Customer Service

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    A Good Step

    So Rick even when Bet 21 takes steps in the right direction its still not good enough for you.

    They stated in their letter to Fred that they are following on this situation. Thats a good indication to me that they are serious about this problem

    I'm sure you are already typing your letter to CS asking "Where is my $50".I sure that Fred's daily play at the site and the number of games he has played was a factor in the decision to award him the $50.You on the other hand almost never play there that I'm aware of.You stated that from day 1 that you would not play there until all the bugs were fixed.

  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    For me a step in the right direction will be the arrival of my "Play to Win" book. :)

    FGK, will you be calling into BE IN ACTION radio program tonight? Even I would chime in to hear that!
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Well, I think it is a positive sign that someone in upper management got involved and took some action...

    Its a positive step and the amount is irrelevant... rather they have replied beyond a canned response and in a postiive manner...

    Time will tell if it was simply hush money...

    I can see that the bonus money ball is back in play and we should all expect the bonus money solution soon....

    Hopefully they can put this blip behind them and more so that we can grow this game and site to a model of success and enjoyment...

    Im seeing new names and Im seeing far better play....there is still smoke and where there is smoke there can very well be fire...
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Rando good points even in last nights 9PM 2 table 14 player tournament that I helped organized ,there were at least 4 players out of the 14 that were new to me and I'm usually on the site every day playing. I continue to see a lot of new names in the one table sit & go's also that I play in .New names are a good sign not only for Bet 21 but for the game itself.

    Ever new business ,even ones that are operating in a sterile environment are subject to needed changes.Bet21 and every other on-line gaming site that were broadsided by the passage of the INTERNET gaming law is adjusting ,and its going to take time for them to readjust to the different playing field that they now have to traverse thanks to our government.

    Keep in mind that Bet 21 along with UB the only sites currently offering elimination style tournaments and are still offering playing opportunities to US customers while others have banned us.Lets continue to see the "GOOD" as well as the bad.

    p.s. Rando try to make next Wednesday night 2 table tournament.I'm easy money :)

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep the right direction would be to reward everybody, not one player.

    I would think broken promises and guarantees by would get UBT involved in correcting these misleading promises to get customers to sign up to their site seeing they are using the UBT’s EBJ format.

    Being an ex-policeman you should know the legal term for what is doing wrong, it is called Deceptive Trade Practice, which happens to be a Federal offence. I would think UBT wouldn't want to be associated with anyone breaking the law? Surely UBT has a contract with stating they must comply to certain standards.

    Back last year the LV Hilton screwed up when they didn't tell the players about the $100 mulligan, everybody agrees on that and you jumped their butt over it. My question is WHY, are you defending who has done even worst to the players. They made promise after promise and still have failed to honor those promises.

    I understand you enjoy playing at, I enjoyed playing at Global-Player, but I jumped their butt anytime I saw them doing something wrong or felt something they were doing could be improved on.

    There is no justification to what is doing; it can't be because they didn't have the money. They gave away $50,000 free roll in St. Kitts, or was that everybody’s bonus money? If they don't have the money now, then why did they give away that free roll? Wouldn’t that be a form of embezzlement if that were the case? If they don't have the money now I don't feel sorry for them, I think they should be throw in jail, end of story.

    If I were I would be worrying about if fgk does persue this futher and makes a federal case out of it. If he does he will win and the names of all the owners and investor of will be made public and I don't think they want that or they would already have that information listed.

    But to be fair I'll wait for your reply. I am more then willing to give you a a chance to offer a reasonable reason why they haven't paid what has been promised. All I ask is don't tell us they are working on it or it is software problems, those lines were old a couple of months ago.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    People In Glass Houses

    Rick have you always paid your customers on time in your tournaments?

    One would think that someone who knows how certain things can affect a prompt payment of money won/earned would be more understanding than you have been in this situation.

    I beg to differ with you on your insistence that Bet 21 and UBT are in bed together.UBT has licensed Bet21 and UB and this gives them the right to run tournament's on their site using the elimination format.It does not give the UBT any right on how Bet 21 or UB conduct their business.Its plain and simple they paid UBT to have the right to run these tournaments.No company in their right mind would give another company control of their business because they had a licensing agreement with them in one aspect of their daily business.Your analogy would be like the company that supplies Burger King with its hamburger buns wants to tell Burger King how they should cook their burgers.

    When you try to compare the Hilton to Bet 21 thats a JOKE.The Hilton advertised that they would be holding a tournament giving away 100,000 to about 1,000 players who had earned their seats by playing in their casino.Then they pulled the "Mulligan" out of their hat literally forcing players to buy it if they wanted to compete on a equal level.So it was the players that put up the 100,000 not the Hilton.

    When Bet 21 offers a guarantee tournament there is no hidden tricks to win the money or jumping through hoops to qualify. or Mulligans to buy.They guarantee it and the games begin.

    Whats your point on the 50,000 free-roll did you not understand they gave that money away for FREE,why isn't that a good thing? .You could have been one of the players in that tournament.

    They give away money every night 7 days a week,but you will not address this matter you only want to talk about something that you personally are most likely not entitled to since you claim you don't play there for real money,or do you and you are hiding behind one name playing and talking trash with your other name.What gives Rick ?

  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good thing your house is not glass

    Joep, I had to reply to this...LOL

    Joep, yes I did miscount ONCE in one of my first tournament (which you like to bring up every time you can), the difference in me and is I paid what was owed…LOL

    Maybe should try paying what they owe.

    I play under my screen name at and if you read the posts I’ve stated for sometime now that I play live money at Just because you don’t know my screen name don’t get upset.

    Joep why do you like to worry about me so much? Maybe you should start worrying about the false information you post that doesn’t ever seem to happen, may going back through and correct them would be a good start. Seems we’ve seen UBT schedules posted several times that haven’t lived up to what was posted, when is that Oregon circuit event happening again?

    I’d like to thank Kaminari and Ken for correcting that for us, just seems like the original poster should have done that for us. Maybe next time you'll wait until a contract is signed before posting it's a done deal.

    I'm sorry to the members, I wasn't going to reply back. This will be my last reply to this thread.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  8. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    Some Questions

    So fgk is forced to launch a relentless campaign to get the money he is owed and they finally throw 50 dollars his way and that's supposed to prove what? What about all the other people who have been lied to, defrauded and scammed? Why does Joe seem to come to the defense of a business that has shown it is deceptive and fraudulent in its business practices? How does Joe seem to know so much about bet21 and its business model? Did bet21 exist before UBT? Who are the principles in each company? Why does everyone seem to have such a problem with the truth?
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Window Broken Once Again

    Don't be sorry we are all use to you saying one thing and doing another.If you don't believe me go back and read your "Time To Unite" thread/post where you posted you will not continue to post the things you have been saying .What was that you said "its just not good for the community" I believe was you quote.

    If you can not accept the fact that I will always point out when your are "Stirring" the pot then just stop stirring, and all will be good.

  10. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    To Ken Smith

    Hi Ken, I see Joe and Rick are at it again and this can go no where but downhill. I'm going to give myself a self-imposed three day ban from your wonderful site that I have grown to love. Take care, John
  11. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Hey Tex is Joep dealing for you on the cruise again this year?
  12. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Joep and Rick in tournament play together?

    I like both Joe and Rick.

    I have not heard anything for ages about these two playing against each other in live Blackjack tournament play.

    What tournaments on the calendar are they likely to meet up when they will be competing against each other again?

  13. Archie

    Archie New Member

    All of the above

    ... they probably owe you ten times that amount from your play on the site. Your total cost divided by 55 should give you the right number of real money they should credit to your account.:joker:
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


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