Another interesting dilema

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by mrbill, May 13, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Vegas Burn Out

    He or She is just another Las Vegas "BURN OUT".This town will do it to weak minded.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    JoeP, you're pushing the limits in this thread too. Not the most recent post, but the one before that. If you weren't an established contributor here, that post would have gotten you in trouble. Consider yourself chastised.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Were all friends here

    Ghost, I just got back in town tonight from Vegas so I have been out of touch from reading any of the post until now. After reading the posts and hearing things out in Vegas I will guess that you and BJ Phantom (from Blackjack Confidental) may be one and the same.

    Sound like you have a new book out and so does BJ Phantom. If your not one and the same, forgive me.

    Now as far as wanting to punch someone out, My name is Rick Jensen, I will be back out in Vegas for the Rio and Stardust tournaments next month (June 10th - 17th) I really don't care to fight, but I will not stand for any of my friends to be threaten nor myself so if you feel the need to attack someone look me up. You can either come over and we go get a drink and talk things out or we can go outside, you choose, but as far as the threats, THEY STOP NOW!

    You deside friend or foe.
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Is This For Real

    Kenny considering all the stuff that has been said on this site.I find myself a bit confused as to what I said that was pushing it in my post .There have been promises of beating other members up,there were request to other posters to stop performing oral stimulation on me and now im being told I'm pushing it.If you havent seen a pile of dog poop on a picnic you are just not looking around.But you are the boss and if this is what you see fit to do who am I to question your actions ?I just ask you for a level playing field, right now it's not.This all could have been done in a private message or by phone.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry for singling you out

    Sorry if I surprised you with that one Joe, and yes, it could have been handled via PM. I chose to use your post as an example mainly because you're one of our most valuable contributors and I figured you would understand.

    It's apparent that the tone of some of the existing posts are something of a problem, both for existing members and especially to newcomers who can't immediately see the connections between the people represented by various usernames.

    I ask everyone here to just take a moment to reconsider before posting any kind of inflammatory response to a post, no matter how egregious the message to which you are replying. That's all I'll have to say about this matter for a while, and the whole recent discussions have blown this issue far out of proportion.

    Enjoy, post, and try to be as considerate as you are able. ;-)

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