ClubUBlackjackT -- overall analysis

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by TedinNaples, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    My 2 cents worth -- again

    Toonces said: I disagee with your analysis of TPs. They should not be that easy to get.

    I say: I now agree with Toonces that TPs should not be that easy to get in the larger value tournaments, but I still believe more players need to get paid on the BJ side. However, with the change to topping off accounts to 500TPs instead of 100 TPs, the club has made it easier for the weaker players to play longer. In the past, if a newbie with 100 or 200 TPs decided to play a 100 or 200TP tournament and bombed out, that would be it for them for the day. If that happened a few times in a row, they'd be gone. With 500TPs to play with, a newbie can play in multiple tournaments, learn the games, and start winning TPs on their own. That will keep many of them renewing their monthly subscriptions. The execs at the Club might have seen that most of the players not renewing were never able to attain TPs to qualify for the big tournaments. So this change is welcome to the newbie, but maybe not to the better players.

    Freeloader said: Another data point from tonight that stuck me as particularly anomalous...
    The 1am $100 poker tourney had 141 entrants and gave out TPs to 100 places.
    The 11pm $100 blackjack tourney had 125 entrants and gave out TPs to TWELVE places. That's less than 10%. Think about it.

    I say: This is my biggest gripe with the club. Regardless of how many TPs are topped off, or how many TPs are awarded to the top players in a tournament, there needs to be equality between BJ and poker. If the current payback system remains after thousands of blackjack players join the club after seeing the promotions on CBS, they will be disillusioned and a majority will probably never go beyond the two-week trial period.
    You simply can't have 70-90% of blackjack players losing all their points in most tournaments. I understand that blackjack doesn't allow for players being ranked within a tournament. But the simplest thing the Club can implement right now is to pay back all players that advance from the FIRST round in a tournament. Think about it. A four-round tournament will usually have only 2 of 7 players advancing from the first round. So if the Club rewards these 2 players on every table, that's still only 29% being paid. A far cry from the 50%+ on poker, but far better than 10%. Currently, many of those 2 advancing players will wind up with nothing for their beating out 71% of the other players. That's just not fair.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    two cents & two cents =

    Inequality between EBJ and PT - I agree with you. I "think" the reasoning behind this system of TP rewards is this:

    In the PT they award 50% of their participants with TP (usually) I mean for the lower PT is starts at 50 for the higher events it is 100

    With EBJ the people who created this system figured the final table and the semi-finals would be a 50% reward system. I don't think they realized how much they were cutting out of the average EBJ player.

    As I previously wrote I believe that TP should be awarded for quarter, semi and final tables. I believe that if you advance a single round in EBJ you should get 2/3 of you entry TP back. Just my PERSONAL figure/thoughts. As the system currently exists many more people, myself included, play poker just for point accumulation.

    Ted you've got a valid point. The changes that they recently instituted are good and hopefully The Club continues to evolve and get better.

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