Best strategy for tournaments with no limit betting?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, May 27, 2005.

  1. tgun

    tgun Member

    I agree with Ken

    Ken took the words out of my mouth. You can't win any blackjack tournament without some degree of luck! Of course, some require a greater degree then others. If a tournament was 100% luck and the casino returned all entry money to the players, then there would be no house edge. With all players being equal, in the long run everyone would break even. I would play in these just for the enjoyment of playing. But fortunately, players can learn skills to gain advantages. Therefore, I play in many different tournament types. And if God's willing I will continue to do so.

    To solve the problem I would like to see an, "International Tournament Blackjack Association", formed to standardize the game rules. Tournaments could be either sanctioned or non sanctioned events. I think it will give us a better chance of achieveing the status which "Hold'em Poker" is now enjoying.

    P.S. I'll volunteer for the Association. :)
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I agree with Tgun

    Tgun you took the words out of my mouth. Some sort of standardization is indeed needed and very desirable. Unfortunately, as you know, blackjack tournaments have a very long way to go before reaching the status curently enjoyed by poker. That's too bad. With some innovative thinking, BJ Tournaments can contain the suspense and standardization of poker and thus attract more players and be more enjoyable to a larger audence.

    Maybe we are witnessing the beginning of this evolution with the efforts of KenSmith, TXtourplayer, Joep, and others. All serious BJ players should give them our full support. I for one wish them great success. Unfortunately, evolution takes time and I'll probably be enjoying(?) the peace (although cold)and quite of a pine box 6 feet under before that happens.

    Well Tgun, don't just sit there - get the ball rolling!!!
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Almost here

    Just wait a while longer guy's (and gal's), something is about to pop in the world of Blackjack!

    I have heard of several new things about to start up, some my ideas and some I have been told about, and a couple I have been ask to play in.

    I can only tell you that plan's are being made to promote blackjack tournaments and build them up simular to the poker events. keep your fingers crossed that those involved can make it work, for if they do it will benifit all of us.

    Some of these events will be open for all and all designed to increase the interest in tournament blackjack. They will be regional, national, and international tournaments.

    I wish I could tell you I had something special planned for the Cruise tournaments, but as of now nothing more then the planned four tournaments and the live Sit & Goes.

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