Barona Sat Final Tonight 6pm EST

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by bjmace, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    C'mon, guys. Not here! There's enough of that available on another forum.
    Please take it over there if you'd like to continue the skirmish. :(
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Are you insulted by him using the word Fuzzy math? If you are I dont get your point. That math is sales oriented. I used the word "magic" Just like when the infomercial tells us we can win 10$ grand on Halloween! FUZZY!

    I feel for Ted here mace, he has been insulted on the 'fight board' for valuable logical opinions. That hurts.
  3. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Fuzzy means retarded now if you think I'm going to sit here and be insulted by a jumped up low life piece of garbage who is crying as he has'nt won on UB for 2 weeks and so attacks everyone you have another thing coming, We know where you stand on every UBT issue Barney with all your childish posts over at LVA and attacking anything that has a UBT label on it, the point is Ted has no right calling me a retard especially when i was correct, The fact that everyone has been saying he has lost the plot behind his back is no excuse.
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    That gets you a 3-day suspension Mace. Take it somewhere else if you want to be a jerk.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Mace, I am astounded. These posts don't sound like you at all.

    Are they?
  6. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Wow! I am truly sorry, Mace, if you thought I was attacking you or calling you names. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

    I said "Love your fuzzy math." I called the math fuzzy, not you. Plus, the definition of fuzzy is:
    incoherent: not clearly thought out or set out, as in, The initial plan was fairly fuzzy.

    There was never ANY attack on you, mace. Plus, I then even clarified my opinion by stating:
    "Okay, here's my final statement to clear things up:
    The club will be paying $10,000 + expenses to the winner. And the value of each of the 1,600+ seats in last night's tournament was a positive EV of $86."

    This statement was meant to include both my point of view and yours and leftnut's.

    Sorry you took offense to my use of the phrase "fuzzy math." In America, that phrase became popular when, in 2000, in a presidential debate, George W. Bush accused Al Gore of employing "fuzzy math." Since then, that phrase has been used many, many times in this country when numbers don't make sense or are being manipulated to prove one's point. That's it, plain and simple.

    Your attack on me was totally uncalled for, Mace. I didn't direct any personal comments at you. Sorry if you thought I did.
  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Me too. Lots of anticipation, and then it was all over in a flash. Like so many things in life. :D
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I hope when you calm down you will accept Fuzzy isnt a derogatory flame, its a simple explanation of a lil'sumpin that doesnt matter much. I hope you come back after your vacation. Mind you I am still the number one vacation expert with 3 of them. So there. You might be the King of Europe BJT but I am King of 3 day vacations:laugh: :joker:
  9. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    clearing things up for Mace

    In another effort to try to clear things up, I'd like to add to my previous post. And Mace, since you can't respond on this site for a couple more days, to be fair, this will by my last post on this matter, directed to you.

    It seems as if you've been jumping to conclusions lately about me, my posts and what's been behind them. It has nothing to do with my recent losing streak on bet21. I've posted my opinions about the club and the ubt on both forums for way longer than my losing streak. Plus, if you go back to my two long posts on LVA a week ago Sunday, you'll see that I was quite calm and unemotional, and did not attack anyone.

    What's been the driving force behind my posts about the club and the ubt is that I want them to succeed, maybe even as much as you do. What would I gain by them failing? Yet I have plenty to gain potentially, should they succeed and thrive.

    But if everyone simply patted each other on the back, saying what a great job the club and ubt are doing, it wouldn't really be helpful to those entities. I've presented both my likes and dislikes, the positives I see and the negative aspects I see. I've offered ideas for improvement. And so have many other respected posters on this forum, such as toonces, fgk42, and leftnut, to name a few.

    But it SEEMS LIKE you and Joe only present the positive side. And when presented with some aspect of the club or the ubt that could use improvement or is confusing, instead of saying, "Hmm, you may have something there. I'll run that by the people who can do something about that," you and Joe either ignore it or attack it.

    Successful firms survey their current and past customers. They learn from them. They make improvements, adjustments, and find out new product lines or services. So when experienced players provide their opinions, it's a shame that there's no one at the club or ubt to simply say, "Thank you, we'll take that under consideration." And that's too bad for everyone involved. One exception I've experienced was my conversation with the Customer Service Manager at the Club. He really did listen, said some of my thoughts and ideas made sense, agreed with many of them, and said we'd see some changes coming down the line. How civilized! But why isn't there more of that? Could it be that there's a buffer (or worse, censor?) between the feedback and those who should be getting it?

    Mace, I know the UBT shows are not broadcast in the UK. And I know you recently returned from a very long cruise. One simple question: When you recently defended the UBT commercials, had you seen at least one complete episode, and witnessed firsthand what so many people have said about the commercials and the way they simply ran back-to-back-to-back? If so, then I respect your feedback on them. But if you hadn't, then how unbiased were you being when you defended the show and the ads?

    And just to clear up my "fuzzy math" comment a little more, I went to wikipedia. Here's what it says on their site:

    ---The term "fuzzy" in fuzzy math comes from the term fuzzy logic which is derived from fuzzy set theory which deals with mathematical reasoning that is approximate rather than precisely deduced from predicate logic. Fuzzy logic has a number of practical applications in fields such as engineering. The "fuzzy math" dispute was an aspect of the presidential election debates between Al Gore and George Bush in the year 2000. Bush introduced the term "fuzzy math" into the debate as a criticism of Gore's evaluation of the respective merits of their tax reform plans. After the debate, people on each side (pro-Gore and pro-Bush) remained convinced that their side was using math correctly, and that it was the other side that was misusing statistics. The specific issue that sparked the use of the term "fuzzy math" concerned the predicted results of one of Bush's tax cut proposals.---

    So it's not even close to what you thought it meant.

    And Mace, on October 20, on the LVA site, you started off one of your posts with, "Ted your off your head." I just looked up what that means. One site says it means "crazy." you actually called me crazy. And did I attack you and call you names? No. I began my next reply with "Mace, this is me speaking without my head." Sometimes, a little humor or sarcasm can go a long way.

    So please don't jump to conclusions about who I am, why I post the things I do, accuse me of calling you names, and pointing your finger at me as if I was the enemy. And if you think I had anything to do with your being banned on this site, I did not. I wouldn't have even asked for it, since I understand where you were coming from, given the difference in language, definitions and word meanings between our two countries. But it would be nice to get an apology for the names you called me. If not, well then, so be it.
  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    No UBT shows in the U.K.

    I've stayed, and will continue to stay, out of the Ted vs. Mace free-for-all.
    Just a quick insertion re: the TV shows and the U.K.

    As promised, I mailed Mace a VHS tape with the first 5 shows on it.
    This was sent 10/19, so he either just got it or will get it literally any minute.

    It will be interesting to read his comments on the show in general, & the commercials in specific, when he returns here.

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