Blackjack's Newest Millionaire...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    They have a 3 Million $ poker tour. as well, it being called "the river", so they called the bj event "the split", in reference to a bj term.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  2. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    History in the Making!

    This was really a difficult but interesting tournament. And that was history making victory.
    Bravo Tammie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Great play rewarded by biggest ever cash win, and a car, and the bracelet, and many other reasons for happiness. Weeeheee!

    S. Yama
  3. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    I guess I am a week late-BUT CONGRATS-WOW-WHAT A YEAR


    I don't know the next time I will see you in person, so here is a big smooch on the cheek.


  4. matador

    matador Member

    what does the "Split" mean?

    It refers to the 6 monthly fianlist, each month one had selected a low card after the final round. Then on the Sunday after that player had to select another player to play 10 hands and the looser went home and was out of the finals, thus the term "Split."

    It had nothing to do with the normal term in BJ or splitting of the winnings.

    Later, Matador
  5. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    great final

    I’ve gotten a few requests to make some posts, and being home for a couple days afforded me time to do so. The subject matter couldn’t be easier to pick – final table and Tammie’s great win.

    After reading recap and great comments by Leftnut I imagined the situation like this:

    Betting (in order of acting).

    BR3 (Tammie) has to look for a chance to beat BR1 as her first goal. She needs to bet at least 1800 to overcome BR1’s push or loss with her hand winning. She can’t “afford” losing, so her bet should be as big as possible. Except for at least three reasons. First- to have reserved money for doubling if BR2 matches her on the high side, or if BR1 keeps more unbet chips than Tammie’s single win. The second reason is to finish in a better place when other players bet all-ins or keep less than Tammie, and all/both lose. The third reason is to keep a chip more than somebody’s bankroll, or twice his/her bankroll. Actually, keeping the same amount as somebody bankroll is also good because of the effect of correlation – if I lose most of the time the other person loses, leaving me with more chips. Yes, many people would look (if they had time) to cover somebody’s bj, but we should to put it in statistical perspective. The opponent has to get uncontested (by either dealer or us) blackjack and then we have to win our hand. That happens about 2% of the times – not that often, but if you have time to include this strategy in your arsenal – more power to you.
    Tammie did a fantastic job with her bet meeting all three or even four conditions if BR2 had 1400 and not 1450. Bravo!

    BR4 did pretty good job, too. Winning bet of 700 out of 1450 covers BR5 winning all-in and allows for split. Value of splitting when we are in not too good position is usually overestimated, though. BR4 goal should be to overcome BR2 and BR3 pushes with his win. Bet of 1050 would do this job and it would leave him with 400, which is more than all-in win by BR6. And yet a bj would put him ahead of BR1 losing more than 500.

    BR2 made a perfect bet, too. He could have matched BR3 bet, but by betting 1950 he could have not only cover Tammie’s single bet win but also cover her double for all-in, and still have kept more unbet chips than BR6 would have by winning all-in. Betting 2100 is even better because it still protects the lows and additionally creates possibility (however unlikely) that BR1 fixates on BR3 bankroll doubling up, leaving about 125 space to end up with more money than him.

    BR6, sorry guy, not much room for improvement, keeping 75 is the best option hoping that BR4 splits/doubles leaving him with only 50 bucks. A blackjack on 100 or double should overcome BR3 and BR4 split losses.

    The leader should worry less about opponets’ blackjacks than losing to a push, as winning against bj is not as common as a loss/push. However, covering BR2 and BR3 winning all-in doubles is a must since losing the necessary bet that would do that job still would leave him with more unbet chips than opponents bankroll (their pushes). He might have been tempted to bet in such a way that losing would leave him with more chips that BR5 winning all-in blackjack, or being able to lose double/split to BR2 push --but covering BR2 double is more important.

    S. Yama
  6. matador

    matador Member

    Funny, I had never read this recap from LeftNut, great job. I was BR2 on the final hand I only had Tammie by $25 I think. As the betting order fell, I just blocked out last place and went for it. Got a crap hand and the count was really high (hindsight I could of hit to a 19 after watching the video). The cards fell and Tammie got a great win. It was a lot of fun. Fun to go back and read about that final round.

    KenSmith likes this.

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