2 Million Dollar Tournament Gettin Close

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    Whassup ?

    I just thought I'd bump this thread back up to the top and inquire as to any progress on developments in the $2-Million Tournament saga which might be made public.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Gag Order

    This is a current gag order on the 2 Million Dollar Tournament . But all I can say is that usually this is done when things are close and all parties decide that the less said will mean the most accomplished. I hope everyone understands this as I'm sure you do. My heart tells me that "all good things happen to those who wait"........ 2006 will be a better year for the Blackjack Tournament Community . ;)
  3. BJ Player

    BJ Player New Member

    Casino Action

    I've watched for years as the players left the Frontier on Thursday evening to go play at another tournament with a first prize of $1000 (I'm not sure of the amount) and gave no action to the Frontier. I realize that the Frontier BJ tables arn't the best but I stayed and made some bucks on them.

    I also watched the tournament players leave the Stardust on Tuesday evening for a smaller tournamnet accross the street, the one I refered to as the Stardust loser's tournament. A lot of these people complained because they didn't get an invite to the invitationals. I stayed and played the Stardust tables.
    I've been on a losing streak for 19 months so the Stardust hasn't gotten a lot of action from me lately.

    Better cards

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