Comanche Nation $1mil Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by BJMAILMAN, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Ikedog

    Ikedog New Member

    crrc tour.

    the cut for above.... 1750. good luck everyone!
  2. HPF89X

    HPF89X New Member

    I have won my table both nights so far. 1490 the first and 1100 the second. Doesn't really look like anyone is pulling away too much. There are just few that have high chip counts. I played very safe the second night and pretty much just bet the minimum $10.00 each hand.

    I hope the lack of turn out doesnt end future tournaments.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    $1 mil tournament

    Made it to the third round. Only 1880 in chips. Couple players over 4000. What the chip counts like at Red River?

    BJMAILMAN Member

    $1 mil tournament

    I guess no one made it into the money from here. I know I didn't. Or did someone make at least something? I forgot to ask, did anyone here ask if there was going to be another one?
  5. Ikedog

    Ikedog New Member

    I made the semi final round. Was BR3 going into last hand & took high on BR1 &2. The dealer BJs. Cost me a seat on the final table & finished 11th. Not a bad payday but could have a LOT better.
  6. Kyle P

    Kyle P New Member

    I heard that the Lawton casino didn't want to contribute to the prize pool anymore. So next year there wouldn't be a big tournament.

    There would have to be several large tournaments throughout the year though.

    Has anyone heard who won this year????

    BJMAILMAN Member

    $1 mil tournament

    Here in Lawton all I heard was someone from Red River won. I figured that the quarterlies (players pool) should be going up $120000. But when I signed up for the next quarterly I was informed that the players pool probably will remain the same $25000. Earlier this year when new management arrived the players pool vanished. Players pools were $150000-$200000. Now all $25000. Where is the money?

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