Aruba Update

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by KenSmith, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    face to a name

    Any chance of a photograph from Aruba? I know you BJ players are a secretive bunch but it's time to come out of the closet :eek: ! See whether anybody who posts on this forum would be up for it.


  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Thursady Aruba Update

    Thursday in Aruba started off just like ever other day SUNNY and HOT :laugh:

    But today was the first of two scheduled 500 tournaments with rebuys that attracted 89 players and created a 44,500 prize pool.

    As you know already from Hollywood's post the tournament was won by Blair Rodman with Andriana ( Vera ) Jade coming in 2nd.

    Anthony Curtis made his 2nd Final Table in 2 days and the rest of the field had one other BJ player Kris Judkins from Las Vegas .

    The blackjack players even though out numbered by Poker Players continue to show up at multiple tables in the Semi Finals and Finals .I'm starting to belive that many more members here will see the value of skilled play.

    My table came down to Mike Castellano Hollywood Dave and me in a real close match with all of us having our secret bets on the final hand

    I had 30,000 betting first and secret bet 4,000
    Mike C had 25,250 betting 2nd and Secret Bet 500
    Hollywood had 25,500 had last bet and also secret bet 12,000

    I was dealt 10 -10
    Mike C was dealt 5-4
    Hollywood was dealt 10-2

    Dealers up card was 5

    I have this week been in this sitution before against poker players and I have gone for protecting the high as I feel the poker players are aggressive.But against these 2 accomplished pros I was going to force 1 of them to win their hands.

    When I saw the dealer up card of 5 my heart missed a beat as I thought now when I go low I will be punished again with a dealer bust as I was in the main event and who wants to hear Dave yapping . After I made my bet and it became Hollywoods turn I gave him some of his own trash talking business while he was thinking about his bet.

    Fkg 42 was standing by and really got a kick out of it he might have his own version of it but I will leave mine as just that.

    I stood on my 20 and hoped one of them forced the other one to win and thats what Mike C did as he bet 500 and then DD for another 500 but both actions were secret so Hollywood had no idea what Mike or for that matter what I did.

    Dave DD his 10-2

    The dealer turned over a 10 with his 5 and the dealer bust was starting to look like it would happen once again to me

    He found a 3 for 18 and now when the best are turned over if Dave caught 7-8-9 on his DD him and I were moving on to the semi finals but Dave card was a 4 and Mike C and myself (2 guys) from the east coast sent that smack talking Hollywood Dave back to the beach.

    Actually it was a very intense match with multiple lead chances that had a nice crowd around watching as at one time or another one of us always had the lead over the other.The puck played a HUGE role in this game.

    I was eventually sent to the beach in the semis as I lost to the eventual winner Blair with an all in bet and a hand of 17 vs a dealers 8 if I win the hand I would be neck and neck with Blair but that was not to be and he knocked out the last player left to go on to the Finals and win it. Congrats to Blair on another tournament win to add to his wall full of trophys both in Blackjack and Poker and for that matter just about every type of tournament that has been held Blair has won.. He is not only a accomplished pro but a mild mannered guy who is always looking to help out the new players.

    Im off to sleep as I have been buring the candle at both ends this week

    See ya

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2006
  3. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Great Reporting from Aruba!

    Thanks reporter/players for the current Aruba updates! Not sure how you are able to do it w/out paper and pencil, recorders, or blackberries with you constantly.

    Ken...your disciples are pulling for you...we know you've got the guns ready.

    And...good luck to you, women BJ players "have got your back". We are with you in spirit.

  4. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Final Table #1 Results

    Anthony Curtis just posted the results from the first table in Aruba, on his message board at

    Champion Erin Tribble
    2 Eric Aldous
    3 Greg Pryce
    4 Internet Qualifier, Carlie (last name to come)
    5 Anthony Curtis
    6 Ken Smith
    7 Tom Coan

    Ken Smith and I ran into some big bankrolls that we couldn't catch. More details will be provided soon.
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    That stinks. Maybe that internet person was douchekitty? I hope so.

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It was...

    Carly is D.Kitty, congratulations on your 4th place finish.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2006
  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Yep Carly was dousche bag....I wonder if she will tip me for the advice???:joker:

    I guess thats one vote for luck
  8. douchekitty

    douchekitty New Member

    Update on today's tournament!

    Hello all!
    Thank you for the well wishes, and let me just say that today was one of the most fun as well as scary days of my life! Lol I got to meet a lot of really great people, especially those at the table today. Ken Smith and Anthony Curtis are absolutely fabulous, and guys- if you're reading this, thanks for being so kind to me today =D So I'm sure many of you have read the update on already, but seeing as how I haven't read it, I will just say that I was completely and utterly shocked that I made it through to get 4th place! Lol. Pretty much in all the elimination hands, I should have been the one to leave, and somehow I got lucky and managed to stay past 3 people... not quite sure how that happened! It was an incredible experience though and I'm so incredibly grateful that I got to be here for this tournament. Thank you to those who helped me with advice and such, and hopefully Ken, Anthony and Hollywood I'll see you guys at another tournament sometime =) Does anyone know what the results for the 2nd table are?? Stubbs, if you're reading this, how'd you do??? =D

    To answer the previous comments, yes, I am the internet qualifier, and my last name is McKee... Just in case anyone cares ;o) That's all for now! Have a great night!
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2006

    BJMAILMAN Member

    The UBT site shows Aaron Tribble, UB freeroll winner, winning first. Here's the beginning with a beginner winning a title (from a freeroll). Who all played at his table? Sounds like a lot of fun there and stress.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Well done

    Well done all but especially to douchekitty. When I saw your name on the list I thought "Is that her?" and it was! Hope to see you more on the forum and maybe on some of the other online sites. Are you douchekitty on UB/Bet21/PLAYubt? Just remind me which site you won your place on originally?


  11. douchekitty

    douchekitty New Member

    my name is douchekitty on, and I'm probably going to sign up for a account as well... what's your username on the sites? To answer a previous post, there were quite a few people who had won their way to the tournament from a freeroll, but the difference is that they won theirs through poker, whereas I had won mine through blackjack. Anyways, I'm extremely happy for Aaron who won the tournament, he played well and was a very good sport about everything. So, if you're reading this Aaron- congrats again! =) Well, that's about all for me about the tourney, so maybe I'll see u all again sometime soon.
  12. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    Play UBT of course!

    There's only one place online where you can win a seat at the final table. :D

  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Did I miss something

    I guess I missed the Aruba qualfiers. Ah, I remember, I was in Portugal! :D


  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    UBT champion interview on at Ultimate Bet

    The honor of being the first UBT champion goes to Aaron Tribble of Kansas CityThe honor of being the first UBT champion goes to Aaron Tribble of Kansas City...

    This is the beginning of the story posted at Ultimate bet, it is listed under the Aruba results just after the poker results.

    Congratulations Aaron on a very impressive win.
  15. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Second Final Table

    Does anybody know how the second final table in Aruba played out? I saw Swog's post about the results from the first final table.

    Enquiring minds got to know!!!!!
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yep, I have heard!

    I heard the results of the 2nd table, but I have been asked to let the players in Aruba report the results, sorry. :rolleyes:
  17. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    All the players from Aruba must be busy licking their wounds.

    Maybe round 2 was won by the free roller who was at his first tournament too...that would prove beyond a doubt that Rick was right about the luck thing...not that he needs much additional
  18. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Aruba Poker

    I think the flaw in BJT is the art of card playing is ignored, for most part, unlike Poker where the pros win and win again. Curious, who won the big poker game? Was it an online qualified person? One thing about these online qualifiers is the amateurs kicking ass will draw in more amateurs. Them doing well is a blessing for UBT. I would fire Phil Hellmouth and hire the newbies for next weeks advertising.

  19. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Aruba Final Table # 2

    As most are back from Aruba now, can someone post the results from final
    table # 2...with....

    John Ressman
    Peter Nathan
    Dan Furtado
    Michael Woo
    Donald Whitford
  20. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Despite being in Aruba, I know only three results:

    2nd: Devilfish Ulliot
    6th: Peter Nathan
    7th: John Ressman

    Hopefully, someone else can fill in the blanks.

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