Allin Magazine Subscription

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by sweet william, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    Just received another issue of this magazine.
    After subscribing last fall, I received two issues (May and June I think) by priority mail around the first of August.

    Then yesterday I received a new issue, that was labeled October, although the tournament schedules therein started August 15th.

    I noticed that a lot on names associated with this publication are also associated with club UBT. Could this explain why it is so screwed up?
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    That's a reasonable guess, but is very, very unlikely. I'm reasonably certain that All In's customer service is handled by Anthony Curtis' Huntington Press / Las Vegas Advisor staff. LVA's customer service is positively excellent, a model that could be copied by almost any company in the world.

    My firm belief is that these problems are originating from the UBT offices, although (of course) I may be wrong.
    It would explain why the subscriptions are screwed up but you get your "back" copies so quickly.
  3. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Six issues per year

    It's published bimonthly, not monthly, isn't it?

    Some of the online adverts I've found state twelve issues for a year's subscription, but unless I've got the wrong end of the stick I think they are in error and should say six.

    I only mention this because your reference to May and June issues made we wonder if you subscribed through one of these ads and were misled. :eek:
  4. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    It's monthly although the publication dates have been a little sporadic at times.
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Published Monthly? You're Joking!!

    Although I've received in 2007 the January, July and October monthly issues, are my combined as one publication February/March, May/June, August/September issues collector items and is my issue simply dated VOL. lll, ISSUE 8 my missing April issue or one of the 3 initial issues I didn't receive after subscribing and my credit card charged?

    Are we paying for 6, 9 or 12 issues a year? It was my understanding as I recall when I subscribed it was 12, a monthly publication. Thank God Kasey S. Thompson doesn't publish TV Guide, Readers Digest or especially Playboy Magazine.

    London Colin you are as correct in your assumption as the answer you received is incorrect.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2007
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Hold on a minute

    There's a crucial distinction between what is supposed to be happening and what is actually happening. It's the former that I wanted to clarify.

    I had reached the conclusion that it must be bimonthly, based on -
    1. The subscription offer here which explicitly states "6 Issues per year."
    2. The references people have made to issues such as May/June
    On the other hand,
    1. You can subscribe here for the same price and be told it's "12 issues "
    2. The subscription page at says "12 Months - $29.95", which you would assume means one per month, but could conceivably mean 'however many get published in a period of 12 months'.
    Just out of curiosity, were issues such as May/June double the size of the single-month issues? (i.e. was the content intended for two separate issues bundled together?)
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Bet the house:

    I've been informed my two year subscription(as I understand) is for 24 issues whether they are multiple months or not and because of an initial "monkey" wrench, the initial three free issues which were duplicated, extended my subscription by three months.

    And then with other glitches, I believe my paid for two year subscription now extends to 2110. And they are arriving more consistantly than my forever TV Guide subscription, which by the way has no mailing address or phone number contact to dispute inconsistancies or mis mailed or unset obsconded issues.

    And my lifetime Playboy subscription extends and lasts longer than the corporation will be in business. But Missy Hefner assured me that if they no longer publish Playboy my subscription will be filled by" Knitting Today" and "Macrame for Dummies."
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think they were on a 6 week or so schedule before, and are transitioning to a 4 week schedule now. That would seem to mean it is a monthly now, but wasn't before.
  9. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Since subscribing to All IN Magazine I believe in Sept. 06 I have received 7 issues, 4 monthly issues and 3 bi-monthly issues as follow; Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr, May/June, July, Aug/Sept and Oct. This indicates a pattern of every other publication being a bi-monthly not monthly publication as I recall being promised with my paid subscription.

    I subscribed through a site promising 12 Monthly issues for an annual fee of $XX.XX which I paid with a credit card and was actually billed and paid 3 months prior to delivery of my 1st ALL IN magazine.

    It's time for those involved (ALL IN and UBT) to get their **** together and deliver on their promises and quit making excuses such as it takes time for a new business to iron out problems. A successful start up business anticipates and has a plan for potential problems, a failed business plays it day to day putting out fires.

    Colin to answer your prior question, the single month publications of ALL IN I received were an average 140 pages, the bi-monthly issues averaged 147 pages.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  10. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Alternative Subscription!

    I have not missed an issue, but I have never subscribed(!). While the mention of HET does sometimes invoke criticism from some, I will share how I obtain my copies – as it may be “workable” for some of you all. The Harrahs gift shop carries the periodical and does accept payment in the form of their RCS comps, so that other than the promo issues that I have received (for which I am grateful), this is how I get my copies. You can just give them your player's card at the shop and the credit is deducted from your account - no need to get a "comp slip". One would think that this may be available at other venues.

  11. mociferous

    mociferous Member

    I got mine!

    Since we subscribed, we've received every issue on time, never missing one. Now that we signed up for ClubUBT, we get doubles every month!

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