Purge the Tournament Calendar? Your request to wipe the tournament calendar clean and start anew although members were responsible enough to edit events as cancelled appears counter productive. I applaud members that edit their posted events with changes including cancellation. What options do you suggest members perform other than list tournaments as their aware and edit upon further knowledge. Surely not to wipe the calendar clean monthly or quarterly and ask calendar event posting members to relist tournaments up to date on a continual basis. If so, this would eliminate the clutter you're objecting to but probably also reduce the number of tournaments posted.
Agreed. Purging the calendar would be tantamount to throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Many good listings would simply vanish and not reappear. Barney is correct in that there are a lot of canceled events still listed but that's more likely due to folks not realizing that "canceling" an event in the Calendar won't make it go away in the listings. The extra step of entering an ending date certainly wouldn't occur to me if I didn't already know about it. Here's a suggestion - perhaps the Calendar listings could be changed on the administrative level so that canceling will accomplish the same thing?
Sorry, I did phrase that badly. The idea is to see if the editing function for the Calendar can be altered so that it will automatically remove a BJT from the current listings when entered as canceled, without have to take the second step of entering an end date. Of course, it's no big deal to take that second step, but many won't know that and will figure it happens by itself - and we end up with the situation we have now.
I would wipe the weekly and monthly calendar clean one time- altho it could be done every few years. Urging the participants to use start and end dates would work, but we almost never know when the tourney will be canceled and when it is usually we dont know because we have stopped going.
I just looked thru next Mondays schedule and went to web pages from calendar. Of 15 events 3 web pages didnt work 10 didnt list the event on casino or promo pages and two events confirmed a game at Cannery and Edgewater. So, 2/15 confirmed (using South West Open weekly search). Not to say some just dont put it on their web page etc.
What I Do To prevent bad things such as happened to Lefty and Monkey not all that long ago it's always a good idea to PERSONALLY contact host casino shortly before any event to reconfirm playing times, schedules, etc. This covers you if the event has been cancelled or something has changed. How long beforehand you do this is dependent on things like travel, of course. There could be times when you're reconfirming your reconfirmation----better safe than sorry! Billy C
calendar changes I spent a little while last night editting those in this area that no longer exist (that I am aware of). I did not know about putting in the final date either. I have not entered the new ones yet since there have been some casino changes, but I will. It doesn't take long if someone will just do it.
Well at least one person heard my message - thank you. Just to repeat the last sentence: It doesn't take long if someone will just do it.
Trying to verify tournaments by looking up the casino's web site is a very poor method and does not accurately reflect the accuracy of the Calendar on this site. A couple of major tournaments I play (not invites) don't post the tournaments on their web sites. How can we expect them to post weeklies or monthlies? Also, gaming magazines are not always accurate in listing BJTs. Right here on this site we have the means to have the best tournament Calendar in the world. But all members must participate in maintaining the Calendar for it to be a viable tool.
Toolman, I just wanted to see what was obviously available via web pages in a few minutes. Im guessing a few of those are still active but the point is probably half are not and who klnows maybe Monday has only 2 of 15 to the good like I noted. Im guessing over 50% of the weekly listings are not active. And I hope you take your own advice and get active. Try calling 5 casinos a day and clear up some of this mess. Thats what it takes, calling the casino to get it right. If you dont frequent the casino, like leilahay, its actually quite a bit of work to call check and change. Calling casinos can be a real hastle.
I'm always updating the Calender with information that becomes available to me. The only monthly I play occasionally is the Four Winds in Michigan. If you look at the Calendar for that event and access the history of updates you'll see that I made all of the updates (4) to that event over the last 6 months. As to calling 5 casinos to see if their tournaments still exist, that's ridiculous and you're missing the point. I'm not saying any single person should police the accuracy of the Calendar and I never said anyone should call a casino just to see if a tournament still exists if that person is not interested in playing that tournament. What I'm saying is that this site has enough members so someone knows information about virtually every event in every casino but they are not posting anything. If those members would post that information then the Calendar would be accurate up to the minute. To quote leilahay again: "It doesn't take long if someone will just do it."
I get your point toolman, its just that what you think should happen wont happen. The calendar wont clean itself the way it should because people just wont do it. Of course I see it as a bad group of trees in an orchard, you can replant a few every now and then or you can clear the field and start over. The field will always be best after redevelopment. I think if you or I took the 3 or so hours to call the casinos on Mondays schedule you would find most of the 15 are canceled. Im not going to do it, altho I will check the Riverside game I might have placed that one, you aren't going to do it. We just need to get lucky and someone who frequents the casino takes the few minutes to do it. Im not holding my breath.
I agree that it's "pie in the sky" to think it's possible to have a completely accurate Calendar. Yes, it won't happen. But I also think that erasing everything in the weekly and monthly events will result in little information for the members for the same reason the members do not update existing events - they simply will not re-post the event.
We need one or two people from every area. I try to cover So Cal and Laughlin and they are pretty clean. For my SW are we need a reliable person in Vegas and Reno to clean it up. Leah worked on her Wa area and thats great. Now come on Vegas and Reno! When I was removing a couple games I didnt see a removal option so I dated the games to end 1-1-10
Multiple listings One problem is the same tournament listed multiple times. Often, it seems, a player will list a tournament and not realize that the tournament is already listed in the calendar; if the original lister then cancels/final dates his entry when the tournament is canceled, that doesn't delte the second or third entry for the same tournament. Maybe the calendar could be set up so that when you add an event for a particular casino, it automatically gives you a list of all events already listed for that casino to keep down the multiple listings?
There is no way to "remove" an event once it is on the Calendar. I think this is a good thing because it prevents a malicious person from erasing the entire Calendar. The only way to stop a weekly or monthly event from showing up on the Calendar of Events is to put an End Date that is at least one day less that the date you are making the update - as you did. PS: I just saw the list of updates to the Calendar. I see you've been a busy man, Barney Stone. Nice work.
I just finished a triple Absolute Dirty and did all the Thursday weekly games. 10 of 15 were canceled. Two didnt have pits anymore. One had the operator in the bathroom. Harrahs was a friggin joke. The Arizona game starts at 3 am. lol. I was laughed at too because games were gone several years ago LOL. Sadly 66% were no mas. BTW, Win River is starting a new game next week on Tuesdays but I couldnt understand the guy. Where ever in the Hell Win River is LMAO
Keeping Track of Calendar Entries It looks like several folks are doing their best to keep the listing for their area up to date. Something that Barney Stone said gave me an idea that might help with this. "I will check the Riverside game I might have placed that one" It would be nice if there was some way we each could get a list of the entries that we have added/updated. That way we could occasionally review the entries we have contributed to and keep them up to date without having some fall through the cracks.