
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, May 10, 2008.

  1. toonces

    toonces Member

    LeftNut, I was thrilled to hear from Rick that you won the whole thing. It's too bad we were in a rush to get back to Dallas, as I would have loved to see your final table. You definitely have a gift for this stuff. I hope your Dallas experience went well and I hope to see you in the August finals. :)
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Wow. That's all I can think of right now about these comments - Wow. Thank you all so much for the kind words and the congrats. The whole experience became totally surreal about halfway through the semi-finals, I kept trying to hang in there even though the brain more-or-less short-circuited at that point. It wasn't about the money (although that was mighty important! :D ), it was about proving something to myself, and perhaps to others as well.

    First of all, my apologies to John Ressman, whose name would have to be included in any conversation regarding who might be the best TBJ player on the planet. I got horribly, ridiculously lucky on the final hand of the semi-final to send John to the rail. He played me like a fiddle all the way through and only got boned because of my backdoor BJ on the final hand. I am sorry, John, you didn't deserve that, but I guess that's the way the cards fall sometimes.

    I'll post later when I'm not so exhausted, to respond to some of these wonderful remarks. They sure did run us ragged during that TV show taping after the tournament was completed and I'm just wiped out. But I have to say again to everyone who has posted - thank you so very much. And, also a deep thank you to all of the folks in the audience - my friends - who were yelling and hollering and rooting for me during the final table. To have folks of such lofty stature behind me like that just boggles my mind.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    One more thing - and twenty lashes on me for leaving out the most important Thank You's of all!

    When I said, a couple of weeks ago, that Deb and I were giving up the game, the avalanche of postings, emails, and PM's was astounding. Thanks to everyone who took the time to express their dismay. But, especially thank you to TXtourplayer Rick, who also reached in his pocket to put me in the Winstar tournament. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't even have been there. Thanks, buddy. I'll never forget it. :D
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Results Speak For Themselves

    Lefty, you're a hellava BJT player. The lucky cards found the best player. :1st:

    Congratulations buddy and good luck in the main event! It's the other 27 players who'll need the luck!
  5. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Congrats Left Nut

    You really had a cheering section for that fantastic final table win. Many of us stayed until the taping was completed at 10:30. Your limo ride to Dallas after that must have been really tiring after the emotional drain experienced in the game.
    Sorry I could not have been at the table with you, but close does not count. With only two of us at the semi-final table, I lost on the last hand after being being the leader since the countdown after round 15. But I was on the button & had to go all in. My opponent took the low, & the dealer made a hand so I was second. No cigar.
    My best wishes are with you to have great success in August. You deserve it.:) :) :)
  6. sweetteabird

    sweetteabird New Member

    Congrats You!!!

    Amazing BEAUTIFUL job Leftnut!!! It was so nice to see you again, after such a long time :) NOW shoot for the stars and win that 1 MILLION!!!!! :1st:
  7. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Add My Congrats


    It was a pleasure to meet you face to face at Winstar - and to be able to watch you bring down the house! Congrats and good luck in August.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Winstar $2mil

    I would like to add my congrats and goodluck in August. I keep writing about Oklahoma and how much you can make here. Eastexaspro getting close in the Comanche Nation $1mil tournament and now Leftnut making the $50000 plus a good chance at a $1mil. Me personally, I haven't been able to get away from work for a while (work Mon-Sat).
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I got this email from Linda Boyd:
    Want to congratulate Leftnut on his BJ win!!!!!
  10. The Landlord

    The Landlord New Member

    August 16th


    Let me start by saying congratulations on your monthly win! Kinda sucks that Rick gets a cut though, doesn't it? Oh well! Looking forward to playing against you at the final table for the 2 million dollar prize pool in August. FYI - I talked to Media 13 today and I was informed that they are going to film the final episode for "The Split" on July 26th. Probably in Dallas. Just thought I would let you know so that you could keep your schedule open. Again, congratulations and I can't wait for August!
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member



    Translated, it dont kinda suck! :cool:
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    A big THANK YOU to everyone!

    OK, some thoughts about all of these wonderful posts......

    Landlord, I don't regret one single penny of the split with Rick and never will. If he hadn't made that surprising offer to back me, I wouldn't have been there at all, and none of this would have happened.
    Regret is not my feeling about it - gratitude certainly is.

    As far as the upcoming St. Ignace tournament - of course that's now on the radar. But there's a chance that personal situations might interfere with Deb and I being able to attend. In addition, there's the new requirements regarding previous table play. While we did put in some good hours at the BJ table with Bellagio Tom and others, our bet level was microscopic. If they also count the "action" we gave on those dollar video poker machines, it shouldn't be a problem at all. But if they don't, we're probably screwed.

    Skipper ("Dreamer") was certainly talkin' to the cards during that final table. Everyone was sitting so that my back was to them, couldn't see anyone unless I turned around. But - MAN, could I hear them. Especially Skipper! He was calling for my cards on every turn, and was calling 'em right with amazing accuracy. Skip, you do need to work on that - you were calling the values right, but you kept screwing up on the suits. You need some practice!!!!! :laugh:

    Outside of the tournament results, it was just awesome to finally meet so many of the fine folks from this site. Putting faces with the online names was excellent! The only problem is that I'm so horrible about remembering that sort of thing, and the added distraction & stress of the victory followed by 2 1/2 days of filming the reality TV show pretty much fried my memory. When we meet again, please don't take any offense if I recognize you but can't pull a name out of the mental cobwebs. This also explains why I can't answer Schultzy's query about the final hand. While I can remember bits-n-pieces of that final table, someone else will have to recall details.

    I cannot thank everyone here enough for all of these postings. Good luck to all who plan on taking a whack at the next two Winstar qualifying tournaments, and I wish the same amazing luck to you! :D
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Nice going there LeftNut on your OK win. Now do it again in Aug. and make us all proud.

    Two things I want to cover since I have the soap box:
    1) Glad you changed your mind about leaving BJ Tournaments. Ya, victories are few and far between but when they come, in the words of that great comedian Jackie Gleason "HOW SWEET IT IS".

    2) I never, and I do mean never want to hear you apologizing for answering a teaser or other topics because of your lack of experience. You have proved that you definitely have valued input that many of us can put to use.

    Congrats again!!!
  14. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member


    Well done LeftNut!

    I have heard very good things about you from a mutual friend and you confirmed it in a great style. :1st:
    I guess next step for you will be taking the first place (second in the worse case ;) ) in the big final and collecting a cool million.
    Best wishes and congrats,

    S. Yama

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