7-30 UBT St Kitts canceled Only 26 players registered so they canceled the 7-30 tournament. 30 were required!
Go to bet 21 right now...Russ Hamilton must have made some calls and opened his wallet ....I see an unusual amount of big shots there right now...Hell Id be there if he would pay me to play ..lol Maybe he should pay the customer service reps at Bet21 to honor bonus deals made , book deals made, canceled 1000 dollar guarentee games ...and misdealt games... Tick tick ....lol
Cha-Ching! I pulled off the win tonight in the 51 player $200+$15 St Kitts Qualifier. First place is a $6000 package including a $2700 seat, $1000 airfare reimbursement, $500 cash, and hotel for the duration in St Kitts.
Congrats Ken Great job tonight Ken. All in twice and you survived it. You did cost me $4 on a side bet. lol Nicely Done.
Nice Win Ken! Ken had two all in's and pulled them both off to win the $200 + $15 Bet21.com satellite for St. Kitts. He even won me a few side bets on the final table, way to go Ken.
Congrats "Internet Qualifier" :laugh: Congrats, Ken. It was great watching you pull that out hitting those big bets.