Discuss the Great Late Late Blackjack Tournament event at Casino Arizona Salt River in Scottsdale, AZ.
So, I'm living "in the area" and could conceivably start going to this and the others at Casino Arizona. Are they worth it? And yes, I checked the website to make sure they are still happening.
Whether or worth it or not, will depend on other options. This particular one takes place at 1:30 am. So, if you do not like sleeping like I do, you can do it. There is another one that takes time at lunch time on Tuesday and a little bit bigger with $5o entry fee. So, either one is worth few dollars/hr of EV. If you happen to be in the casino, you can do it. Personally, I would not because these tournaments take just as much time and effort as big one with very little return. Also, I do not wish to have to give my personal information to the casino to get a player card just for such small tournament.
All are good points. Thank you. For me, it's about a 90min drive to the casino as I'm in Tucson. No BJT at DD or Del Sol from what I've seen. I've become a once-a-month visitor at Wild Horse as I pass by. At the same time, I'm rusty. Two years of college to finish my degree (BS in Animal Sci with emphasis in the Race Track Industry) as well as a divorce means I didn't have time/money to even think about BJTs. Knowing I'm 6 hours from Vegas means I'm now considering a 1x month trip up there once that rust is knocked off. Figured with my insomnia, 1:30am isn't a bad idea and the price is right for live practices. Guess I'll just keep it in mind for when I'm closer vs. making the 90min drive.