$10,000.00 Match Play?

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, May 18, 2007.

  1. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Tournament Format

    I like Fred's (the other Fred) round robin format.

    I would make one suggestion however. Instead of using the overall chip totals as tie breakers, I would use the overall chip differential. This mitigates the luck factor in hot vs cold tables.

    There will probably be a lot of ties in this format. Eliminating luck should be an important goal.
  2. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member


    There is a big danger in Fred's format for compromises. Say one of the opponents is already hopeless in his group and now is playing against his friend who is still in competition. Guess what may happen?.. No comments needed.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Very good point...

    But, I do like the idea of playing all the other players in the compitition.

    I was talking with Ken and Joep today about possible formats and we discussed possibly playing a single elimination 2 out of 3 match with 10 hands against every player (15 matches) with the best 8 records advancing to the second round.

    Or even playing every player in their bracket twice (which I kind of like) with the top four in each bracket (top and bottom advance four to the second round).
  4. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    Good idea

    I like the idea to play 10 hands matches (3 out of 2) with 15 other players and then let 8 best scores to advance to the next round.
    Unfortunately again, there is a conflict of interest (for those who has played at John Ascuaga it should be very clear).
    Realistically we all should understand that if someone is already hopeless then it comes to who's frend he is. This way group of players can have an advantage against solo players.
    Ideally if the format is elimination and winner takes all then nobody can complain about bad luck (if there are enough sessions to play between each other).
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm. Interesting collusion dilemma tirle. Well worth considering.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    $10,000 event to be filmed?

    Hey guys,

    I have received private messages with some very interesting ideas about the $10,000 tournament.
    I would really like it to take place very soon.

    With all the new ideas I hope you guys will keep posting your thoughts on the board, or as private messages sent to me. I need to run them by the casino I have in mind to host it.

    I am also working on having it televised or web broadcasted, so it would have to meet another requirement to be attractive for the viewers.
    Anyhow, I really feel it should happened.

    I am also trying to have the other Laughlin events filmed as well.

  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    It sounds

    Like there is a venue and date change. Are you thinking it wont be at River Palms before the satellites in August?
  8. arlalik

    arlalik Member

    Another possible format

    I like Fred's idea about World Cup format.
    I also agree with Tirle_BJ that if 2 out of 4 advance from the group, that can cause some conflicts if someone is already hopeless.

    How about 3 out of 4 advance from each group?
    This way if someone is hopeless - than the rest of the group advances.
    The only danger here is that 3 players in a group can get together to eliminate the 4th player - but this can happen only if we have possible ties (that is easy to avoid by playing odd number of games).

    Possible format can be:

    Round One:
    16 players - 4 groups x 4 players in each - 3 players advance (2/3 matches)

    Round Two:
    12 players - 4 groups x 3 players in each - 2 players advance (3/5 matches)

    Round Three:
    8 players - 2 groups x 4 players in each - 3 players advance (2/3 matches)

    Round Four:
    6 players - 2 groups x 3 players in each - 2 players advance (2/3 matches)

    Round Five:
    4 players - 1 group - 3 players advance (2/3 matches )

    Round Six:
    3 players - 1 group - 2 players advace (3/5 matches)

    Final round:
    2 players - 6/11 matches to Win.

    Top 4 places get paid. We can play 10 hands per round (as Joep and Ken suggested).

    Like to see different opinions. Remember - this is just a concept.
    Last edited: May 24, 2007
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Time factor...

    Remember there is a time issue involved in the number of sessions to be played. The time has to be factored in to the format as well and if we are able to get it filmed, then the time will even be more of a factor.
  10. tirle_bj

    tirle_bj Member

    Time factor

    Remember: the time factor is a factor ONLY IF the event takes place.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I like Arlalik suggestion (like the Olympic format), but I think we would have to limit it to single match against each player within the group. I think 2/3 matches with this format may take to long.

    I will work on the numbers (time) and get back with you, if it is do able I like the 2/3 matches against the small groups with 3 of 4 adavncing in each group.

    And once again very good feedback and suggestions!
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Other factors that I'm interested in are:

    1. starting BR - size of min and max bets. My first preference 25,000 with 500 min and 25,000 max. Second preference: 10,000 with 100 min and 5,000 max

    2. Since it's one on one I feel that whomever bets first should have the last bet

    3. DAS allowed

    4. Allow splitting ALL pairs up to 4 hands - this includes aces

    5. Allow hitting on split aces rather than the conventional one card only

    6. Surrender available - your cards are great!

    7. DD cards face DOWN - increases suspense

    finally - lets see how others feel about this one:

    SECRET BET (1) per match


    I prefer double deck out of a shoe to prevent the hole carders
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    FG, I believe this game will follow TBJPA rules. I big problem with the game in general is deviation from a standard rule format. TBJPA offers the best rules to find a winner that is tainted by luck. A match, aka series, of games will bring out a winner. TBJPA as designed by Tex thru experience with the game and many players is the way to go. JMO
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll try to answer your questions

    I like the double deck out of a shoe as well, as long as we only play 10 or 12 hands per match. Any longer and we'll use a 6 deck shoe. I don't want to lose time having to shuffle during a match.

  15. rebuybob

    rebuybob New Member

    Maybe- sorta thinking seriously- might...

    Need to know more but AM interested.
  16. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    What more information would you need? I'm asking because I'm curious as to how/why players choose to play in what events.

    The Date is set

    The Format has been set

    The fees are 10,000 per player - dealer tips are included

    Am I missing something? Oh yeah the Big Time Players!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2007

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