Your Thoughts and Prayers...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by dreamer, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    Yesterday, while playing at the weekly Boulder Station Blackjack Tournament here in Las Vegas, I had the opportunity to speak with one of the members of our Blackjack Community, Chuck Gorson.

    We exchanged pleasantries, and I asked him how he was doing. His answer was "I'm not doing well". I asked him "Why not? What's wrong?" What he proceeded to tell me brings me to the purpose of this email...

    Apparently, Chuck had been feeling physically run-down with an overall lack of energy, etc. As a result, he recently went to his doctor, who ran some rather thorough and extesive tests. The results came back, and Chuck has been diagnosed with Cancer of the Liver. The doctor took a biopsy and Chuck will be meeting with the doctor tomorrow for the results of that particular test.

    Chuck has told me that the prognosis is not good and that at this point, there doesn't seem to be anything that can be done to stop the rapid spread of the Cancer in his body. He hasn't been given long to live!

    While I hesitated to inform the Members of this community regarding Chuck's condition, I did decide to talk with him personally and get his permission to do so. I ask that all of you keep Chuck in your thoughts! For those of you who pray, I solicit your prayers on his behalf.Those of you who know Chuck, and want to personally give him your encouragement, I highly recommend that you do so as soon as you can!

    I personally believe in the power of MIRACLES! I also believe in the power of personal ENCOURAGEMENT!


    Skip Samad
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh NO! Chuck, hang in there, keep a stiff upper lip, try to find the silver linings in the clouds that you will be facing. I went through a huge battle with The Big "C" and know of the terror in your soul right now. Hang in there, guy, and know that your TBJ friends are all rooting for you!!!
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Big Chuck, we're all thinking of you. Hang in there man.
  4. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Even Tho We Have Not Met My Prayers Are With You And Now Is The Time To Dig In And Fight With All You Have (no Surrender)
  5. tgun

    tgun Member

    Big Chuck

    I was glad to have met you in Tulsa. You were a tough competitor there. Good luck in the biggest competition of your life. You can do it!

    God bless you.
  6. themom82

    themom82 New Member

    I to was glad to have met you in Tulsa also. I have put you on the top of my prayer list and will be thinking of you. Best of luck!

  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Pulling for you

    I'm sorry to hear about you illness, I wish you the best Chuck and I'll add you in my prayers.
  8. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Wow... let's see if I can come off as the complete pessimist on the board...

    I lost my dad to cancer of the pancreas and liver nearly 8 years ago. Chuck, if you have been properly and accurately diagnosed, your battle is an uphill one. That being said, here's what I have to say. You've heard the phrase "as serious as cancer..." well that's where you are now :) so be completely frank with your doctors and your oncologist. My best advice would be to make sure to live the rest of your life, be it six months or 60 years, to its' fullest. One of my father's hardest decisions was to not do chemotherapy, because the docs told him that six weeks of agony would prolong his life by only a very small margin, and bring with it a ton of misery.

    So, I'm re-reading my post now... and yeah, it sounds like a downer. I don't mean it to be. What I want to say is we should all live life to it's fullest each and every day, but so often we do not. We let the mundane and the trivial bog us down and sap the joy out of everything. So now, be it in sickness or in health, live every moment with no regrets, and enjoy it all. While I have never met you and would be remiss to claim you as a friend, you definitley have many friends on this board (based on the posts I have read above) and many colleagues. We all wish you well.

    Wishing you nothing but the best, and crossing my fingers for a misdiagnosis or the miracle cure we are all anticipating for this horrendous disease.
  9. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    I would also like to add one thing, pertaining to Skip Samad's original post.

    Last November, my wife and I had a baby TWO MONTHS early. The prognosis was not great.

    I run a board for Pacific NW Scuba Divers similar to this, and participate on three large forums dedicated to marine (saltwater) aquariums.

    I was raised with a religious background, and while I am not an active participant in any particular church, I have always considered myself a very spiritual and religious person. You might not know it if you met me, because I am far from a bible beater or whatever, but I am.

    Anyhoo... the point I am getting at is that I know for a fact after we made an announcement about this on these forums - that thousands of people were praying for my family, and specifically for my son. I want to tell you that we felt dramatically uplifted by this prayer, and my son made a complete and amazingly fast recovery. He is healthy and happy today.

    You can chalk it up to whatever you wish... an actual connection to God, some kind of metaphysical energy altered by our mental direction, who really knows what it is? I'll leave that up to scholars and wiser individuals than me, this isn't some wierd appeal to any particular religion.

    But don't dismiss this request. Pray. If you don't pray, or aren't religious, spend just a few moments mentally focusing on Chuck. And while you can do this in any way you personally choose, I would suggest you pray for his peace. Whether that comes through a cure, or just a wonderfully uplifting time while is he is still with us, I'll leave that decision to a higher power.

    Sorry for the ramble, just wanted to get that off my chest.
  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Stay strong, Chuck. We're all thinking about you.
  11. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Chuck Gorson Update...


    First, I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of Chuck, to thank all of you who have responded either on this site or on the phone with me, with words of encouragement for Chuck. He has told me that the outpouring of support and encouragement for what he is currently facing, has touched his heart.

    As an update, Chuck had an appointment with his doctor today, where the results of the biopsy the doctor had taken earlier were shared with him. Chuck has been given three months to live! Knowing him, he will do everything he possibly can to extend this timeframe. He's a fighter!

    When I talked with him earlier today, he was very passionate in expressing his request that we all celebrate his life, and life in general, versus feeling sorry for him and the battle he is now facing...

    My recommendation is that we toast Chuck and celebrate the life he has lived, at the next available opportunity with those who are "special" in our life, while at the same time renew our own commitment to live each and every day to the fullest!!

    This is what he has requested, and this is what we will do!

    Again, thank you for your support! Thank you for your friendship!

    Skip Samad
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    In honor of two tournament players.

    I hate to hear the news about Chuck. He is one of the many players that I have gotten to know from playing in tournaments around the country over the years.

    To celebrate his life I would like to dedicate one of the November Tropicana TBJPA/TBT events in his honor.

    I was already planning a dedication for one of the Tropicana events for another long time tournament player and friend we recently lost, Mr. Phil Bach.

    I can think of no better way to celebrate these players then to name a blackjack tournament in there honor.

    Hopefully "Big Chuck" will be able to play in this event as well.
  13. felix215

    felix215 New Member


    I met you at that "fine" Royal Oasis casino in Freeport, Bahamas and at that always joyous wait at the airport for the perpetually late flight to Fort Lauderdale.

    We've had breakfast and talked. It was awhile ago (the Casino was still operating.) You probably have no idea who I am but you stick out because of your height and always being the center of attention.

    My and my families' thoughts are with you.

  14. dreamer

    dreamer New Member



    Kudos to Rick Jensen for what I consider to be an awesome gesture on his part! I shared with Chuck this morning what Rick has decided to do regarding naming one of the TBJPA Tournaments at the Tropicana, in Chuck's honor. If I could have personally seen Chuck as I was speaking with him, I'm sure that he was almost in tears! Well done Rick! Let's just hope that Chuck can be there, so that we can all celebrate knowing him...

    I've asked Chuck if he would Post something here today, at his convenience, thanking everyone for their thoughts, prayers and encouragement. He has agreed to do that, so we should be hearing from him later today.

    Make it a "Great Day" friends!

    Skip Samad
  15. Big "J" Gorson

    Big "J" Gorson New Member

    No Tears For My Father!

    Hello Community,

    James Gorson here, Big Chuck's son. After speaking with my father today, and after reviewing these reply's, I can only thank you for all your prayers and support. For those of you who know my father, he is a wild, party person who never looked back or second guessed any of his decisions. He is a strong man who truly loves life and all he was given. :)

    In the words of my father:

    " I dont want any sympathy from you, NO TEARS! If you want to support me, Tell Chuck Stories, everyone has them! Live your life as a party every day and enjoy life to the fullest. Most importantly... Come to the Las Vegas Hilton this Saturday, come to the party!

    I thank you all for your prayers, I was crazy and wild and you all know it! But, we enjoyed every minute together! I love you all. Thank you for my wonderful life."

    Knowing my father as much as I do, I can honestly say that Gambling and Casinos & Women were as much his passion as his family. He is a man with tons of pride and confidence. A man who seldom was at a loss for words or a hand full of women. My father is the true "common man's Hue Heffner".

    He loves his family very much; Chuck has 4 children; 3 daughters, Tammi, Sherri and Samantha and one son, James. He also loves his friends incredibly and he has many of those as well.

    We all love you and support you dad! Stay strong and come home to us so we can take care of you!

    Love always and forever,

    Your son!

    PS. I invite all you to email me if you had a close relationship with my father or a "chuck story". I would love to speak with you all. You can reach me at
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  16. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    "Big Chuck" Roast...


    My apologies for posting this the last minute, but hopefully, friends of Big Chuck here in Las Vegas will be able to see this in time!

    Tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) from 4:30-5:30 PM, there will be a "Roast" of Big Chuck at the Las Vegas Hilton in the Tempo Lounge, next to the Showroom. It will be our final opportunity to say our good-byes to Chuck, as he'll be flying back to Florida with his children on Monday, where he will be spending his last days.

    Please come, if at all possible and be prepared to share a "Big Chuck Story" with the rest of the attendees. This will be your last chance to talk with Chuck!

    Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers and "Make It a Great Day"!

    Skip Samad

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