last hand showing each player's chances of advancing to the next round, with updates as the player plays his hand?
  7. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Do not use white text


    DO NOT USE white text to display bet amounts. Very hard to see. In fact, use at least black text for bankroll, name and bet amount.

  8. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    I don't like the idea of showing chips and no totals. I think it's a clever idea so that it can introduce a little more of a skil element, but the only skill you're introducing is if someone can read chips on a virtual table. I don't think that has anything to do with chip-counting skills on a live table.

    There's just too much room for error... is that 3 red chips or 4 red chips?

    I have excellent eyesight, but even I don't think there's a lot of value to making people count chips on a TV screen. I think in theory it works, but it's not practical in real experience.

    I agree with some of the other suggestions, however.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Percentage of win's VS. Number of win's

    1. I like the idea of a weekly winner for the UBT Sit & Go events, but I hope they pay any bonus for the highest percentages of win's VS. the total amount of money or points won each week.

    I love playing at Global-Player, but they have a few players that live on their Sit & Go site trying to win the $100 bonus. They have 60 to 70 games in each week and the highest point total, but they lost money!

    I just can't see why they should win the bonus. Yes, I understand they are putting more money in Global's pockets, but this is suppose to be about who is the best for the week, not who can spend to most in the week.

    I think (IF) UBT offers Sit & Go events it should be based on the winning percentage of games based on a minimum amount of games played each week.

    2. Just another idea for the Sit & Go events. Why not offer daily, weekly, and monthly bonuses for the highest percentages winners all based off of a minimum amount of play for each? This will offer the players more ways of winning and should entice players to play more, it could be a win/win for both UBT and their players.

    3. As far as the chip counts, I think for any online tournament you have to post the totals for every player.
    I would like to see a small box in one of the corner of the playing screen with every players position and chip totals on the screen while playing. Global-Player offers this on their Leaderboard, but it has a delay and is on another screen.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2006
  10. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    To Display or Not to Display

    How about...

    UBT gives us the option to either COUNT the chips ourselves or SHOW us the chip total for each player.

    I'm thinking more on the developmental side of things right now.

  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Lot of trouble

    Sidekick that would really be a pain to program. training for counting chips should be done at a live tournament, or invest a few bucks at Gambers General store, buy about 30 chips and practice at home (it does help). I would buy both plain and spoted chips for practice.

    As far as online I want the count (why not) all the other players will be using it the count and unlike live tournament action online tournaments have a clock starting as soon as it is your turn to act.

    And last UBT counts at certain hands throughout the round before elimination hands.
  12. Ideas for UBT


    Please advise as to whether you want to collect all of these ideas, condense them and send them to me or if you want the ideas to come to me directly as I know that you are a busy man and doing so will save time and effort on your part. If the latter, to all of you who have been so kind and insightful to have posted ideas, past present or future, please send same to me at

  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Your call

    Bradley what ever you think is the most efficient way to present these ideas to the software developers and UBT staff.

  14. Proper channels


    Ok then. I propose the following. Let's continue with the discussions here as having ideas in this public forum will stimulate other new ideas but also have any ideas E-mail directly to me as I am the last say so for what does and does't get presented to the programmers. My E-mail address again is

    Thanks Joe and all of you idea submitters!

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