"All in" magazine at a better price or at least the price told us.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Opus21

    Opus21 New Member

    I got mine

    I subscribed to "All In" magazine via Ken's site.

    I just received my first issue. Or, what I believe to be the first issue with
    Ken Smith's picture on the cover of the Blackjack portion.

    Everyone on this site should be getting their copy soon.

    What I can't figure out is that the damn poker player's portion is upside down,
    which really makes it hard to read:laugh: :laugh: .
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    boo hoo!

    I just got an email from the company I ordered my a subscription to "All-in" from and they said that there has been a mistake and the $17.95 I paid was for US-subscriptions only. If I wanted it shipped to the UK it would cost me $79.99!!!! I declined their offer. P&P from US to UK can't be THAT much surely?

    Opus - If your having trouble reading the upside down portion of the magazine I suggest standing on your head, that usually works for me.


  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Would that be 'Magazines of America' by any chance? I haven't subscribed, but I just found their web site. It's an Rpoints affiliate; you can get 15% cashback.

    If it is that site, you may not have been comparing like with like. They quote three US prices - $17.95 is for just six issues. Twelve issues costs $27.95 (equivalent to Ken's $17.95), and eighteen costs $37.95.

    For international delivery, they only quote for six and twelve issues - $77.95 and $147.95 :eek:
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I think so

    Colin, I think it was them. I'd tried other routes as well but they wouldn't ship at all. Maybe one of our American friends has it in PDF file format...

    Of course scanning, converting to PDF, and then emailling a copyrighted magazine is illegal and I would never condone such activity.


  5. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    All In (my mailbox today)

    Just to follow up on this, I rec'd the Ken S "larger than life" All In issue today off my subscription via this site. Great issue with good amount of EBJ content. I'd read the Keith Taft article before somewhere but it's a good read if you haven't seen it BTW.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Opus and sabrejack. Glad to hear the magazines are hitting mailboxes now.

    LOL! :laugh::D
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    *** ** *-*/ *-*

    May be late, but, if need be, after I copy pertinent articles for my use, I'd be happy to forward my copies of All-in to YOU. Haven't checked, but my postage would, should, have to be significantly less than what the publishers want to charge you. granted you'll get them four to five months later and depending on the babes pages, they might be a little sticky, but something is better than nothing.
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I have a headache (I really do!)


    Can't read morse code anymore my software expired.

    Thank you for your kind offer noman. In fact I am only interested in the fold-out babe pages so if they are unreadable I'm not interested ;) . I hear Monica Reeves volleyball pictures will be featured next month if they can download suitable pictures from Joep's camera. Hollywood said a lot of them were unusable because they were either shaky or the lens was misted up.


  9. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    they might be a little sticky, but something is better than nothing.

  10. noman

    noman Top Member


    Don't say, I never offered!

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