Are there Backers in Blackjack tournaments?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Duy Tran, Aug 14, 2010.

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  1. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Horse S Tournament

    S Yama actually was confused, it's the Bull S tournament he was referring to not the Horse S tournament. this tournament is conducted at Gilley's, Treasure Island Casino, Las Vegas.
    You get to discard a card of your wish for each 2 seconds you stay on the Bull.
  2. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    Yall are wrong. I ran out double deck for 6 hands. I think the avg hand for double deck before reshuffle is 3 hands. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
  3. marichal

    marichal Member


    deal, but the balance, (2 pennies) has to be paid in american currency (and no trying to pass confedrate monies this time. i found out that the north won).
  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Ear Plugs??

    Everyone put their ear plugs on now and get ready for some real Horn Blowing.... LOL

    Let it rip guys!

  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Duy Tran

    Another Factor: No one has addressed. In Blackjack tournaments, as opposed to Poker tournaments, the more times and the more money you win, the less opportunities you have to play. From banned posters to this site to the site founder and successful tournament players in between it has proven. Once you establish your edge in BJ tournaments no matter what kind of side play, you become personna non grata. All over the country. All over the industry.

    So even if you truly have some miracle formula it will be a shortlived experience, unless of course you write a book. Best stick to Poker.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    You need to be more specific with your questions. When you asked how many hands are dealt, the implication was "how many hands are dealt in the tournament". You should have asked "how many hands are dealt before a reshuffle".
  7. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    I mean really? Its blackjack tournament.
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    He may be TOO HUMBLE to write a good book!

    Billy C
  9. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Missing post ?

    The first time I read through this thread, I noticed a post advising Mr. Tran to be aware of the fact that in most tournaments there was some form of collusion or cooperation among some players.

    I intended to come back later, to quote and comment on that post. However, rereading the entire tread I can no longer find that post.

    Am I imagining things or was that subsequently edited out of this thread ?
  10. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    No. One of the member said that my system was probably palm chips or something like that which is not part of game at all and etc. You really can't cheat in blackjack, I don't believe.
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nothing like you describe was ever in this thread, and I just checked all the edits to make sure I didn't miss something. Looks like you were imagining things, or more likely, misread the posts discussing luck vs skill.
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You should re-read the posts here more carefully. Noone has said anything about your system having anything to do with cheating.

    There is a post that talked about palming chips, but it was in the discussion of luck vs skill and had nothing to do with you.
  13. marichal

    marichal Member

    mr. tran

    if you actually believe that one cannot cheat at blackjack tournaments, you need to come to washington and play tournaments daily. you will see how one can accomplish this feat in every possible way.

    you surely must be jesting with your comment.
  14. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Cheating IS possible

    That isn't true. Palming chips is one of the most tried methods of cheating in tourneys. To this day, I believe I was the victim of it at a Stardust tournament many years ago. To make a long story short, I sized my bet for last hand to cover an individual that had already bet in front of me and the person ended up with $35 more than me without a payoff error by dealer. I'm quite sure the $35 was "palmed". Because this happened on the final table, it was a lesson that cost me several thousand dollars.
    And Tran, if you'll reread UNEDITED post #19 (by me) note that I didn't suggest you were cheating in ANY way.

    Billy C
  15. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    Oh I know. I never implied yall accused my gameplan of cheating. I know someone said something about the best way to win is palmed chips.

    Billy C,

    your right about palming chips is the most tried method of cheating. Ppl do it in poker also.
  16. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Please tell us

    I think Mr. Tran needs to inform us of the next BJ tournament he plans to attend. This thread has been very entertaining but it's time for him to put up or shut up irregardless of a backer. Surely as a succesfull poker player as he attests, he can afford to jump start his domination of BJ tournaments at a $50 to $150 entry fee tournament without a backer.

    I think S. Yama's Horse S tournament description defines this thread to a "T"ran.

    Mr. Tran if you get a backer, I'll make a $500 side bet I finish higher than you in a tournament mutually attended.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2010
  17. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    At the end of the day, luck is still involved a little bit compared to poker.
  18. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    someone please answer my previous question. Double deck 6 man playing, I ran it out... I can get like 3 hands in. Am I wrong here?
  19. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Mr Tran,

    You are avoiding the question from rookie789. When is your next tournament so we can judge your skills?
    If you don't answer this question then we know you are really not that good.
  20. Duy Tran

    Duy Tran New Member

    trust me, I didn't mean to avoid the question. I'm not sure if I'm going to tunica yet. If I do, who can I meet to confirm I was there? I just hate making the drive to tunica which is 3 1/2 hr away and I hate driving myself.
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