A Riddle By Einstein

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by Monkeysystem, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    OK, here goes. I hope I don't end up eating crow on this. My solution involves looking at the houses from the street so the Norwegian's house is at the left of my matrix. Here is what I came up with:

    ................ 1st House.....2nd House.....3rd House.....4th House.....5th House
    __________________________________________________ _______________
    House color.....Yellow.......Blue............ Red ...........Green...........White

    Nationality......Norweg......Dane........... Brit ...........German.........Swede

    Drink..............Water.......Tea............. Milk ...........Coffee..........Beer

    Smoke............Dunhill.......Blends......... Pall Mall ......Prince..........Blue Master

    Beast.............Cats.........Horses......... Birds ...........Fish .............Dogs

    Another way of looking at it is that the fish is the big loser. He gets eaten by the bird, who gets eaten by the cat, who gets eaten by the dog, who gets eaten by the horse. I would have thought that Einstein would have put the beasts in the right order :p . But Vulcans have no sense of humor so I can't expect as much.

    Jeez. If I'm not right I'll hear about this from Monkeysystem for the rest of my life. :eek:
  2. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    perfect puzzle

    Don’t you think that this guy, what’s his name... Einstein, or something like this, would create puzzle with the minimum but all necessary clues.

    Therefore, it seems to me that most likely had meant that the Norwegian lives in the first house (to the left) as if we looked at the picture. However, “The Green house is on the left of the White house” was meant from the perspective of the owners, so the Green house is to (your) the right of the White house if you look at the picture (as if looking from the street).

    This forces analysis of the puzzle to keep two possibilities:
    A) that looking at the pictures from left to right there is Brit’s house, then Green house, then White house, or
    B) there is the Green house, then White house, then Brit’s house.

    Hey, guys who said that one clue is unnecessary, do we need now the clue about smoking Blue Master and drinking beer to get us moving on to solve the puzzle?

    S. Yama
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Also interesting is there is a stated 2% success rate for solving a riddle with 4 choices- which is actually a 25% expected success rate off the raw probability. ????? Doesnt this mean you could go to a pre school and ask 100 children what the answer is and get way more correct answers than a bunch of average mature brains working a hour or two on it? :)
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007
  4. tgun

    tgun Member


    Thanks toolman and all of you that got it right. I had it wrong:

    1 yellow Norweg Dunhill water cat

    2 blue Dane P. Mall tea bird

    3 red Brit blends milk fish

    4 green German Prince coffee horse

    5 white Swede B. Master beer dog

    I guess, "close but no cigar".

    Thanks for the puzzle Monkeysystem.

  5. BABJ

    BABJ Member

    Not unless the fish was one of these........


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